Gérard Lesne

Gérard Lesne (countertenor)
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Bach, Iohann Michael - Ach, wie sehnlich wart` ich der Zeit, aria
Bach, Iohann Michael - Auf, lasst uns den Herren loben, aria
Bach, Johann Christoph - Cantata (Vocal Concerto) `Ach, dass ich Wassers g`nug hätte`
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Ach, lieben Christen, seid getrost`, BWV 114
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats`, BWV 42
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott`, BWV 80
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist`, BWV 45
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht`, BWV 105
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Schlage doch, gewünschte Stunde` (ca. 1730?), BWV 53
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Widerstehe doch der Sünde` (1714), BWV 54
Bach, Iohann Michael - Es ist ein grosser Gewinn, aria
Bach, Johann Christoph - Lamentatio `Wie bist du denn, o Gott`
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Magnificat in D-dur (1732/1735), BWV 243
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Messe in F-dur, BWV 233
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Missa brevis G-dur, BWV 236
Bernier, Nicolas - Cantata `Aminte Et Lucrine` (1723)
Blow, John - An Ode on the death of Mr. Henry Purcell (1695)
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista - Cantata `Siedi, amarilli mia` for Alto, Strings and Continuo
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista - Già la stagion d`amore, cantata for viola, strings and b. c.
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista - Lasciami un sol momento, for alto and continuo
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista - Misero pastorello, cantata for viola, strings and b. c.
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista - Trio sonata d-moll
Borlet, - Ma tre dol rosignol joly
Brossard, Sebastien de - Dialogus poenitentis animae cum Deo, oratorio (1695)
Brossard, Sebastien de - Leçons des morts (Óðîêè ìåðòâûõ): First Lesson
Brossard, Sebastien de - Leçons des morts (Óðîêè ìåðòâûõ): Fourth Lesson
Brossard, Sebastien de - Leçons des morts (Óðîêè ìåðòâûõ): Third Lesson
Byrd, William - O Lord, within thy tabernacle, song
Caldara, Antonio - Cantata `D`improvviso amor ferisce`
Caldara, Antonio - Cantata `Medea in Corinto`
Caldara, Antonio - Cantata `Soffri, mio caro Alcino`
Caldara, Antonio - Cantata «Vicino a un rivoletto»
Caserta, Antonello da - Amour m`a le coeur
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Death of Jonathan and Saul, Oratorio (1681-82), H.403
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Epitaph, cantata H 474, H.474
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Lesson of Darkness on Holy Thursday for alto, continuo (1690), H.139
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Magnificat for soloists, choir, violins and continuo (c. 1690?), H. 80
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Prélude for 2 instruments, continuo (1673), H.510
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Tanquam ad latronem, Responsorie (1690), H.133
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Cantata `Pirame et Tisbé`, op. 10
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Domine salvum, Motet C. 152
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Domine salvum, Motet C. 157
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Domine salvum, Motet Ñ. 158
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Exultet omnium, Motet C. 112
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Magnificat anima mea, Motet C. 136
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - O deliciis affluens, Motet C. 109
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - O piissima, o sanctissima, Motet C. 13
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Panis angelicus, Motet C. 131
Clerambault, Louis-Nicolas - Salve Regina, Motet C. 114
Cordier, Baude - Belle, bonne, sage; rondo
Cordier, Baude - Rondo `Se cuer d`amant par soy humilier`
Cordier, Baude - Tout par compas suy composes; rondo
Courbois, Philippe - Cantata `L`amant timide`
Cuvelier, Johannes - Se Galaas et le puissant Artus
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No. 5, Shall I strive with words to move
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No. 8, Tell me, true Love
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No.10, From silent night`
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No.11, Lasso vita mia
Dowland, John - Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No.14, Thou mighty god
Dowland, John - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 4 `If my complaints`
Dowland, John - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 5 `Can she excuse my wrongs`
Dowland, John - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹17 `Come again sweet love doth now invite`
Dowland, John - The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 2 `Flow my tears`
Dowland, John - The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹12 `Fine knacks for ladies`
Galuppi, Baldassare - Arripe alpestri ad vallem, Motet
Galuppi, Baldassare - Confitebor tibi, Domine, Motet
Goscalch, - En nul estat n`a si grant fermete, Ballad
Gossec, François Joseph - Te Deum
Guido, - `Dieux gart`
Guido, - `Or voit tout`
Handel, George Frideric - Cantata `Carco sempre di gloria` (1737), HWV 87
Handel, George Frideric - Cantata `La Lucrezia` (`O Numi eterni`), HWV 145
Handel, George Frideric - Cantata `Mi palpita il cor`, HWV 132c
Handel, George Frideric - Cantata `Splende l`alba in oriente`, HWV 166
Hasse, Johann Adolf - Pilgrims to the Holy Sepulchre, oratorio (1742)
Jommelli, Nicolo - `Lamentations of prophet Jeremiah on Wednesday of Holy Week`
Josquin Desprez, - Missa `Pange Lingua`
Lambert du Buisson, Jacques - Plainte Sur La Mort De Monsieur Lambert (1696)
Landini, Francesco - Questa fanciull`, Amor, fallami pia
Molins, Pierre des - De ce que foul pense souvent remaynt
Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de - Il Dispetto in Amore
Monteverdi, Claudio - Exulta filia Sion (motet), SV303
Monteverdi, Claudio - Fuge, fuge anima mea (motet), SV305
Monteverdi, Claudio - Lapidabant Stephanum (motet), SV207
Monteverdi, Claudio - Lauda Jerusalem (motet), SV202
Monteverdi, Claudio - O bone Jesu, O piissime Jesu (motet), SV313
Monteverdi, Claudio - O quam pulchra es, amica mea, motet for solo tenor, SV 317, SV317
Monteverdi, Claudio - Salve Regina, SV326
Monteverdi, Claudio - Spuntava il di (motet), SV255
Padova, Bartolino da - Imperial sedendo, madrigal (14th century)
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - Salve Regina f-moll, P. 78
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - Stabat Mater for soprano, alto, choir, strings and organ (1734), P. 77
Purcell, Henry - Arias
Purcell, Henry - Cantata `If ever I more riches did desire`, Z 544
Purcell, Henry - Incidental Music `Oedipus`, Z 583
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cantata `Cleopatra, mia reina` (`Marc`Antonio e Cleopatra`), H.121
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cantata `Clori e Mirtilla`
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cantata `E pur vuole il cielo e amore`, H.233
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cantata `Filen, mio caro bene` (`Filli che esprime la sua fede`), H.263
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cantata `Leandro, anima mia` (`Ero e Leandro`), H.379
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cantata `Questo silenzio ombroso`, H.616
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Motet Salve Regina for Alto and Strings
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Motet Salve Regina for Alto, Soprano and Strings
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Motet `De Tenebroso Lacu` for Alto and Strings
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Motet `Infirmata, vulnerata` for Alto and Strings
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Motet `Stabat Mater`
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Oratorio `Il Sedecia, re di Gerusalemme`
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Quae est ista, Motet
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Totus Amore Languens, Motet for Viola and Strings
Senleches, Jacob - La harpe de melodie
Stuck, Jean-Baptiste - Cantata `Les Festes Bolonnoises`
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Harmonischer Gottes-dienst, part I: Kantata ¹ 3 `Ihr Völker, hört` for Contralto, Flute & Basso Continuo, TWV 1: 921
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Harmonischer Gottes-dienst, part I: Kantata ¹ 7 `Erscheine, Gott, in deinem Tempel` for Contralto, Flute & basso continuo, TWV 1: 471
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Harmonischer Gottes-dienst, part I: Kantata ¹12 `Was ist mir doch das Rühmen nütze` for Contralto, Flute & Basso Continuo, TWV 1:1521
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Harmonischer Gottes-dienst, part III: Kantata ¹44 `Kein Vogel kann im Weiten Fliegen` for Soprano, Flute & basso continuo, TWV 1: 994
Vivaldi, Antonio - Cantata `Amor, hai vinto`, RV683
Vivaldi, Antonio - Cantata `Cessate, omai cessate` (1729), RV684
Vivaldi, Antonio - Cantata `Perfidissimo cor! Iniquo fato!`, RV674
Vivaldi, Antonio - Cantata `Vengo a voi, luci adorate`, RV677
Vivaldi, Antonio - Introduction `Cur sagittas, cur tela`, RV637
Vivaldi, Antonio - Introduction `Filiae mestae`, RV638
Vivaldi, Antonio - Introduction `Non in pratis aut in hortis`, RV641
Vivaldi, Antonio - Motet `Vestro Principi divino`, RV633
Vivaldi, Antonio - Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126), for contralto, strings and continuo, RV608
Vivaldi, Antonio - Salve regina, RV616
Vivaldi, Antonio - Salve regina, RV618
Vivaldi, Antonio - Stabat Mater for contralto, string and continuo in f-moll (1712), RV621


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