1. Vesna nastupila The spring is opened
Text by D. Manuchin
2. Sumerki Dusk `The dusk sinks sadly down on the earth....`
Text by Daniil Rathaus * 1868
3. Zvyozdy nochu vesenney ... Stars in a spring night
Text by Ivan Aleksejevich Bunin 1870-1953
4. Snova son A new dream
Text by Ivan Aleksejevich Bunin 1870-1953
5. Temnyje tuchi Dark clouds
Text by Daniil Rathaus * 1868
6. O chto so mnoj Oh what is with me
Text A. Solomon
dedicated to Ilja Alexandrovich Saz
7. O ne vpletay tsvetov Oh do not twine the flowers
Text by Daniil Rathaus * 1868
8. Berberskaya pesnya A Berber song `I love you until the cursed death...`

8 Songs for Voice and Piano, op. 18 (Gliere)
Oh, don`t weave flowers (an old Russian romance in the treatment of R. Glier) Moscow 1945


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