Paul Hillier

Paul Hillier (conductor)
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Abelard, Pierre - De profundis
Abelard, Pierre - Epithalamica
Abelard, Pierre - O quanta qualia, hymn
Abelard, Pierre - Planctus cigne
Abelard, Pierre - Planctus `David super Saul et Ionatha` (Planctus VI)
Abelard, Pierre - Virgines caste
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 198 `Muitas vezes vólv` o démo as gentes` (CSM 198)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 231 `Vertud` e sabedoría de ben á Santa María` (CSM 231)
Anonymous, - 13th century. Laudario di Cortona (Italy)
Anonymous, - 15th century
Anonymous, - 16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 14.Si la noche haze escura
Anonymous, - Scottish Songs
Arne, Thomas Augustine - Elegy on the death of Mr. Shenstone
Arne, Thomas Augustine - To soften care
Arras, Moniot - Ce fut en mai
Barnby, Joseph - Sweet and Low
Bornelh, Giraut de - Reis glorios
Bortniansky, Dmitriy - Cherubic Hymn ¹ 7 for chorus
Bortniansky, Dmitriy - Concerto ¹ 24 `Lifted up my eyes`
Bortniansky, Dmitriy - Concerto ¹ 32 `Tell them, Oh Lord, the end of mine`
Bortniansky, Dmitriy - Let My Prayer Arise
Bortniansky, Dmitriy - The concert No. 27 `Glasom moim ko Gospodu vozzvakh`, Russian sacred music
Brule, Gace - A la doucor de la bele seson
Brule, Gace - Les oisellons de mon païs
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Cantata `Accedite gentes`, BuxWV 1
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Cantata `Domine salvum fac regem`, BuxWV 18
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Cantata `Ecce nunc benedicite Domino`, BuxWV 23
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Cantata `Herren var Gud`, BuxWV 40
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Cantata `Pange lingua gloriosi`, BuxWV 91
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Missa brevis, BuxWV 114
Byrd, William - Ave verum corpus
Byrd, William - Mass for five voices
Byrd, William - Mass for Four Voices
Byrd, William - Mass for Three Voices
Byrd, William - Motet `Ne irascaris Domine`
Byttering, - En Katerine solennia a 3, motet
Byttering, - Nesciens mater a 3, motet
Cage, John - 36 Mesostics re and not re Marcel Duchamp, JC.deest
Cage, John - Aria for voice of any range (1958), JC.146
Cage, John - Experiences No.2, for voice (1948), JC. 96
Cage, John - Five, for any five instruments or voices (1988), JC.272
Cage, John - Litany for the Whale (1980), JC.229
Cage, John - Song Books (Solos for Voice 3–92), for one or more voices (August – October 1970), JC.191
Cage, John - The song `The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs` for low voice. 1942, JC. 53
Codax, Martin - Cantiga ¹1 `Ondas do mar de Vigo`
Codax, Martin - Cantiga ¹2 `Mandad’hei comigo`
Codax, Martin - Cantiga ¹3 `Mia irmana fremosa, treides comigo`
Codax, Martin - Cantiga ¹4 `Ai Deus, se sab’ora meu amigo`
Codax, Martin - Cantiga ¹5 `Quantas sabedes amar amigo`
Codax, Martin - Cantiga ¹7 `Ai ondas que eu vim veer`
Cooke, John - Ave regina a 3, motet
Cooke, John - Stella celi a 3, motet
Damett, Thomas - Beata Dei genitrix a 3, motet
Damett, Thomas - Salve porta paradisi a 3, motet
Denis, Don - A tal estado me adusse, senhor, cantiga
Denis, Don - Non sei como me salv`a mia senhor
Denis, Don - O que vos nunca cuidei a dizer, cantiga of love
Denis, Don - Poys que vos Deus, amigo, quer guisar
Denis, Don - Que mui gram prazer que eu hei, senhor
Denis, Don - Quix bem, amigos, e queree querrei, cantiga
Denis, Don - Senhor fremosa, nõ poss`eu osmar
Diletsky, Nikolay - Praise the Name of the Lord
Dufay, Guillaume - Gloria ad modum tubae
Dufay, Guillaume - Vergene bella, che di sol vestita
Fayrfax, Robert - Most clear of colour
Firenze, Giovanni da - Per larghi prati
Forest, - Ascendit Christus a 3, motet
Forest, - Qualis est dilectus a 3, motet
Galuppi, Baldassare - In the Flesh Thou Didst Fall Asleep
Gombert, Nicolas - Madia vita in morte sumus
Gombert, Nicolas - Missa Madia vita
Gombert, Nicolas - Musae Iovis
Gombert, Nicolas - O crux, splendidior
Gombert, Nicolas - Quam pulchra es
Gombert, Nicolas - Salve Regina
Heloise, - Epithalamica
Hermann von Reichenau, - Salve Regina
Holst, Gustav Theodore - In the Bleak Midwinter, carol for chorus, organ (1905), H 73/1
Josquin Desprez, - Chanson `Mille regretz` (A thousand regrets)
Josquin Desprez, - De Beata Virgin, Mass (1510)
Josquin Desprez, - Missa `Hercules Dux Ferrariae`
Josquin Desprez, - Motet `Absalon, fili mi`
Josquin Desprez, - Motet `Ave Maria`
Josquin Desprez, - Motets & Chansons
Josquin Desprez, - Petite camusette, chanson
Kancheli, Giya - `Evening Prayers` for 8 contralto and small orchestra (1992)
Lang, David - Evening morning day (2007)
Lang, David - For Love Is Strong (2007)
Lang, David - The Little Match Girl Passion (2007)
Lang, David - ``Again`` (after ``Ecclesiastes``) (2005)
Lang, David - ``I lie`` (2005)
Lason, Aleksander - `Called Back` for vocal ensemble and chamber orchestra
Lassus, Orlando de - Fleur de quinze ans, chanson (a 4)
Lassus, Orlando de - Stabat mater
Lawes, William - Song `She weepeth sore in the night`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Lai L11: Le lay de la fontienne - `Je ne cesse de prier`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Messe de Nostre Dame
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M10 `Helas! ou sera pris confors / Hareu! hareu! le feu / Obediens usque ad mortem`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M16 `Se j`aim mon loyal ami / Lasse! comment oublieray / Pour quoy me bat mes matris?`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M19 `Diligenter inquiramus / Martyrum gemma latria / A Christo honoratus`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M22 `Plange, regni respublica / Tu qui gregem tuum ducis / Apprehende arma et scutum et exurge`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M23 `Inviolata genitrix / Felix virgo / Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M5 `Qui plus aimme / Aucune gent m`ont demande / Fiat voluntas tua`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M7 `Lasse! je sui en aventure / J`ay tant mon cuer / Ego moriar pro te`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M11 `Fins cuers doulz / Dame, je sui cilz / Fins cuers doulz`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M13 `Eins que ma dame / Tant doucement m`ont attrait / Ruina`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M15 `Faus Samblant m`a deceu / Amours qui ha le pouoir / Vidi Dominum`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M18 `Bone pastor, qui pastores / Bone pastor, Guillerme / Bone pastor`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M2 `De souspirant / Tous corps qui de bien amer / Suspiro`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M20 `Biaute paree de valour / Trop plus est belle / Je ne sui mie certeins`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M21 `Veni creator spiritus / Christe, quie lux es / Tribulatio proxima est et non est qui adjuvet`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M3 `Fine Amour / He! Mors com tu es haie / Quare non sum mortuus`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M4 `Puisque la douce rousee / De Bon Espoir / Speravi`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet M9 `O livoris feritas / Fons totuis superbie / Fera pessima`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Motet Ì8 `Ha! Fortune / Qui es promesses de Fortune / Et non est qui adjuvet`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Rondeau R14 `Ma fin est mon commencement`
Machaut, Guillaume de - Virelai V13 `Quant je sui mis`
Marcabru, - L`autrier una sebissa
Marshall, Ingram - Hymnodic Delays (1997)
Mediolano, - Sanctus à 4
Milhaud, Darius - Cantate de la guerre - for mixed chorus a cappella (1940), op.213
Milhaud, Darius - Cantate de la paix - for male chorus and children`s chorus (1937), op.166
Morley, Thomas - `Aprill is in my Mistris face` (Madrigal)
Morley, Thomas - `Fyre and lightning` (Madrigal)
Morley, Thomas - `In nets of golden wyers` (Madrigal)
Morley, Thomas - `Miraculous love`s wounding` (Madrigal)
Morley, Thomas - `O Greefe even on the Bud` (Madrigal)
Morley, Thomas - `Sweet nimphe come to thy lover` (Madrigal)
Morley, Thomas - `When loe by breake of morning` (Madrigal)
Mouton, Jean - Ave Maria gemma virginum, motet
Muset, Colin - En mai, quant li rossignolet
Oliver, - Agnus Dei a 3
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - Canticum canticorum, cycle of 29 motets (1584)
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - Stanze sopra la Vergine
Parisiensis, Albertus - Congaudeant catholici, conduct for three voices
Part, Arvo - (Credo), for choir (1977)
Part, Arvo - 2 Slawische Psalmen for chorus or soloists (1997)
Part, Arvo - After the Victory (Dopo la vittoria), for choir (1996)
Part, Arvo - And One of the Pharisees for three voices (1992)
Part, Arvo - Berlin Mass, for choir and organ or string orchestra (1992)
Part, Arvo - Cantate Domino canticum novum for chorus or soloists and organ (1996)
Part, Arvo - Da pacem Domine, for mixed choir and a cappella soloists (2004)
Part, Arvo - De profundis for male choir, percussion and organ
Part, Arvo - Drei Hirtenkinder aus Fátima for mixed choir (2014)
Part, Arvo - Festina lente for string orchestra and harp (1988)
Part, Arvo - Habitare fratres in unum for mixed choir or vocal ensemble (2012)
Part, Arvo - I am the true vine, for a cappella mixed choir (1996)
Part, Arvo - Kleine Litanei for mixed choir (2015)
Part, Arvo - Littlemore Tractus, for mixed choir and organ (2000)
Part, Arvo - Magnificat, for choir (1989)
Part, Arvo - Miserere (Psalm 50), for soloist, choir and ensemble (1989)
Part, Arvo - Morning Star for mixed choir (2007)
Part, Arvo - Nunc Dimittis. Now dismiss your servant. (Luke 2, 29-32). 2001
Part, Arvo - On the Rivers of Babylon (An den Wassern zu Babel), for soloists or choir and organ or ensemble (1976/1984)
Part, Arvo - Peace upon you, Jerusalem, for women`s choir (2002)
Part, Arvo - Salve Regina, for mixed choir and organ (2001)
Part, Arvo - Sarah was ninety years old, for three soloists, percussion and organ (1977/1990)
Part, Arvo - Solfeggio for string quartet or saxophone quartet (2008)
Part, Arvo - Song of the Spinning Wheel (Es sang vor langen Jahren), for viola (voice), violin and viola (instrument) (1984)
Part, Arvo - Stabat Mater, for three soloists and string trio (1985)
Part, Arvo - The Deer`s Cry for chorus (2008)
Part, Arvo - The woman with the alabaster box (on Mt 26:6-13), for a cappella mixed choir (1997)
Part, Arvo - Tribute to Caesar, for mixed choir a cappella (1997)
Part, Arvo - `Veni creator` äëÿ ñìåøàííîãî õîðà èëè ñîëèñòîâ SATB è îðãàíà (2006)
Part, Arvo - `Virgin Mother of God ...`, for chorus (1990)
Pearsall, Robert Lucas - O Who Will O`er the Downs So Free for SATB, with piano
Pearsall, Robert Lucas - There is a Paradise on Earth, song for Alto, Tenor, 2 Bass, with piano accompaniment
Peire, Vidal - Pos tornatz sui en Proenca
Penalosa, Francisco de - Sancta Mater
Pennard, - Credo a 4
Perotin, Great - Alleluia posuiauditorium
Perotin, Great - Beata viscera
Perotin, Great - Dum sigillum
Perotin, Great - Isaias cecinit
Perotin, Great - Mors
Perotin, Great - O Maria virginei
Perotin, Great - Sederunt principes (1199)
Perotin, Great - Veni creator spiritus
Perotin, Great - Viderunt omnes (1198)
Power, Leonel - Beata progenies a 3, motet
Power, Leonel - Credo a 3
Power, Leonel - Sanctus a 3
Pycard, - Gloria a 4
Queldryk, - Gloria a 4
Rachmaninov, Sergei - All-Night Vigil for mixed choir (1915), op.37
Radulescu, Horatiu - Cinerum, op.108
Raimon, de Miraval - Aissi cum es genser pascors
Ravenscroft, Thomas - There were three ravens
Reich, Steve - Proverb
Reich, Steve - The Cave, opera in 3 acts (1989-1992)
Rudel, Jaufre - No sap chantar qui so non di
Rudel, Jaufre - Quan lo rius de la fontana
Rudel, Jaufre - `Lanquan li jorn son long en mai`
Saariaho, Kaija - Nuits, adieux
Saint Victor, Godfrey of - Planctus ante nescia
Saint-Victor, Adam de - Sequence In Natale
Saint-Victor, Adam de - Templum Cordis
Sancto Johanne, Matheus de - Are post libamina / Nunc surgunt in populo (motet)
Sarti, Giuseppe - Now the Powers of Heaven
Schubert, Franz - 4 Gesänge for men`s choir a cappella, D 983
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Gesang der Geister uber den Wassern`, D 538
Schubert, Franz - Quintet for Male Chorus `Sehnsucht`, D 656
Schubert, Franz - Quintet `Mondenschein`, D 875
Schutz, Heinrich - Die sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz (1657), SWV 478
Schutz, Heinrich - History of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, SWV 50
Schutz, Heinrich - Johannes-Passion (1666), SWV 481
Schutz, Heinrich - Lukas-Passion (1666), SWV 480
Schutz, Heinrich - Matthäus-Passion (1666), SWV 479
Schutz, Heinrich - Weihnachtsoratorium `Historia von der Geburt Jesu Christi` (1664), SWV 435
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Responsorio delle tenebre for six voices (2001)
Tallis, Thomas - O nata lux de lumine
Thibaut, IV - Ausi conme unicorne sui
Thibaut, IV - `Chançon ferai car talent m`en est pris`
Thibaut, IV - `Deus est ausi comme li pellicans`
Titov, Vasiliy - Glory - the only begotten Son
Tormis, Veljo - Kullervo`s Message (1994/2006)
Tunder, Franz - Dominus illuminatio mea, concerto for solists, 2 violins, continuo
Tuur, Erkki-Sven - Meditatio
Urrede, Juan de - Nunca fué pena mayor, Song (Never was there greater pain) (1470)
Vedel, Artemiy - Choral concert No. 1 On the Rivers of Babylon
Ventadorn, Bernart de - Ben m`an perdut
Ventadorn, Bernart de - Can l`herba fresch`e
Ventadorn, Bernart de - `Can vei la lauzeta mover`
Wilson, Ian - The Beloved and her Lover (2009)
Wycombe, Willelmo de - Sumer is icumen in

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