Patrick Gallois

Patrick Gallois (flute)
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Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Concerto for Flute and Strings A-dur, Wq 168
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Concerto for Flute and Strings in a-moll, Wq 166
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Concerto for Flute and Strings in B-dur, Wq 167
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Concerto for Flute and Strings in G-dur, Wq 169
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Concerto for Keyboard (or Flute) and Strings in d-moll, Wq 22 (H.425 è Í.426)
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann - Duet for flutes No. 4 in F major, F 57
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann - Duet for flutes No. 5 in E flat major, F 56
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann - Duet for flutes No. 6 in F minor, F 58
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann - Duo for Flute in E minor ¹ 1, F 54
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann - Duo for flutes No. 2 in G major, F 59
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann - Duo for flutes No. 3 in E flat major, F 55
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Sonata for flute solo in a-moll (1747), Wq 132
Beethoven, Ludwig van - 10 National Airs with Variations for Flute and Piano (1818-19), op.107
Beethoven, Ludwig van - 6 National Airs with variations for Flute and Piano (1817-18), op.105
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Duo for two flutes in G-dur (1792), WoO 26
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Romance Cantabile for piano, flute, bassoon accompanied by two oboes and strings in e-moll, Hess 13
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Symphony in C-dur `Jena` (apocryphal) (1790s?), Anh. 1
Boulez, Pierre - Sonata for Flute and Piano (1946)
Carr, Benjamin - Federal Overture for Piano / Orchestra (1794)
Doppler, Albert Franz - Concerto for Two Flutes and Orchestra in d-moll
Dutilleux, Henri - Sonatina for Flute and Piano
Hewitt, James - New Federal Overture for Piano / Orchestra (1796)
Hewitt, James - New overture-medley for orchestra in C-dur (c. 1800?)
Hewitt, James - Overture-medley for orchestra in D minor / major (1798)
Jolivet, André - Chant de Linos for flute and piano (1944)
Kagel, Mauricio - Das Konzert for solo flute, harp, percussion and strings (2002)
Khachaturian, Aram - Violin Concerto in d-moll (1940), op. 46
Mendelssohn, Felix - Violin Concerto in e-moll (1844), op. 64
Messiaen, Olivier - `Le Merle Noir` (`Blackbird`) for Flute and Piano (1952)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra No.1 in G-dur (1778), KV313 (285c)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra No.2 in D-dur (1778), KV314 (285d)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Concerto for Flute, Harp and Îrchestra in C-dur (1778), KV299 (297c)
Nielsen, Carl - Flute Concerto (1926), FS119
Paganini, Niccolo - 24 caprices for solo violin, MS 25 (îð. 1)
Pleyel, Ignaz Josef - Concerto for Cello (or Flute or Clarinet) and Orchestra in C-dur (1797), Ben 106
Poulenc, Francis - Sextet for piano, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and French horn in C-dur, FP100
Poulenc, Francis - Sonata for Flute and Piano, FP164
Ravel, Mauãice - Introduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet and String Quartet (1905), M 46
Ravel, Mauãice - `Chansons madåcasses` for Soprano, Flute, Cello and Piano (1925-26), M 78
Ravel, Mauãice - `Ðoems de Stephane Mallarme` (1913), M 64
Reinagle, Alexander - Overture in G Major (1787)
Reinagle, Alexander - Overture `Occasional` for orchestra in D major (1794)
Reinecke, Carl - Ballade for Flute and Orchestra, op.288
Reinecke, Carl - Flute Concerto in D-dur, op.283
Rodrigo, Joaquin - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra (Concierto Pastoral)
Saint-Saens, Camille - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.2 in C-dur (1858), op. 58
Sancan, Pierre - Sonatine for flute and piano (1946)
Tabakov, Emil - Concerto for Two Flutes and Orchestra
Takemitsu, Toru - "Air" for flute solo
Takemitsu, Toru - "And Then I Knew "Twas Wind" for flute, violin and harp
Takemitsu, Toru - `Toward The Sea` for flute and guitar
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 1 A-dur, TWV 40: 2
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 2 a-moll, TWV 40: 3
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 3 in h-mol, TWV 40: 4
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 4 in B-dur, TWV 40: 5
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 5 in C-dur, TWV 40: 6
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 6 in d-moll, TWV 40: 7
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 7 in D-dur, TWV 40: 8
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 8 e-moll, TWV 40: 9
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹ 9 in E-dur, TWV 40: 10
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹10 in fis-moll, TWV 40: 11
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹11 in G-dur, TWV 40: 12
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Fantasia for Flute Solo ¹12 in g-moll, TWV 40: 13
Vasks, Pēteris - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra (2007-08, rev. 2011)
Vivaldi, Antonio - Concerto for flute, strings and basso continuo `La tempesta di mare` in F major, RV433 (op.10/1)
Witt, Friedrich - Symphony ¹14 in C-major `Jena` (ca. 1793)

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