Terezinha de Jesus
A Condessa The Countess
Senhora Dona Sancha
O Cravo Brigou com a Rosa The Carnation Fought The Rose
Pobre Cega Poor Blind Woman
Passa Passa Gavião Go Away Go Away Hawk
Xô Xô Passarinho Shoo Shoo Little Bird
Vamos Atrás de Serra Calunga Let`s Go to the Mountain Calunga
Fui no Tororó I went to Tororó
O Pintor de Cannahy The Painter of Canai
Nesta Rua Nesta Rua In This Street
Olha o Passarinho Dominé Look at the Little Bird Dominé
À Procura de uma Agulha Looking for a Needle
A Canoa Virou The Canoe Capsized
Que Lindos Olhos! What Beautiful Eyes!
Có Có Có Cheep Cheep Cheep

Cirandas (1926), W220 (Villa-Lobos)
No. 1: Terezinha de Jesus. 1973


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