Michael Morrow (ensemble leader)
Brule, Gace -
De bone amor
Dowland, John -
Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No.11, Lasso vita mia
Dowland, John -
Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No.12, In this trembling shadow
Dowland, John -
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 9. `What if I never speed`
Dowland, John -
Welcome black night
Halle, Adam de la -
Amours et ma dame aussi (Rondeau)
Halle, Adam de la -
Jeu de Robin et Marion
Halle, Adam de la -
Li dous regars de me dame
Halle, Adam de la -
Tant con je vivra (Rondeau)
Vaqueiras, Raimbaut de -
Kalenda Maia