Julian Bream (lute)
Anonymous, -
English Folk Songs
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Trio Sonata for Organ No.5 in C-dur (c.1730), BWV 529
Britten, Benjamin -
Parts of works
Campion, Thomas -
Come, let us sound
Campion, Thomas -
Song `Fair, if you expect admiring`
Campion, Thomas -
Song `Shall I come, sweet love`
Cutting, Francis -
Almaine, Pt. 2
Cutting, Francis -
Dlugoraj, Wojciech Adalbert -
Dlugoraj, Wojciech Adalbert -
Dlugoraj, Wojciech Adalbert -
Villanella ¹1
Dlugoraj, Wojciech Adalbert -
Villanella ¹2
Dowland, John -
Captain Digorie Piper`s Galliard, P. 19
Dowland, John -
Earle of Essex, His Gallard, P. 89
Dowland, John -
Forlorn Hope Fancy (Fantasie No.2), P. 2
Dowland, John -
Melancholy galliard, P. 25
Dowland, John -
Mrs. Vaux`s Jig, P. 57
Dowland, John -
Sir John Langton`s Pavan, P. 14
Dowland, John -
Songs from the collection `A Musicall Banquet` (1610): No.11, In darkness let me dwell
Dowland, John -
Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No. 9, Go nightly cares
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 4 `If my complaints`
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 5 `Can she excuse my wrongs`
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 6 `Now, O now, I needs must part` = `The Frog Galliard`
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹19 `Awake, sweet love`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 1 `I saw my Lady weep`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 3 `Sorrow, sorrow, stay`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹12 `Fine knacks for ladies`
Dowland, John -
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 9. `What if I never speed`
Ford, Thomas -
`Come, Phyllis, come`
Ford, Thomas -
`Fair, sweet, cruel`
Milan, Luis de -
Fantasy VIII
Milan, Luis de -
Fantasy IX
Milan, Luis de -
Fantasy XVI
Milan, Luis de -
Fantasy XXII
Milan, Luis de -
Pavana I
Milan, Luis de -
Pavana IV
Milan, Luis de -
Pavana V
Milan, Luis de -
Pavana VI
Milan, Luis de -
Tento I
Milan, Luis de -
Tres diferencias por otra parte
Molinaro, Simone -
Ballo detto il Conte Orlando
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia IX (nona)
Morley, Thomas -
Come sorrow, come
Morley, Thomas -
I saw my lady weeping
Morley, Thomas -
Mistress mine, well may you fare
Morley, Thomas -
Thirsis and Milla
Morley, Thomas -
What if my mistress now
Morley, Thomas -
With my Love my life was nestled
Mudarra, Alonso -
Fantasia X que contrahaze la harpa en la manera de Ludovico, Libro I, 12
Narvaez, Luys de -
Baxa de contrapunto, Libro VI, 4
Narvaez, Luys de -
Cancion I: Mille regretz, de Josquin des Pres (A thousand regrets) (Song of the Emperor), Libro III, 6
Narvaez, Luys de -
Conde Claros (diferencias), Libro VI, 1
Narvaez, Luys de -
Fantasia V, del quinto tono de conconancia, Libro I, 5
Narvaez, Luys de -
Fantasia XIII, del primer tono, Libro II, 5
Narvaez, Luys de -
Fantasia XIV, del primer tono, Libro II, 6
Narvaez, Luys de -
O gloriosa Domina diferencias, Libro IV, 1-6
Narvaez, Luys de -
Ya se asienta el rey Ramiro, Libro V, 1
Pilkington, Francis -
Sleep, Gentle Nymphs (The first volume of songs, 1605)
Rosseter, Philip -
Song `What is a day?`
Rosseter, Philip -
Song `When Laura smiles`
Rosseter, Philip -
Sweet, come again
Rosseter, Philip -
What then is love but mourning
Rosseter, Philip -
Whether men do laugh or weep
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for lute, 2 violins and basso continuo in D-dur, RV 93