Janos Malina (conductor)
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Auf, werte Gäst` for soprano / tenor, 2 violins and continuo, T.431
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Augen, streuet Perlentränen` (From these eyes, tears like pearls ...) for alto, tenor, strings and continuo, T.432
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Das Gewitter im Aprilen` (Thunderstorm in April) for tenor, 2 violins and continuo, T.434
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Der Widder Abrahams` (Sacrifice of Abraham) for viola, tenor, 2 violins and continuo, T.436
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Die freuderfüllten Abendstunden` (Joyous Evening Hours) for soprano, strings and continuo, T.437
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Es muss die Sinne ja erfreuen` (Joy for the senses) for tenor, 2 violins and continuo, T.438
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Geliebtes Vaterherz` for bass, strings and continuo, T.439
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Guter Walter unsers Rat` for tenor, strings and continuo, T.440
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Hör, grosser Mäcenat` for viola, strings and continuo, T.441
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Mäcenas lebet noch` for viola, strings and continuo, T.442
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `Mein Leben, dessen Kreuz` (My life is my cross) for tenor of strings and continuo, T.443
Pachelbel, Johann -
Aria `O grosses Musenlicht` for tenor, strings and continuo, T.444