Pierre Boulez

Pierre Boulez (conductor)
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Adamek, Ondrej - Endless Steps, for orchestra (2006-08)
Bartok, Bela - 2 Pictures, BB 59
Bartok, Bela - 4 Orchestral Pieces, BB 64
Bartok, Bela - Cantata Profana for tenor, barotine, choir and orchestra, BB100
Bartok, Bela - Concerto for Orchestra, BB123
Bartok, Bela - Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 1, BB 91
Bartok, Bela - Concerto for Two Pianos, Percussion and Orchestra, BB121
Bartok, Bela - Concerto for Viola and Orchestra, BB128
Bartok, Bela - Dance Suite for Orchestra, BB 86a
Bartok, Bela - Divertismento for string orchestra, BB118
Bartok, Bela - Hungarian Pieces (Magyar kepek), BB103 (Sz.97)
Bartok, Bela - Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, BB114
Bartok, Bela - Opera `Bluebeard`s Castle`, BB 62
Bartok, Bela - Piano Concerto ¹ 2 in G-dur, BB101
Bartok, Bela - Piano Concerto ¹ 3, BB127
Bartok, Bela - Rhapsody No.1 for Violin and Orchestra (1928-29), BB 94b
Bartok, Bela - Rhapsody ¹ 2 for Violin and Orchestra, BB 96
Bartok, Bela - The Miraculous Mandarin, BB 82
Bartok, Bela - The Miraculous Mandarin, Suite, BB 82b
Bartok, Bela - Violin Concerto ¹ 1, BB 48a
Bartok, Bela - Violin Concerto ¹ 2, BB117
Bartok, Bela - `Wooden Prince`, ballet, BB 74
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Cantata `Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt` for Mixed Choir and Orchestra in D-dur, op.112
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Piano Concerto No.5 in Es-dur (`Emperor`, 1809), op. 73
Berg, Alban - Chamber Concerto for piano, violin and 13 winds (1923-25)
Berg, Alban - Concert aria `Wine` on poems by Stefan George after Charles Baudelaire (1929)
Berg, Alban - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (1935)
Berg, Alban - Opera `Lulu` (1928-1935)
Berg, Alban - Opera `Wozzeck` (1914-1922), Op. 7
Berg, Alban - Sieben fruehe Lieder for Voice and Orchestra (1905-1907)
Berg, Alban - Three Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 6
Berg, Alban - `Lulu-Suite`, symphonische stücke aus der Oper `Lulu` for soprano and orchestra (1934)
Berio, Luciano - Allelujah II, for five orchestra groups (1958)
Berio, Luciano - Corale (su `Sequenza VIII`) per violino, due corni e archi (1980-81)
Berio, Luciano - Eindrucke
Berio, Luciano - Quatre dedicaces
Berio, Luciano - Ritorno degli snovidenia, per violoncello e piccola orchestra (1976-77)
Berio, Luciano - Symphony for eight voices and orchestra
Berio, Luciano - `Chemins 2` for viola and nine instruments (1967)
Berio, Luciano - `Chemins IV` (su `Sequenza VII`), for oboe and eleven string instruments (1975)
Berio, Luciano - `Points on the curve to find...` for piano and 22 instrumentalists (1974)
Berio, Luciano - `Serenata I` (1957), for flute and 14 instruments
Berlioz, Hector - Song Cycle `Les Nuits d`été` (1841), op. 7 (H 81)
Berlioz, Hector - Song Cycle `Tristia`, op. 18, H 119
Berlioz, Hector - Symphonie fantastique (1830), op. 14
Berlioz, Hector - `Lélio, ou le retour à la vie`, monodrame lyrique for narrator, tenor, baritone, chorus and orchestra (1831/1855), op. 14b
Birtwistle, Harrison - ... agm ... for 16 voices and 3 instrumental ensembles (1979)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Earth Dances (1986)
Birtwistle, Harrison - The Triumph of Time for orchestra (1971)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Tragoedia (1965)
Boulez, Pierre - ... explosante-fixe ..., for solo flutes MIDI and two flutes, chamber orchestra, electronics (version 1990)
Boulez, Pierre - cummings ist der dichter, 2ème version 1986 pour seize voix solistes, choeur mixte et ensemble instrumental
Boulez, Pierre - Derive I for ensemble (1984)
Boulez, Pierre - Derive II for eleven instruments (2006)
Boulez, Pierre - Doubles, for orcherstra (1958)
Boulez, Pierre - Eclat, for fifteen instruments (1965)
Boulez, Pierre - Figures, Doubles, Prismes, 2ème version 1968
Boulez, Pierre - Improvisations II
Boulez, Pierre - Le Marteau sans mastre, for Voice and Six Instruments (1953-55/1957)
Boulez, Pierre - Le Visage nuptial
Boulez, Pierre - Livre pour cordes
Boulez, Pierre - Memoriale (... Explosante-fixe ... Originel) for flute and eight instruments (1985)
Boulez, Pierre - Messagesquisse, for Cello solo and six Cellos (1976)
Boulez, Pierre - Notations in 4 movements for symphony orchestra (1980)
Boulez, Pierre - Pli selon pli (1957-1989)
Boulez, Pierre - Repons, for six soloists, chamber ensemble, and electronics (1984)
Boulez, Pierre - Rituel in memoriam Bruno Maderna (1975) for large chamber ensemble in eight groups
Boulez, Pierre - Sur Incises, for three pianos, three harps and three percussions (1998)
Boulez, Pierre - `Eclat-Multiples`
Boulez, Pierre - `Le Soleil des eaux` pour soprano, choeur mixte et orchestre (1965)
Bruckner, Anton - Symphony No. 8 in c-moll (1884-87, 1887-90), WAB.108
Carter, Elliott Cook - A Mirror on Which to Dwell (Six Poems of Elizabeth Bishop) (1975)
Carter, Elliott Cook - A Symphony of Three Orchestras (1976)
Carter, Elliott Cook - Interventions for Piano and Orchestra
Carter, Elliott Cook - Oboe Concerto (1986-87)
Carter, Elliott Cook - Penthode (1984-85)
Carter, Elliott Cook - Reflexions
Carter, Elliott Cook - What are years
Cerha, Friedrich - Impulse, for orchestra (1992-93)
Dalbavie, Marc-Andre - Diademes, for Viola solo, instrumental and electronics ensembles (1986)
Dalbavie, Marc-Andre - Seuils, for soprano, orchestra and electronics (1991)
Dallapiccola, Luigi - Five songs for baritone and eight instruments
Davidovsky, Mario - Synchronisms No. 7, for orchestra and electronic sounds (1974)
Debussy, Claude - Ballet `Jeux` (`Games`, 1912), L 126
Debussy, Claude - Images pour orchestre (1906-12), L 122
Debussy, Claude - Nocturnes for orchestra and Womens Choir (1897-99), L 91
Debussy, Claude - Opera `Pelleas et Melisande` (1892-1902)., L 88
Debussy, Claude - Rhapsody for Clarinet & Piano (1909-10), L 116
Debussy, Claude - `La mer`, three symphonic sketches (1905), L 109
Debussy, Claude - `Le martyre de Saint Sébastien` for Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra (1911), L 124
Debussy, Claude - `Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun` (`Prélude à l`après-midi d`un faune`), inspired by Mallarme`s poem (1892-94), L 86
Debussy, Claude - `Spring` - Symphonic Suite (1887), L 61
Dufourt, Hugues - Antiphysis for Flute and Chamber Orchestra (1978)
Falla, Manuel de - Ballet `El Sombrero de tres picos` (1919)
Ferneyhough, Brian - Funerailles I for 7 strings and harp (1969-77)
Ferneyhough, Brian - Funerailles II for 7 strings and harp (1969-80)
Garant, Serge - Circuit III (1973)
Grisey, Gérard - Modulations (1978)
Handel, George Frideric - Orchestral Suite `Music for the Royal Fireworks`, HWV 351
Handel, George Frideric - Orchestral Suite `Water Music`, HWV 348-350
Haydn, Joseph - Symphony No.103 in Es-dur `Mit dem Paukenwirbel` (1795), Hob I:103
Haydn, Joseph - Symphony No.104 in D-dur `Salomon` (1795), Hob I:104
Janacek, Leos - Capriccio `Vzdor` (Defiance) for Piano Left-Hand and Chamber Ensemble, JW 7/12
Janacek, Leos - Glagolitic Mass (Glagolská mše), for soloists, double chorus, organ and orchestra (1926), JW 3/9
Janacek, Leos - Sinfonietta (1926), JW 6/18
Kagel, Mauricio - String Sextet (1953/57)
Kurtag, György - Messages de Feu Demoiselle R. V. Troussova (1976-80), op. 21
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Chamber Concerto for 13 instruments
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Ramifications for string orchestra or 12 solo strings
Ligeti, Gyorgy - `Adventures`, the music theater of the absurd
Liszt, Franz - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1830-56), S.124
Liszt, Franz - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in A-dur (1839, 1848-61), S.125
Mahler, Gustav - 5 Rückert Songs
Mahler, Gustav - Cantata `Das klagende Lied` for soloists, chorus and orchestra
Mahler, Gustav - Song Cycle `Des Knaben Wunderhorn` (1887-90)
Mahler, Gustav - Song Cycle `Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen`
Mahler, Gustav - Symphonic poem `Totenfeier` (1888)
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony No. 6 in a-moll `Tragische` (1903/04, 1906)
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony No. 8 `Symphonie der Tausend` in Es-dur for 3 sopranos, 2 contralto, tenor, bass, boy`s choir, 2 mixed choirs, organ and orchestra
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony No.10 in F sharp major (unfinished)
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 1 in D-dur `Titan`
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 2 `Auferstehung` in c-moll for Soprano, Contralto, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 3 in d-moll for alto, women`s chorus and orchestra
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 4 in G-dur (1899/1900, 1901-10)
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 5 in cis-moll
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 7 in e-moll `Lied von der Nacht` (1904/05)
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 9 in D-dur
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony-cantata `Das Lied von der Erde` a for tenor, alto/baritone and orchestra (1910)
Mahler, Gustav - `Kindertotenlieder`, a song cycle (1901-04)
Messiaen, Olivier - Chronochromie, orchestral (1960)
Messiaen, Olivier - Couleurs de la Cite Celeste, solo piano and ensemble (1963)
Messiaen, Olivier - La Ville d’en haut, for piano, winds and percussion (1987)
Messiaen, Olivier - Réveil des oiseaux, for piano and orchestra (1953)
Messiaen, Olivier - Sept Haikai for piano and orchestra (1962)
Messiaen, Olivier - Un vitrail et des oiseaux, for piano and orchestra (1986)
Messiaen, Olivier - `Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum`, for wind, brass and percussion (1964)
Messiaen, Olivier - `L`Ascension: Quatre Méditations Symphoniques` for orchestra (1932/33)
Messiaen, Olivier - `Oiseaux exotiques` for Piano and Ensemble (1955-56)
Messiaen, Olivier - `Poemes pour Mi`, for soprano and piano (1936)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concerto ¹ 1 in F-dur (1767), KV 37
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concerto ¹ 2 in B-dur (1767), KV 39
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concerto ¹ 3 in D-dur (1767), KV 40
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concerto ¹ 4 in G-dur (1767), KV 41
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Piano Concerto ¹26 in D-dur `Krönungskonzert` (1788), KV537
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Serenade ¹10 in B-dur for winds `Gran Partita` (1781), KV361 (370a)
Neuwirth, Olga - Clinamen / Nodus (1999)
Nono, Luigi - `Incontri` for 24 instruments (1955)
Poppe, Enno - Obst, for Orchestra (2006)
Poppe, Enno - Zug, for seven winds (2008)
Prokofiev, Sergey - `Ala and Lolli` Scythian Suite for large orchestra (1914), op. 20
Ravel, Mauãice - Ballet `Mother Goose` (Ma mire l oye), M 62
Ravel, Mauãice - Bolero, for orchestra (1928), M 81
Ravel, Mauãice - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra ¹ 2 in D-dur (for Left Hand, 1929-30), M 82
Ravel, Mauãice - Piano Concerto ¹ 1 in G-dur (1929-31), M 83
Ravel, Mauãice - Song Cycle `Sheherazade` for Soprano (or Tenor) & Orchestra (1903), M 41
Ravel, Mauãice - Valse, a choreographic poem (La valse) (1920), M 72
Ravel, Mauãice - `Chansons madåcasses` for Soprano, Flute, Cello and Piano (1925-26), M 78
Ravel, Mauãice - `Fanfare`, a dance for the children`s ballet `L`éventail de Jeanne`(1927), M 80
Ravel, Mauãice - `Menuet antique` for piano (1895), orchestra (1929), M 7
Ravel, Mauãice - `Miroirs`, cycle of pieces for piano (1904-05), M 43
Ravel, Mauãice - `Rapsodie espagnole` for Orchestra (1907), M 54
Ravel, Mauãice - `Scheherazade`, overture (1898), M 17
Ravel, Mauãice - `Valses nobles et sentimentales` for piano (1911), orchestra (1912), M 61
Schoenberg, Arnold - 2 Canon on Goethe
Schoenberg, Arnold - 3 Choirs (German folk song) (1948), op. 49
Schoenberg, Arnold - 3 satire for mixed chorus (1925/26), op. 28
Schoenberg, Arnold - 3 small pieces for chamber orchestra (1910)
Schoenberg, Arnold - 4 pieces for mixed chorus (1925), op. 27
Schoenberg, Arnold - 4 songs for voice and orchestra (1913/16), op. 22
Schoenberg, Arnold - 5 pieces for orchestra (1909), op. 16
Schoenberg, Arnold - 6 pieces for male chorus (1930), op. 35
Schoenberg, Arnold - Chamber Symphony ¹1 for 15 solo instruments (1906), op. 9
Schoenberg, Arnold - Chamber Symphony ¹2, op. 38
Schoenberg, Arnold - Concerto for piano and orchestra (1942), op. 42
Schoenberg, Arnold - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 36
Schoenberg, Arnold - Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, for voice and piano quintet (1942), op. 41
Schoenberg, Arnold - Psalm 130 `De profundis` for mixed choir a cappella (1949-1950), op. 50b
Schoenberg, Arnold - Suite for piano, clarinet, clarinet-piccolo, bass-clarinet, violin, viola and cello. Op.29, 1925., op. 29
Schoenberg, Arnold - Variations for Orchestra, op. 31
Schoenberg, Arnold - `A Survivor from Warsaw` (1947), op. 46
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Die glückliche Hand` drama with music (1913), op. 18
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Dreimal tausend Jahre` for mixed choir (1949), op. 50a
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Erwartung`, monodrama for soprano and orchestra (1909), op. 17
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Friede auf Erden` (1907), op. 13
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Gurre Lieder` for soloist, chorus and orchestra (1900, orchestrated 1911)
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Herzgewächse` for soprano and ensemble (1911), op. 20
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Kol nidre` for chorus and orchestra, (1938), op. 39
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Modern psalm` for narrator, mixed chorus and orchestra (1950, unfinished), op. 50c
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Pelleas and Melisande`, tone poem for orchestra (1902-1903), op. 5
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Pierrot Lunaire` for Voice and Instruments to words by Albert Giraud (1912), op. 21
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Verklärte Nacht` for String Sextet (1899, rev. 1943), op. 4
Schubert, Franz - Symphony No.9 in C-dur `Die Große` (1825-58), D 944
Scriabin, Alexander - 2 poems, Op. 32
Scriabin, Alexander - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 20
Scriabin, Alexander - Prometheus (Poem of Fire), Op. 60
Scriabin, Alexander - `Poem of Ecstasy` (1907, Op. 54
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Funf weitere Sternchen for orchestra (2007), KSC.123
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kontra-Punkte for 10 instruments (1952-53), KSC. 11
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Kreuzspiel for oboe, bass clarinet, piano and 3 percussionists (1951), KSC. 5
Strauss, Richard - `Also sprach Zarathustra`, tone poem (1896), op. 30
Stravinsky, Igor - 8 instrumental miniatures (1962), K037b
Stravinsky, Igor - Ballet `Histoire du Soldat` (1918), K029
Stravinsky, Igor - Ballet `L’oiseau de feu` (1910), K010
Stravinsky, Igor - Ballet `Pulcinella` (1920), K034
Stravinsky, Igor - Ballet `The Rite of Spring`s` (1913/1947/1967), K015
Stravinsky, Igor - Concertino for 12 instruments (1952), K035b
Stravinsky, Igor - Concertino for String Quartet (1920), K035
Stravinsky, Igor - Concerto for Chamber Orchestra in E-flat major `Dumbarton Oaks` (1938), K060
Stravinsky, Igor - Double Canon Raoul Dufy memory for string quartet (1959), K092
Stravinsky, Igor - Elegy for J.F.K. (1964), K100
Stravinsky, Igor - Four Songs for mezzo-soprano, flute, harp and guitar (1953-54), K083
Stravinsky, Igor - Four studies for orchestra (1928-29), K051
Stravinsky, Igor - In Memoriam Dylan Thomas, for tenor, string quartet, and four trombones (1954), K084
Stravinsky, Igor - Opera `Nightingale` (1908-14), K018
Stravinsky, Igor - Parts of Works
Stravinsky, Igor - Pastorale (1907), K006
Stravinsky, Igor - Scherzo fantastique for large orchestra (1907-08), K005 (op. 3)
Stravinsky, Igor - Symphonies of Wind Instruments. To the memory of Claude Achille Debussy 1920, rev. 1947), K036
Stravinsky, Igor - Symphony in Three Movements (1942-45), K073
Stravinsky, Igor - Symphony of Psalms for chorus and orchestra in three parts on the Latin texts of the Old Testament (1930), K052
Stravinsky, Igor - Three Japanese Lyrics for sopranî and chamber orchestra (1912-13), K016
Stravinsky, Igor - Three Little Songs (from the recollections of my childhood) for voice and piano (1913), K017
Stravinsky, Igor - Three Songs from William Shakespeare (1953), K081
Stravinsky, Igor - Three Tales for Children - for voice and piano (1916-17), K024
Stravinsky, Igor - Two poems by Konstantin Balmont (1911/1954), K013
Stravinsky, Igor - Two poems by Paul Verlaine (1910/1951), K011 (op. 9)
Stravinsky, Igor - Two Spiritual Songs from the Spanish Book of Songs by H. Wolf (1968), K108
Stravinsky, Igor - `Cats Cradle Songs` for contralto and three clarinets (1915-16), K022
Stravinsky, Igor - `Ebony Concerto` for Clarinet & Jazz Ensemble (1945), K074
Stravinsky, Igor - `Fireworks` - A fantasy for large orchestra (1908), K007
Stravinsky, Igor - `Les Noces` (1923), K040
Stravinsky, Igor - `Petrouchka`, funny scenes in the 4 paintings by Igor Stravinsky and Alexander Benois, ballet (1911), K012
Stravinsky, Igor - `Pribautki` - Song games for Medium Voice and 8 Instruments (1914), K020
Stravinsky, Igor - `Renard: Histoire burlesque` (1917), K023
Stravinsky, Igor - `Zvezdoliky`, cantata for male chorus and orchestra on poems by K. Balmont (1911-12), K014
Szymanowski, Karol - Concerto for violin and orchestra No.1, op. 35
Szymanowski, Karol - Symphony No.3 `Song of the Night`, op. 27
Varese, Edgard - Ameriques for large orchestra (1918-21, rev. 1927)
Varese, Edgard - Hyperprism (1922-23)
Varese, Edgard - `Arcana` for large orchestra (1925-27)
Varese, Edgard - `Deserts` for brass (14 winds), percussion (5), piano, and tape (1950—1954)
Varese, Edgard - `Ecuatorial` for bass or unison chorus, 8 brass, piano, organ, percussion and two theremins (revised for ondes-martenot) (1932-34)
Varese, Edgard - `Integrals` (Integrales) for 11 winds and 4 percussion (1924-25)
Varese, Edgard - `Ionisations` for percussion ensemble (1929–1931)
Varese, Edgard - `Octandre` for Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon, Trombone, Trumpet, Double-bass (1923)
Varese, Edgard - `Offrandes` on poems by Jose Juan Tablada and Vicente Uidobro for soprano and chamber orchestra (1921)
Wagner, Richard - Opera `Parsifal` (1857-82), WWV 111
Wagner, Richard - Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part I: Prologue - Opera `Das Rheingold` (1851-54), WWV 86a
Wagner, Richard - Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part II: Opera `Die Walküre`, WWV 86b
Wagner, Richard - Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part III: Opera `Siegfried` (1851-71), WWV 86c
Wagner, Richard - Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part IV: Opera `Götterdämmerung` (1848-74), WWV 86d
Webern, Anton von - (Schubert) 6 German Dances
Webern, Anton von - Bach-Webern. Musical Offering - Fuga (Ricercata)-A 6 Voci
Webern, Anton von - Cantata ¹ 2, op. 31
Webern, Anton von - Cantata ¹1, op. 29
Webern, Anton von - Concerto for nine instruments, op. 24
Webern, Anton von - Das Augenlicht (Eyesight) for mixed chorus and orchestra, op. 26
Webern, Anton von - Drei Orchesterlieder, 1913/14, AW 24
Webern, Anton von - Five Canons for high soprano, clarinet and bass clarinet in the Latin texts (1924), op. 16
Webern, Anton von - Five Pieces for Orchestra (1911), op. 10
Webern, Anton von - Five Pieces for String Quartet (1909), op. 5
Webern, Anton von - Five Sacred Songs for soprano and five instruments (1917-22), op. 15
Webern, Anton von - Passacaglia for Orchestra (1908), op. 1
Webern, Anton von - Pieces for Orchestra, AW 22
Webern, Anton von - Quartet for violin, clarinet, tenor saxophone and piano (1928—1930), op. 22
Webern, Anton von - Sechs Lieder nach Gedichten von Georg Trakl (1917-21), op. 14
Webern, Anton von - Six Pieces for large orchestra (1909), op. 6
Webern, Anton von - Symphony (1927—1928), op. 21
Webern, Anton von - Three folk texts for soprano and ensemble (1924), op. 17
Webern, Anton von - Three songs for soprano, clarinet in Es and guitar (1925), op. 18
Webern, Anton von - Two Songs for mixed choir and five instruments (1926), op. 19
Webern, Anton von - Two songs for soprano and ensemble (1910), op. 8
Webern, Anton von - Variations for Orchestra, op. 30
Webern, Anton von - Vier Lieder für Sopran und Kammerorchester (1914-18), op. 13
Webern, Anton von - `Im sîmmerwind` - Idyll for large orchestra on the poem by B. Wille (1904), AW 9
Webern, Anton von - `Slipping in light canoes` for mixed chorus (1908), op. 2
Xenakis, Iannis - Jalons for ensemble (1987)
Xenakis, Iannis - Jonchaies for symphony orchestra (1977)
Xenakis, Iannis - Thallein for chamber orchestra (1984)


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