1 Now O now I needs must part
parting though I absent mourn.
Absence can no joy impart
joy once fled cannot return.
While I live I needs must love
Love lives not when hope is gone
Now at last despair doth prove
Love divided loveth none.
Sad despair doth drive me hence
this despair unkindness sends.
If that parting be offence
it is she which then offends!

2 Dear when from thee I am gone
Gone are all my joys at once.
I loved thee and thee alone
in whose love I joyed once.
And although your sight I leave
sight wherein my joys do lie
`Till that Death do sense bereave
never shall affection die.
Sad despair

3 Dear if I do not return
Love and I shall die together.
For my absence never mourn
whom you might have joined ever.
Part we must though now I die
Die I do to part with you;
Him despair doth cause to lie
who both loved and dieth true.
Sad despair

The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 6 `Now, O now, I needs must part` = `The Frog Galliard`,  (Dowland)
With `The Frog Galliard`. Recording - April 6-8, 2013, Suffolk.


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