Simon Stuchevsky

Simon Stuchevsky (piano)
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Abaza, Erast Ageevitch - `Utro tumannoe` (Misty Morning), a romance (I.Turgenev)
Anonymous, - Russian Folk Music
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `The Spanish Song` (M. Mikhailov) (1855), BM 9
Bellini, Vincenzo - Opera `La Sonnambula` (arias), B I. 7
Bulahov, Petr - Not for nothing I was afraid of meeting
Cui, Cézar - Ballads, songs
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander - I`m sad, romance, poem by M. Lermontov
Dmitriev, Nikolai Dmitrievich - Pine-Tree, romance
Fyodorov, Pavel - Prosti menya, prosti
Glazunov, Alexander - Ballads, songs and arias
Glinka, Mikhail - Can I Forget That... (1828), CG 46
Glinka, Mikhail - Mary, a song (1849), CG140
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `Doubt` (1838), CG101
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `How Nice To Be with You` (1840), CG119
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `I Remember a Wonderful Moment` (1840), CG120
Glinka, Mikhail - `Farewell to St. Petersburg`, vocal cycle based on poems by N.Kukolnik (selected romances), CG118
Grechaninov, Alexander - Songs, ballads
Gurilev, Alexander - At the dawn of the misty youth
Gurilev, Alexander - Birdy has flew away(A. Guriljev - S. Selsky)
Gurilev, Alexander - Heart - the toy (A. Guriljev -E. Guber)
Gurilev, Alexander - Monotonous booming bell (I.Makarov)
Malashkin, Leonid - `Oh, if I could express in a sound`
Oppel, Andrey - You Forgot
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): № 6 `Аn excerpt from Musset`, op.21/ 6
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Four Romances (1897), op. 42
Sheremetev, Boris - Ballads, songs and arias
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Romance on verses by A. Prokofiev `As if the Sky was More`
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Romance on verses by A. Prokofiev `Trees Sleepy`
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Romance on verses by A. Prokofiev `Under the Sun and Under the Showers`
Taneyev, Sergey - 10 Poems from Ellis`s collection Immortelles (1908) The Birth of the Harp Words by T. Moore, op. 26/ 1
Taneyev, Sergey - 7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): No. 3 `Mask`, op. 34/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1884): № 2 `On the Golden Cornfields`, Op. 57/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): № 5 `I Bless You, Forests`, Op. 47/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.3 `Bitterly and Sweetly` (Yevdokiya Rostopchina), Op. 6/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.5 `Why?` (Lev Mey), Op. 6/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1872-73): № 5 `So What?`, Op. 16/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1875): № 2 `As Over the Burning Ashes`, Op. 25/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1875, оp. 28): № 6 `A Terrible Moment`, Op. 28/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 3 `Amid a noisy ball` (A.K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Sixteen Songs for Children (1880/83): №16 `Children Song` (poem by K. Aksakov), Op. 54/16
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Siz Romances (1878): No. 4 `Oh, if You Could` (A. K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Twelve Romances (1886): № 3 Oh, if Only You Knew, Op. 60/ 3
Titov, Andrey - Ballads, songs and arias
Tolstoy, Mikhail - Ballads, songs and arias
Yakovlev, Mikhail - Elegy (A. Delvig)

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