Alexander Weimann

Alexander Weimann (conductor)
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Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Widerstehe doch der Sünde` (1714), BWV 54
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Magnificat in D-dur (1732/1735), BWV 243
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Oratorio `Johannes-Passion` (1724), BWV 245
Berezovsky, Maksym - Demofonte, opera (fragments) (1773)
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Membra Jesu Nostri, cycle of cantatas: 1.Ad pedes (To the feet), BuxWV 75.1
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Membra Jesu Nostri, cycle of cantatas: 2.Ad genua (To the knees), BuxWV 75.2
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Membra Jesu Nostri, cycle of cantatas: 3.Ad manus (To hands), BuxWV 75.3
Caldara, Antonio - Baptism of Clovis, King of France, oratorio (1715)
Carissimi, Giacomo - Ezechias, oratorio
Carissimi, Giacomo - Historia di Job, oratorio
Carissimi, Giacomo - Oratorio `Jephte`
Carissimi, Giacomo - Oratorio `Jonah`
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich - `Harmonische Freude musikalischer Freunde` II ¹ 22: Song `Trocknet euch, ihr heissen Zähren` (1710)
Handel, George Frideric - Mass `Sapientiae` for solo voice and orchestra (apocryphal?), HWV 245
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Alcina` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Atalanta` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Fernando, Re di Castiglia` (arias), HWV 30
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Flavio` (arias), HWV 16
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Lotario` (arias), HWV 26
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Orlando` (1733), HWV 31
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Orlando` (arias)
Kuhnau, Johann - Cantata «Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern» for soloists, choir, strings and continuo
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Bella quanto crudel spietata Irene, cantata for soprano, continuo
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cantata `Ombre tacite e sole`
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Motet `Infirmata, vulnerata` for Alto and Strings
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Non so qual più m’ingombra (Cantata pastorale), H.476
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph - Concerto for flute, strings and basso continuo in D-dur WV 342
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph - Concerto for harpsichord and string orchestra in F-dur WW 281
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph - Concerto for oboe, bassoon, strings and basso continuo in Es-dur WV 345
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph - Concerto for Piano, Violin and String Orchestra in A-dur WV 325

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