Parts of compositions,  (Bach)
Cantata BWV 177: 1, 4, 5. Martin Kremer - tenor, Karl Münch - violin I, Fritz Rein - horn, Carl Schaefer - fagot, Friedbert Sammler - harpsichord. Recorded: June 28, 1931, Leipzig.

Parts of compositions,  (Bach)
Cantata BWV 97: ¹ 2, 4, 7-9. Soprano - Ilse Kögel, contralto - Emmy Neiendorff, tenor - Max Meili, baritone - Karl August Neumann. Recorded: August 23, 1931, Leipzig.

Parts of compositions,  (Bach)
Cantata BWV 173: ¹ 3-6. Soprano - Ilse Kögel, contralto - Emmy Neiendorff, tenor - Max Meili, baritone - Karl August Neumann. Recorded: May 16, 1932, Leipzig.

Parts of compositions,  (Bach)
Cantata BWV 104: ¹ 6. Tenor - Hanns Fleischer. Organ - Max Fest. Harpsichord - Friedbert Sammler. Recorded: April 19, 1931, Leipzig.

Parts of compositions,  (Bach)
BWV 225: `Alles, was Odem hat, lobe den Herrn`. 1928.

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