Michael Posch

Michael Posch (conductor, flute)
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Agricola, Alexander - A La Mignonne De Fortune
Agricola, Alexander - Adieu M"Amour
Agricola, Alexander - Allez, Regretz
Agricola, Alexander - Ay Je Rien Fet
Agricola, Alexander - Cecus Non Iudicat De Coloribus
Agricola, Alexander - De Tous Bien Plaine
Agricola, Alexander - Et Qui La Dira
Agricola, Alexander - Fortuna Desperata
Agricola, Alexander - Guarde Vostre Visage
Agricola, Alexander - J"Ay Beau Huer
Agricola, Alexander - S"Il Vous Plaist
Agricola, Alexander - Soit Loing Ou Pres
Agricola, Alexander - Sonnes Muses Melodieusement
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 10 `Rósa das rósas e Fror das frores` (CSM 10)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 18 `Por nos de dulta tirar` (CSM 18)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 206 `Quen soubér Santa María ben de coraçôn amar` (CSM 206)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 213 `Quen sérve Santa María, a Sennor mui verdadeira` (CSM 213)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 295 `Que por al non devess` óm` a Santa María servir` (CSM 295)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 322 `A Virgen, que de Déus Madre éste, Filla e crïada` (CSM 322)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 340 `Virgen Madre grorïosa` (CSM 340)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 361 `Null` óme per ren non deve a dultar` (CSM 361)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 48 `Tanto son da Grorïosa séus feitos mui pïadosos` (CSM 48)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 60 Entre Av` e Éva (CSM 60)
Anonymous, - 13th-14th centuries. Music of medieval pilgrims
Anonymous, - 14th century
Anonymous, - 14th century Lamento di Tristano / La rotta (Italy)
Anonymous, - 14th century. Estampie
Anonymous, - 15th century
Anonymous, - 16th Century
Anonymous, - 17th century
Anonymous, - Early Music: Codex Faenza (Biblioteca Communale, Faenza)
Anonymous, - Early Music: Pilgrim Songs from the Monastery of Montserrat. (Spain, 1400-1420)
Anonymous, - XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 1.O Virgo splendens (O shining maiden)
Anonymous, - XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 6.Cuncti simus concanentes (Let`s sing together)
Anonymous, - XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 8.Mariam, matrem virginem, attolite (Praise to Mary, Most Pure Mother of God)
Bologna, Jacopo da - Aquila altera
Bologna, Jacopo da - Aspire refus
Bologna, Jacopo da - Elas mon cuer ( Codex Faenza)
Bologna, Jacopo da - Untitled (Codex Faenza)
Castille, Blanche de - Amours, u trop tart me sui pris
Damen, Hermann von - Reymar, Walter, Robyn, Nithart
Dufay, Guillaume - Urbs beata Jerusalem
Hawarth, - Nu Klus Ich
Landini, Francesco - Non ara may pieta questa mia dona
Lienz, Burgraf von - Es giene ein juncfrou minneclich
Lullius, Raymundus - Cantaben els ocells
Machaut, Guillaume de - Honte, paour, doubtance
Palazol, Berenguier de - Ai tal domna com ieu sai
Palazol, Berenguier de - Tant m`abelis
Regenbogen, Barthel - Got vater sprach zu Abraham
Reuental, Neidhart von - Meie, din liehter schin
Riquier, Guiraut - Humils, forfaitz, repres e penedens
Rubin, - Nieman zu fro sol prysen
Rudel, Jaufre - `Lanquan li jorn son long en mai`
Rumelant, Meister - Der wibe name grozer ist dan vrouhen lob
Sant Joan, Monk of - Ara lausatz, lausat, lausat
Sonnenburg, Friedrich von - Ich sunge gerne hubschen sanc
Sonnenburg, Friedrich von - Verschamter munt
Ventadorn, Bernart de - `Can vei la lauzeta mover`
Vogelweide, Walther von der - Palestinian Song
von Montfort, Hugo - Fro welt, ir sint gar hupsch und schon
Wolkenstein, Oswald von - Es nahet gen der vasennacht


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