Nikolai Seversky (bariton)
Abaza, Erast Ageevitch -
`Utro tumannoe` (Misty Morning), a romance (I.Turgenev)
Bakaleynikov, Nikolai -
Have pity on me, Romance
Beauvest, Beauvest -
Romance-Waltz `Frolic jubilant world`
Borisov, Boris -
I`m afraid your fiery eyes
Borisov, Boris -
Time Will Change
Davydov, Alexander -
Otoidi, ne glyadi, romance
Kushelev-Bezborozdko, Grigory -
You are not here, but you`re with me (N. N.), romance
Pashalov, Victor -
No, I could not pray for you, poem by A. Grogoriev
Radoshevskaya, Alexandra -
Chrysanthemums, romance
Spacek, V.I. -
Your Image, Romance
Steinberg, Mikhail -
My Wonderful Dream, Romance
Steinberg, Mikhail -
Romance `Under The Rose`, op.178
Tolstaya, Tatiana Konstantinovna -
Vilinsky, Alexandr -
Zubov, Nikolai -
Let me see you, romance
Zubov, Nikolai -
You Have To Love Me, Romance