Ceto Japaridze (contralto)
Armand, Pavel -
Clear Moon (Evening came down on a quiet Neva)
Bernarov, K. -
Ya vam ne govoryu
Chubinishvili, Georgy -
Just One Kiss
Falbinov, Peter -
How Good those Eyes are
Fomin, Boris -
For you, my friend
Fomin, Boris -
The Garden is Deserted
Gamaleja, Vsevolod -
Silver Lock. Autumn Romance
Guerchia, Alfons -
Net, ne ljubil on/No, he has not being in love, romance
Listov, Nikoly -
Nice Waltz
Panchin, A. -
Little Bird, Romance-Waltz
Perrote, Maria -
Do not tell me about him
Sorokhtin, Nikolai -
I waited for you, poem by A. Apukhtin
Steinberg, Mikhail -
I will fondle you, op. 96
Tolstoy, Mikhail -
Ballads, songs and arias
Vilinsky, Alexandr -