Charles Brett

Charles Brett (countertenor)
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Anonymous, - 17th century
Arcadelt, Jacobus - Il bianco e dolce cigno, libro I/ 1
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot`, BWV 39
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten`, BWV 93
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Magnificat in D-dur (1732/1735), BWV 243
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Parts of compositions
Caimo, Giuseppe - Madrigal `Piangete valli` (Weep, Valleys)
East, Michael - Poor Is The Life
Gabrieli, Andrea - Due rose fresche (Two Fresh Roses) (madrigal)
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo - Madrigal `Viver lieto voglio` (I Want to Live Joyfully)
Gibbons, Orlando - The Silver Swan
Lassus, Orlando de - Madrigal `Matona mia cara` (Matona My Dear)
Lassus, Orlando de - Madrigal `S`io esca vivo` (If I Am the Living Lure)
Marenzio, Luca - Madrigal `Cruda Amarilli` (Cruel Amaryllis)
Marenzio, Luca - Madrigal `Gia torna a rallegrar l`aria e la terra` (Air and Earth Are Already Turning to Good Cheer)
Monte, Philippe de - Madrigal `Leggiadre ninfe` (Graceful Nymphs)
Monteverdi, Claudio - Sixth Book of Madrigals for Five Voices (1614): ¹ 1 `Lasciatemi morire`, SV107
Monteverdi, Claudio - Sixth Book of Madrigals for Five Voices (1614): ¹ 2 `Zefiro torna`, SV108
Morley, Thomas - My Bonnie Lass
Purcell, Henry - Birthday ode for Queen Mary `Come Ye Sons of Art` (1694), Z 323
Ramsey, Robert - Sleep Freshly Birth
Vecchi, Oracio - So ben, mi, c`ha bon tempo (The Weather is Good) (madrigal)
Vivaldi, Antonio - Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126), for contralto, strings and continuo, RV608
Vivaldi, Antonio - Stabat Mater for contralto, string and continuo in f-moll (1712), RV621
Wert, Giaches de - Vezzosi augelli (Charming Eyes) (madrigal)

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