Nina Postavnicheva (voice)
Abaza, Erast Ageevitch -
`Utro tumannoe` (Misty Morning), a romance (I.Turgenev)
Afanasev, Leonid Viktorovich -
íå ãðóñòè do not be sad
Bakalov, Leonid Ovanesovich -
on the nightingale night
Bulahov, Petr -
Not for nothing I was afraid of meeting
Chesnokov, Pavel -
Let My Prayer Come True, op.24¹6
Kabalevsky, Dmitriy -
Song `School Years`
Kats, Sigizmund -
under the sound of wheels
Kazhlaev, Murad -
Liadova, Ludmila -
on the Don steppe expanse
Luban, Isaak -
I `ll go out into the field
Makarov, Valentin A. -
Mendelssohn, Felix -
6 Zweistimmige Lieder (1836/45), op. 63
Mokrousov, Boris -
Molchanov, Kirill -
Song `All Dreams Come True, Comrade` (lyrics by V.Bakhnov)
Novikov, Anatoliy -
The Guitar rings over the River (Lev Oshanin)
Novikov, Anatoliy -
white birch
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Four Songs to Words by Dolmatovsky, op. 86
Solovyov-Sedoy, Vasiliy -
dewy grasses are good in meadows
Tabachnikov, Modest -
ñêàæè, ìîÿ ïîäðóãà Tell me, my friend