Anatoliy Safiulin (basso)
Dmitriev, Georgi -
Tale of Bygone Years (The Primary Chronicle)
Fleishman, Veniamin -
Rotshild Violin, Opera
Genin, Vladimir -
Eternal Light, vocal cycle, poems by I. Bunin
Rubin, Vladimir -
Night Visions, monoopera based on poetry of Denis Davydov
Schubert, Franz -
Mass No.2 in G-dur for soloists, mixed chorus, orchestra and organ, D 167
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Six Romances on Verses by W.Raleigh, R.Burns and W.Shakespeare (1943), op. 62à
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Symphony No.14 for soprano, bass, strings and percussion (1969), op.135
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
`Big Lightning `, unfinished opera (1932)