Boris Christov

Boris Christov (bass)
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Alyabyev, Alexander - Nightingale (Solovei)
Anonymous, - Orthodox spiritual music: The Rivers of Babylon (Psalm 136 znamenny chant)
Anonymous, - Russian Folk Music
Anonymous, - Russian folk song “Do not tell Masha to go for a small river”
Anonymous, - Song `Twelve Brigands`
Anonymous, - Ukrainian folk song
Anonymous, - Vdol po Piterskoi, a Russian folk song
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Desert` (A. Zhemchuzhnikov) (1895), BM 89
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Dream` (Lermontov) (1903), BM.137
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `How to adjust` (L. May) (1895), BM 95
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Look, my friend` (V. Krasov) (1904), BM.144
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Nocturne` (A. Khomyakov) (1895), BM 94
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `November 7, When we dug up the grave of the leader` (A. Khomyakov) (1904), BM.142
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Pine` (M. Lermontov from Heine) (1895), BM 93
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Selim`s Song` (M. Lermontov) (1858), BM 30
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Song` (M. Lermontov) (1904), BM.146
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `Starless midnight breathed coolness` (A. Khomyakov) (1904), BM.141
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `The Dawn` (A. Khomyakov) (1909), BM.165
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `The Jewish Melody` (M. Lermontov from Byron) (1859), BM 32
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `The Knight` (C. Wilde) (1858), BM 26
Balakirev, Mily - Romance `The Melody` (Mei) (1903), BM.136
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Opera `Fidelio` (1805/1814), op. 72
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Opera `Fidelio` (arias), op. 72
Bellini, Vincenzo - Opera `Norma` (1831), B I. 8
Borodin, Alexander - Arabic Melody, Romance, AB 36
Borodin, Alexander - Beauty Fisherwoman, Romance, AB 9
Borodin, Alexander - Coast of the Distant Homeland, Romance, AB 34
Borodin, Alexander - Fake Note, Romance, AB 23
Borodin, Alexander - Listen, My Girlfriends, Romance, AB 8
Borodin, Alexander - My Tears, Romance, AB 27
Borodin, Alexander - Opera `Prince Igor` (1869-87), AB 25
Borodin, Alexander - Opera `Prince Igor` (arias), AB 25
Borodin, Alexander - Sea Princess, Romance, AB 21
Borodin, Alexander - Song of the Dark Forest, AB 22
Borodin, Alexander - The Nice Girl Stopped Loving, Romance, AB 7
Borodin, Alexander - The Sleeping Princess, Romance, AB 19
Borodin, Alexander - Wonderful Garden, Romance, AB 38
Bortniansky, Dmitriy - Many Years
Brahms, Johannes - German Requiem (1866), Op. 45
Chesnokov, Pavel - An Evening Victim, op.24¹6
Chesnokov, Pavel - Save Us, the Mighteous Lord!
Christov, DobrI - Nyne otpushchaeshi (Requiem)
Christov, DobrI - Praise the God`s Name
Cui, Cézar - 25 Poems by Pushkin, op. 57
Cui, Cézar - 8 romances, op. 55
Cui, Cézar - Ballads, songs
Dinev, Petr K. - The Thief on the Cross
Glinka, Mikhail - opera `A Life for the Tsar` (1836; originally Ivan Susanin), CG 87
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `Do Not Say That Hurts The Heart` (1856), CG150
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `How Nice To Be with You` (1840), CG119
Glinka, Mikhail - Song `The Maids Once Told Me, Grandfather` (1828), CG 38
Gluck, Christoph Willibald - Parts of compositions
Gounod, Charles - Opera `Faust`
Gounod, Charles - Opera `Faust` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Grechaninov, Alexander - Liturgia Domestica, op. 79
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Giulio Cesare` (1724), HWV 17
Kochetov, Nikolay R. - Blessed Man
Lyubimov, Nikolai - The Man is Blessed
Mascagni, Pietro - Opera `Iris`
Massenet, Jules - Opera `Don Quixote`
Meyerbeer, Giacomo - Opera `Robert le Diable` (1831)
Monteverdi, Claudio - Opera arias
Monteverdi, Claudio - Opera `L`incoronazione di Poppea` (1642), SV308
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Aspri rimorsi atroci` for bass and orchestra (1783), KV432 (421a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `Don Giovanni` (overture, arias, fragments), KV527
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Oratorio `La Betulia liberata` (1771), KV118 (74c)
Mussorgsky, Modest - Blokha, Song of Mephistopheles in Auerbach`s Cellar (1879), MM 73
Mussorgsky, Modest - Desire (1866), MM 32
Mussorgsky, Modest - Funeral letter, song (to lyrics by the composer) (1874), MM 60
Mussorgsky, Modest - Garden Blooms over the Don (1867), MM 46
Mussorgsky, Modest - Goat (1867), MM 45
Mussorgsky, Modest - Kolïbel`naya pesnya (Cradle Song), MM 30
Mussorgsky, Modest - Lullaby for Eremushka (1868), MM 48
Mussorgsky, Modest - On the Dnieper, Song (1879), MM 74
Mussorgsky, Modest - Opera `Boris Godunov` (1868-73), MM 52
Mussorgsky, Modest - Opera `Boris Godunov` (arias, fragments), MM 52
Mussorgsky, Modest - Opera `Khovanshchina` (1872-80), MM 57
Mussorgsky, Modest - Opera `Khovanshchina` (arias, fragments), MM 57
Mussorgsky, Modest - Picking Mushrooms (1867), MM 42
Mussorgsky, Modest - Pirushka (1867), MM 43
Mussorgsky, Modest - Prayer, song (lyrics by M. Yu. Lermontov), MM 25
Mussorgsky, Modest - Raek, MM 54
Mussorgsky, Modest - Romance `But if I could meet with you` (words by Kurochkin) (1863), MM 18
Mussorgsky, Modest - Romance `I have a lot of towers and gardens` (words by A. V. Koltsov), MM 17
Mussorgsky, Modest - Romance `What are the words of love for you` (lyrics by A. N. Ammosov), MM 13
Mussorgsky, Modest - Romance `Why, tell me, soul maiden`, MM 7
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Above the mountains quietly flew to heaven` (words by A. Tolstoy) (1877), MM 67
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Arrogance` (lyrics by A. Tolstoy) (1877), MM 71
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Calistrat` (1864), MM 24
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Classic` (lyrics by the composer) (1867), MM 47
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Evening song` (lyrics by A. N. Pleshcheev) (1871), MM 55
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Forgotten / He found death` (words by Golenishchev-Kutuzov) (1874), MM 64a
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Gopak` (1866/1868), MM 33
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Hey, Is Spinning a Young Man`s Job?` (lyrics by A. K. Tolstoy) (1877), MM 68
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `It Scatters and Breaks `(to lyrics by A. K. Tolstoy) (1877), MM 69
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Jewish Song / I am a field flower` (words by Lev Mey) (1867), MM 40
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `King Saul` (1863), MM 20
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Merry Hour`. Drinking Song (lyrics by A. V. Koltsov), MM 6
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Night` (1864/1868), MM 23
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Seminarist` (1866), MM 37
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Song of the Elder` (words by JV Goethe from` Wilhelm Meister `) (1863), MM 19
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Star, where are you?` (1857/1858/1863-66), MM 2
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `The Misunderstood Girl` (words by the composer) (1875), MM 65
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Unlike the Thunder, Trouble Struck (words by A. K. Tolstoy) (1877), MM 66
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Vision` (lyrics by Golenishchev-Kutuzov) (1877), MM 70
Mussorgsky, Modest - Song `Wanderer` (lyrics by F. Rückert, translation by A. N. Plescheev) (1878), MM 72
Mussorgsky, Modest - Strekotunia-Beloboka, MM 41
Mussorgsky, Modest - Svetik Savvishna (1866), MM 35
Mussorgsky, Modest - The Leaves Rustled Sadly, song (1859), MM 10
Mussorgsky, Modest - The Orphan, song (1868), MM 49
Mussorgsky, Modest - The Outcast: Otverzhennaya: opït rechitativa, MM 27
Mussorgsky, Modest - The Ragamuffin, song (1867), MM 44
Mussorgsky, Modest - The winds are blowing, violent winds song (lyrics by A. V. Koltsov), MM 22
Mussorgsky, Modest - `Childrens`, a song cycle (1868-72), MM 53
Mussorgsky, Modest - `Songs and Dances of Death`, a song cycle (1875-77), MM 64
Mussorgsky, Modest - `Without the sun`, a song cycle (1874), MM 58
Mussorgsky, Modest - Ïåñíÿ `Àõ, çà÷åì òâîè ãëàçêè ïîðîþ` (`Ìàëþòêà` (ñëîâà À. Í. Ïëåùååâà), MM 31
Mussorgsky, Modest - Ïåñíÿ `Äåòñêàÿ ïåñåíêà` (ñëîâà Ë. À. Ìåÿ), MM 50
Nielsen, Carl - Saul and David, Opera, CNW 1
Nikolaev-Strumsky, Apostol - Great Doxology (Velikoe slavoslovie)
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹ 6 `Christ is risen` (Merezhkovsky), op.26, ¹ 6
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹ 8 `I pray for mercy!`, op.26, ¹ 8
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹12 `The night is mournful`, op.26, ¹12
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-1893): ¹ 4 `Do not sing, my beauty, with me`, op. 4/4
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-93): ¹ 5 `Oh you, my corn field!` (Uzh ty, niva moja!),, op. 4/5
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): ¹ 1 `Fate`, op.21/ 1
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): ¹ 7 `Well here`, op.21/ 7
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Parts of Works
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - 2 Romances (1897), op. 49
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia` (arias), op.deest 51
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `The Maid of Pskov` (1868–72, rev. 1876–77, 1891–92, 1898–1901), op.deest 4
Serov, Alexander - Arias (from various operas)
Strokin, Mikhail - Now Lettest Thou (M. Strokin), with the chorus.
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Mazepa` (1881-83), TH 7
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Don Carlos` (1867)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Don Carlos` (arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Ernani` (1844)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `I masnadieri` (1847)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Les vêpres siciliennes` (1855)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Les vêpres siciliennes` (arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera «Macbeth» (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera «Simon Boccanegra» (1857)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Requiem (1874)
Wagner, Richard - Opera `Parsifal` (1857-82), WWV 111
Wagner, Richard - Opera `Tannhäuser`, WWV 70
Zinoviev, Vasiliy - We Sing for You

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