Gennady Sachenyuk (military conductor)
Agapkin, Vasiliy -
Farewell of Slav
Alexandrov, Alexandr -
Alexandrov, Alexandr -
Song `Song of the 27th Division` (N. Krasnopolsky)
Alexandrov, Alexandr -
The song `Enduring and legendary` (O. Kolychev) (1943)
Alexandrov, Alexandr -
The song `The Holy Lenin`s Banner` (O. Kolychev) (1943)
Blanter, Matvey -
`Sun has hidden behind a mountain`, a song (lyrics by A. Kovalenkov) (1948)
Dunayevsky, Isaac -
When I rode from Berlin (lyrics by L. Oshanin)
Pahmutova, Alexandra -
Let`s Bow to those Great Years
Pokrass, Dmitriy -
If Tomorrow the War
Rybnikov, Alexey -
Rock opera "Juno and Avos"
Solovyov-Sedoy, Vasiliy -
Druzia-odnopolchane/Where are you now, my friends, fellow soldiers?
Solovyov-Sedoy, Vasiliy -
The Nightingales (lyrics by A. Fatianov)