David Willcocks (conductor)
Allegri, Gregorio -
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben`, BWV 147
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Motet `Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf`, BWV 226
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Motet `Fürchte dich nicht`, BWV 228
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Motet `Jesu mein Freude`, BWV 227
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Motet `Komm, Jesu, komm`, BWV 229
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Motet `Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden`, BWV 230
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Motet `Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied`, BWV 225
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Oratorio `Johannes-Passion` (1724), BWV 245
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Oratorio `Matthäus-Passion` (1736), BWV 244
Blow, John -
Blessed is the man
Blow, John -
God spake sometimes in visions
Byrd, William -
Mass for five voices
Byrd, William -
Mass for Four Voices
Byrd, William -
Mass for Three Voices
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine -
Messe de minuit pour noel (1690), H. 9
Faure, Gabriel -
Messe de Requiem, op. 48
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
Angelus ad Pastores ait
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
Buccinate in Neomenia tuba
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
Canzona septimi toni
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
Hodie Christus natus est
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
Hodie completi sunt
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
O Domine Jesu Christe
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
O Magnum Mysterium
Gabrieli, Giovanni -
Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus
Gibbons, Orlando -
Hosanna to the son of David
Gibbons, Orlando -
This is the record of John
Handel, George Frideric -
Chandos-Anthem ¹ 9 `O praise the Lord with one consent` (1717–18), HWV 254
Handel, George Frideric -
Coronation Anthem I `Zadok the priest`, HWV 258
Handel, George Frideric -
Coronation Anthem II `Let thy hand be strengthened`, HWV 259
Handel, George Frideric -
Coronation Anthem III `The King shall rejoice`, HWV 260
Handel, George Frideric -
Coronation Anthem IV `My heart is inditing`, HWV 261
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `L`Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato` (1740), HWV 55
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Messiah` (1741), HWV 56
Handel, George Frideric -
Psalm `Dixit Dominus` for soloists, choir and orchestra g-moll, HWV 232
Handel, George Frideric -
Song for St.Cecilia’s Day for soprano, tenor, choir, strings and continuo, HWV 76
Haydn, Joseph -
Mass `Missa in Angustiis` (`Nelsonmesse`) (1798), Hob XXII: 11
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
3 Carols for chorus (SATB), keyboard (1917), H133
Holst, Gustav Theodore -
Hymn to Dionysus for female choir and orchestra (1913), op.31/2
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Hodie beata Virgo Maria
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Litaniae de Beata Virgine Maria
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Mass `Papae Marcelli`
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Senex puerum portabat
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Stabat Mater, a 8
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da -
Tu es Petrus
Popplewell, Richard -
Organ Concerto No. 1
Popplewell, Richard -
Organ Concerto No. 2
Schutz, Heinrich -
Sacred Symphonies II. No.10 `Lobet den Herrn in seinem Heiligtum`, SWV 350
Tallis, Thomas -
Derelinquit impius
Tallis, Thomas -
Ecce tempus idoneum
Tallis, Thomas -
In ieiunio et fletu
Tallis, Thomas -
In manus tuas
Tallis, Thomas -
Lamentations (first set)
Tallis, Thomas -
Lamentations of Jeremiah (II) for five voices
Tallis, Thomas -
O nata lux de lumine
Tallis, Thomas -
Salvator mundi
Tallis, Thomas -
Sancte Deus
Tallis, Thomas -
Spem in alium
Tallis, Thomas -
Te Lucis Ante Terminum
Tallis, Thomas -
Veni Redemptor Genitum
Tallis, Thomas -
Videte miraculum
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
And all in the morning (trad. Eng. harm. RVW)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Benedicite, for soprano, choir and orchestra (1929)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Epithalamion (Edmund Spenser) for baritone, chorus, piano, solo flute and string orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Five variants of `Dives and Lazarus` for Orchestra & Harp (1939)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Joseph and Mary (trad. Eng. arr. RVW)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Mass in g-moll for unaccompanied choir (1922)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Motet `O clap your hands`
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
O little town of Bethlehem (Forest Green)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Oratorio `Sancta Civitas` (1923-1925)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Oxford Elegy for Narrator, Chorus and Orchestra (1949)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Suite Portraits of the Tudors for soloists, chorus and orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Suite `Flos Campi` for viola, chorus and orchestra (1925)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Variation on the theme of Christmas carols for baritone, chorus and orchestra
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Whitsunday Hymn (Three Choral Hymns) (1929)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
Yorkshire Wassall Song (We`ve been awhile a·wandering)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
`Hodie` - Christmas cantata for soloists, choir and orchestra (1954)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf -
`The Truth from Above` (trad. Eng. harm. RVW)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Gloria in D-dur for Soli, Choir, Orchestra and basso continuo, RV589
Walton, William -
Oratorio `Belshazzar`s Feast` (1931)