1. January. By the fireplace.
And a peaceful bliss corner
The night was clothed with twilight.
The fire goes out in the fireplace
And the candle burned out.
A. S. Pushkin

2. February. Maslenitsa.
Carnival is coming soon.
A wide feast will boil.
P. A. Vyazemsky.

3. March. The song of the lark.
The field is filled with flowers
Waves of light are pouring in the sky.
Spring larks singing
The blue abysses are full.
A. N. Maikov

4. April. Snowdrop.
The blue one is clean
Snowdrop flower
And the underside is draughty
The last snowball.
The last tears
About the grief of the past
And the first dreams
About other happiness...
A. N. Maikov

5. May. White nights.
What a night! What a bliss on everything!
Thank you my native midnight land!
From the kingdom of ice from the kingdom of blizzards and snow
How fresh and clean your May is flying out!
AA Fet

6. June. Barcarole.
Let`s go ashore there are waves there
Our feet will be kissed
Stars with mysterious sadness
They will shine above us.
A. N. Pleshcheyev

7. July. The song of the mower.
Wake up shoulder
Swing your arm!
You smell in your face
The wind has been blowing since noon!
A.V. Koltsov

8. August. The harvest.
People with families
They began to press
Mow down the root
Rye is high!
In the copes are frequent
The sheaves are stacked.
From carts all night
Skrypit music.
A.V. Koltsov

9. September. Hunting.
It`s time it`s time! Horns are blowing
Dogs in hunting gear
What the hell are they sitting on horses for?;
Greyhounds jump on their packs.
A. S. Pushkin

10. October. Autumn song.
Autumn our whole poor garden is crumbling
The yellow leaves are flying in the wind ...
A. K. Tolstoy

11. November. On the troika.
Don`t look longingly at the road
And don`t rush after the three
And the dreary anxiety in my heart
Put it out forever as soon as possible.
N. A. Nekrasov

12. December. Yuletide
Once in the Epiphany evening
The girls were guessing
Behind the gate is a slipper
After removing it from the leg they threw it.
V. A. Zhukovsky

`The Seasons` 12 characteristic pieces for piano (1875-76), Op. 37b (Tchaikovsky)


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