1 Rest awhile you cruel cares
Be not more severe than love.
Beauty kills and beauty spares
And sweet smiles sad sighs remove.
Laura fair queen of my delight
Come grant me love in love`s despite
And if I ever fail to honour thee
Let this heav`nly light I see
Be as dark as hell to me.

2 If I speak my words want weight
Am I mute my heart doth break
If I sigh she fears deceit
Sorrow then for me must speak.
Cruel unkind with favour view
The wound that first was made by you
And if my torments feigned be
Let this heav`nly light I see
Be as dark as hell to me.

3 Never hour of pleasing rest
Shall revive my dying ghost
Till my soul hath repossessed
The sweet hope which love hath lost.
Laura redeem the soul that dies
By fury of thy murd`ring eyes
And if it proves unkind to thee
Let this heav`nly light I see
Be as dark as hell to me.

The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹12 `Rest awhile, you cruel cares`,  (Dowland)


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