Charlotte de Rothschild (soprano)
Barber, Samuel -
Three Songs, op. 2
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Dolente immagine di Fille mia, B II. 2
Dupont, Gabriel -
Poèmes d`automne, song cycle (1904)
Faure, Gabriel -
Le jardin clos (1914), op.106
Hahn, Reynaldo -
20 Mélodies for Voice and Piano (2nd book): ¹14 `A Chloris` (1913)
Liszt, Franz -
Song `S`il est un charmant gazon` for voice and piano, S.284
Mendelssohn, Felix -
6 songs (1834-36), op. 34
Rossini, Gioachino -
Canzonetta `Mi lagnerò tacendo`, GR IV.33
Rossini, Gioachino -
`Sins of old age` (1857-68): Vol.11, ¹ 6 - Aragonese (Girl from Aragon), QR114
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
6 songs for voice and piano (published 1876)
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
6 songs for voice and piano (published 1897)
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Les papillons, Mélodie for vocal and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `Am See` for voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `Auf den Bergen` (In the mountains) for voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `Das Flotte Herz` (Heart of the Fleet) for voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `Der Komet` (Comet) for voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `Die Gletscher leuchten` for voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
song `Komm! Geh `mit mir in`s Waldesgrün` (Come! Come with me to the green forest) for voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `O sage nicht!` (Oh do not speak!) For voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `Seitdem du mich verlassen` (Since You Left Me) for voice and piano
Rothschild, Mathilde von -
Song `So war die Sonne scheinet` for voice and piano
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Seligkeit` (”Freuden sonder Zahl”) (”Minnelied”), D 433
Spohr, Ludwig -
Song `Nachgefühl`, WoO 91