Leo Taubman (piano)
Berlioz, Hector -
Song Cycle `Les Nuits d`été` (excerpts)
Boito, Arrigo -
Îpera `Mephistopheles` (arias)
Caccini, Giulio -
Le nuove musiche: Madrigale `Amarilli, mia bella`
Calleja, Rafael -
Granadinas for Voice & Piano
Cilea, Francesco -
Opera `L`arlesienne` (arias)
Dello Joio, Norman -
Song `There is a lady sweet and kind`
Donaudy, Stefano -
36 arias in the old style, notebook 2nd
Giordani, Tommaso -
Arietta `Caro mio ben`
Gluck, Christoph Willibald -
Opera `Paride ed Elena` (overture, arias, fragments)
Grieg, Edvard -
4 Melodies of the Heart (poetry H.C.Andersen) (1864-65), op. 5
Grieg, Edvard -
Six Songs (1884-88), op.48
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Xerxes` (arias)
Martini, Jean Paul Egide -
Romance `Plaisir d’Amour` (1784)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Aria `Misero! O sogno, o son desto` for tenor and orchestra (1783), KV431 (425b)
Obradors, Fernando -
Canciones Clásicas Españolas, notebook 1: 6.`Del cabello más sutil`
Obradors, Fernando -
Canciones Clásicas Españolas, notebook 3: 1.`Tres morillas`
Paisiello, Giovanni -
Opera `L`amor contrastato, o sia La molinarella` (arias)
Pasquini, Bernardo -
Cantata D`amore
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista -
Tre giorni son che Nina, aria for voice and continuo, P.106
Pizzetti, Ildebrando -
5 Liriche
Quilter, Roger -
3 Shakespeare Songs for Voice and Piano (1905), op. 6
Quilter, Roger -
Old English Popular Songs (1921)
Quilter, Roger -
The Arnold Book of Old Songs
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Six Romances (1889-93): ¹ 3 `In the silence of the secret night`, op. 4/3
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Twelve Romances (1896): ¹ 2 `The isle`, op.14, ¹ 2
Sarti, Giuseppe -
Opera `Armida e Rinaldo` (arias)
Scarlatti, Alessandro -
Aria `Cara e dolce` for Voice & Continuo
Scarlatti, Alessandro -
Opera `Il Flavio` (arias)
Scarlatti, Alessandro -
Oratorio `Il Sedecia, re di Gerusalemme` (arias)
Scarlatti, Alessandro -
Pyrrhos and Demetrius, opera arias
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Der Jüngling an der Quelle` (”Leise rieselnder Quell”), D 300
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Der Musensohn` (”Durch Feld und Wald zu schweifen”) (Op.92/1), D 764
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Nacht und Träume` (Heil`ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder!”) (Op.43/2), D 827
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Seligkeit` (”Freuden sonder Zahl”) (”Minnelied”), D 433
Schumann, Robert -
Fuenf Lieder und Gesaenge (1850-51), Op.127
Schumann, Robert -
Sechs Gedichte for sopran (or tenor) and piano `Aus dem Liederbuch eines Mahlers, von Reinick`, Op. 36
Schumann, Robert -
Song Cycle`Dichterliebe`, Op. 48
Schumann, Robert -
`Myrthen` (separate songs), Op. 25
Stradella, Alessandro -
Opera `Le gare dell`amor eroico` (1679, arias)
Wolf, Hugo -
Eichendorff-Lieder: ¹ 2 `Der Musikant`
Wolf, Hugo -
Eichendorff-Lieder: ¹ 3 Verschwiegene Liebe
Wolf, Hugo -
Italienisches Liederbuch I (1890-91): ¹17 `Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft II): ¹ 17 (5) `Der Gärtner`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 37 (13) `Heimweh`