James Jordan (organ)
Sowerby, Leo -
Anthem `All They from Saba Shall Come`
Sowerby, Leo -
Anthem `An Angel Stood by the Altar of the Temple`
Sowerby, Leo -
Anthem `Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire`
Sowerby, Leo -
Anthem `Jesu, Bright and Morning Star`
Sowerby, Leo -
Anthem `Lovely Infant`
Sowerby, Leo -
Anthem `Whoso Dwelleth`
Sowerby, Leo -
Christians, to the Paschal Victim, anthem for chorus (SATB), organ
Sowerby, Leo -
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D major for chorus (SATB), organ
Sowerby, Leo -
Psalm `O God of Light`
Sowerby, Leo -
Psalm `Thou Art My Strength`