1.Das Wandern / To Wander B♭ major
2.Wohin / Whither G major
3.Halt? / Stay? C major
4.Danksagung an den Bach / Thanks to the Brook G major
5.Am Feierabend / The Hour of Rest A minor
6.Der Neugierige / The Eager Questioner B major
7.Ungeduld / Impatience A major
8.Morgengruss / Good Morning C major
9.Des Müllers Blumen / The Miller`s Flowers A major
10.Tränenregen / Shower of Tears A major
11.Mein / Mine D major
12.Pause / Interlude B♭ major
13.Mit dem grünen Lautenband / With the Green Lute-riband B♭ major
14.Der Jäger / The Hunter C minor
15.Eifersucht und Stolz / Jealousy and Pride G minor
16.Die liebe Farb / The Favorite Color B minor
17.Die böse Farbe / The Hated Color B major
18.Trockne Blumen / Withered Flowers E minor
19.Der Müller und der Bach / The Miller and the Brook G minor
20.Des Baches Wiegenlied / The Brook`s Lullaby E major

Song cycle `Die schöne Müllerin` (after W. Müller), op.25 (1823), D 795 (Schubert)
Recorded in 1980, Dresden.


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