Marsha Genensky

Marsha Genensky (voice)
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Anonymous, - 13th and 14th Century English Chant and Polyphony
Anonymous, - 13th century)
Anonymous, - 13th-14th centuries. Medieval monophony and polyphony
Anonymous, - 14th-16th century. Chant & polyphony from medieval England
Anonymous, - Early Music: Montpellier Codex (Montpellier, Bibliothèque Inter-Universitaire, Section Médecine, H196)
Anonymous, - English traditional: a noël `The Cherry Tree Carol`, XV c.
Anonymous, - English traditional: Awake, and join the cheerful choir
Anonymous, - English traditional: I saw three ships
Anonymous, - English traditional: The holly and the ivy
Anonymous, - Irish Traditional
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - A solis ortus cardine
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Alleluya: A nywe werke
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Ave Maria
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - De supernis sedibus
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Ecce quod natura
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Gabriel, fram heven-king
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Hodie Christus natus est
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Lullay, lullay: Als I lay on Yoolis night
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Lullay: I saw a swete semly syght
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Lux de luce
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Motet `Balaam de quo vaticinans`
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Motet `O nobilis nativitas/O mire dei/O decus virgineum/Apparuit`
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Motet `Orto sole serene/Origo viri/Virga Iesse`
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Motet `Prolis eterne genitor/Psallat mater gracie`
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Motet `Puellare gremium/Purissima mater`
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Nowel: Owt of your slepe aryse (carol)
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Omnes de Saba
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Peperit virgo
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Ther is no rose of swych vertu
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Tria sunt munera
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Verbum supernum prodiens
Anonymous, - Medieval carols and motets from England, 13th-15th century - Vox clara, ecce, intonat
Anonymous, - Scottish Songs
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Ave maria gracia plena
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Ave nobilis venerabilis
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Ave salus hominum
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Ave virgo virginum
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - De la mere au sauveor
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - De la tres douce Marie
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Je te pri de cuer par amors
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Mainte chançon ai fait
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Mater patris et filia
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Mundum renovavit
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - O maria o felix puerpera
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - O maria virginei
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Pia mater gratie
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Salve sancta parens
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Serena virginum
Anonymous, - Songs to the Virgin from 13th-century France - Verbum bonum et suave
Bituricensis, Alberico - Ad superni regis decus, conduct
Boneventinus, episcop - Lacobe sancte tuum, conduct
Bruges, Jocelin de - Quant florist la violete / Non orphanum / Et gaudebit
Callixtus, Pope - `Alleluia. Gratulemur et laetemur`
Chartres, Fulbert de - Psallat chorus celestium, Hymn
Chartres, Fulbert de - `Agnus Dei. Qui pius ac mitis es`
Chartres, Fulbert de - `In hac die laudes cum gaudio`
Cologne, Franco of - J`ai mis toute ma pensee - Je n`en puis - [Puerorum]
Cologne, Franco of - Psallat chorus/Eximie pater/Aptatur
Davies, Peter Maxwell - A Calendar of Kings
Fontaine, Jean de la - Quant se depart / Onques ne soi / Docebit omnem
Fortunatus, Venantius - Salve festa dies
Fournival, Richard de - Amours mi font souffrir/En mai/Flor Filius, motet
Hildegard fon Bingen, - 11,000 Virgins: Chants for the Feast of St. Ursula
Landini, Francesco - Abbonda di virt· chi sanza vizio
Landini, Francesco - Angelica biltà venut`è in terra
Landini, Francesco - Cara mie donna, vivi omai contenta
Landini, Francesco - Che cosa è questa, Amor, che `l ciel produce
Landini, Francesco - Ecco la primavera
Landini, Francesco - Gram piant` a gli ochi, greve dolgli` al core
Landini, Francesco - La bionda treccia di fin or colore
Landini, Francesco - Lasso! per mie fortuna ho posto amore
Landini, Francesco - Muorti oramai, deh misero dolente
Landini, Francesco - Nella mi` vita sento men venire
Landini, Francesco - Nella partita pianson gli ochi miei
Landini, Francesco - Non ara may pieta questa mia dona
Landini, Francesco - Non do la colp`a te del duol ch`i` porto
Landini, Francesco - Ochi dolenti mie, che pur piangete
Landini, Francesco - Per allegreta del parlar d`amore
Landini, Francesco - Quanto più caro fai
Landini, Francesco - Se pronto non sara l`uom al ben fare
Legalis, Johannes - `Vox nostra resonet`
Malines, William of - `Clemens servulorum genitus tuorum`
Parisiensis, Albertus - Congaudeant catholici, conduct for three voices
Perotin, Great - Beata viscera
Soissons, Jocelin of - Gratulantes celebremus festum
Tassin, - Amours, dont je sui / L`autrier, au douz mois / Chose Tassin, motet
Tavener, John - The Lamb (1982)
Troyes, Ato - Nostra phalanx plaudat leta, conduct
Troyes, Ato - O auditor... Portum in ultimo

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