1. Like sunbeams on a coffin decorated with sweet smelling flowers
2. Like the twinkling of stars in the blue sky at sunset
3. Like light and the depths
4. Like the refraction of sunbeams in the waves
5. Like the twinkling of a pearl of dew in the sun on a beautiful summer`s morning
6. Longing - Despair - Ecstasy
7. Soul of the world - Abyss - All Soul`s day
8. I Wish...!
9. Chaos - Ruin - Far and near
10. Flowers wither
11. Glimpse of the sum through tears
12. Bells pealing Look! He comes
13. The Gospel Of Flowers - From The Far Distance
14. The new day
15. The end Antichrist - Christ

Music of the Spheres (Sfaererned Musik), for soprano, chorus, orchestra & distant orchestra (1918),  (Langgaard)
Gitta-Maria Sjoberg (soprano) / Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra & Choir / con. G.Rozhdestvensky / CD 1997 (Chandos Records)


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