Nikolay Demidenko

Nikolay Demidenko (piano)
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Bach, Johann Sebastian - Chorale Preludes: II. Schübler Chorales (excerpts)
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chaconne from Partita ¹ 2 in D minor (BWV1004), KiV B 24
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland` (BWV599), KiV B 46
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Durch Adam`s Fall ist ganz verderbt` (BWV637/705), KiV B 27, ¹7
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf` (BWV617), KiV B 27, ¹6
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Ich ruf`zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ ` (BWV639), KiV B 27, ¹5
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `In dir ist Freude` (BWV615), KiV B 27, ¹8
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Jesus Christus, unser Heiland` (BWV665), KiV B 27, ¹9
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Komm, Gott Sch opfer, Heiliger Geist` (BWV667), KiV B 27, ¹1
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gemein` (BWV734), KiV B 27, ¹4
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Chorale `Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme` (BWV645), KiV B 27, ¹2
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Fantasia and Fugue in C minor (BWV906), KiV B 37
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Little Prelude and Fugue in E minor (BWV533 ), KiV B 26
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Prelude and Fugue in B flat major `St Anne` (BWV552), KiV B 22
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Prelude and Fugue in D Major (BWV532), KiV B 20
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major (BWV564), KiV B 29, ¹1
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s Tokkata and Fugue in D minor (BWV565), KiV B 29, ¹2
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of Bach`s: Capriccio on the departure of beloved brother (BWV992), KiV B 34
Busoni, Ferruccio - Piano transcription of the chorale by JS Bach `Nun kommt, der Heiden Heiland` (BWV 659), KiV B 27, ¹3
Chopin, Frederic - 2 Nocturnes (1835), Op. 27
Chopin, Frederic - 3 Polonaises (1827-29), Op. 71
Chopin, Frederic - Ballade No. 1 in g-moll (1831-35), Op. 23
Chopin, Frederic - Ballade No. 2 in F-dur (1836-1839), Op. 38
Chopin, Frederic - Ballade No. 3 in As-dur (1841), Op. 47
Chopin, Frederic - Ballade No. 4 in f-moll (1842), Op. 52
Chopin, Frederic - Berceuse in Des-dur (1843-44), Op. 57
Chopin, Frederic - Bolero in a-moll (1833), Op. 19
Chopin, Frederic - Concert Allegro in A-dur (1832/1841), Op. 46
Chopin, Frederic - Piano Concerto No.1 in e-moll (1830), Op. 11
Chopin, Frederic - Piano Concerto No.2 in f-moll (1829), Op. 21
Chopin, Frederic - Piano Sonata ¹3 in h-moll, Op. 58
Chopin, Frederic - Polonaise in As-dur (1821), B. 5
Chopin, Frederic - Polonaise in B-dur (1817-18), B. 3
Chopin, Frederic - Polonaise in b-moll (1826), B. 13
Chopin, Frederic - Polonaise in g-moll (1817), B. 1
Chopin, Frederic - Polonaise in Ges-dur (1829), B. 36
Chopin, Frederic - Polonaise in gis-moll (1821), B. 6
Chopin, Frederic - Polonaise-Fantasy No. 7 in As-dur, Op. 61
Chopin, Frederic - Rondo for Piano in c-moll (1825), Op. 1
Chopin, Frederic - Rondo in Es-dur (1833), Op. 16
Chopin, Frederic - Scherzo ¹ 1 in h-moll (1833), Op. 20
Chopin, Frederic - Scherzo ¹ 2 in b-moll (1837), Op. 31
Chopin, Frederic - Scherzo ¹ 4 in E-dur (1842), Op. 54
Chopin, Frederic - Scherzo ¹3 in cis-moll (1839), Op. 39
Chopin, Frederic - Tarantella for Piano in As-dur (1841), Op. 43
Chopin, Frederic - Variations on a German National Air `Der Schweizerbub` in E-dur (1827), B. 14
Chopin, Frederic - Variations on `La ci darem la mano` for piano and orchestra (1827), Op. 2
Clementi, Muzio - Sonata for piano in h-moll, op. 40/2
Liszt, Franz - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in A-dur (1839, 1848-61), S.125
Medtner, Nikolay - 2 Fairy Tales for piano (1909), op.20
Medtner, Nikolay - 2 Pieces for two pianos (1940-1945), op.58
Medtner, Nikolay - 3 Dithyrambs for piano (1898, 1904-1905, 1906), op.10
Medtner, Nikolay - Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 2 in C minor, op.50
Medtner, Nikolay - Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 3 in E minor, op.60
Medtner, Nikolay - Sonata triad for piano: Sonata-Elegy in d-moll, op.11/2
Medtner, Nikolay - Theme with variations for piano in C sharp minor (1933), op.55
Medtner, Nikolay - `Forgotten Motifs` (`Vergessene Weisen`) for piano. Cycle I (1916–1922), op.38
Medtner, Nikolay - `Forgotten Motifs` (`Vergessene Weisen`) for piano. for piano. Cycle II – `Lyrical Motifs` (1918-1920), op.39
Mendelssohn, Felix - Fantasy for Ðiano in fis-moll (1833), op. 28
Prokofiev, Sergey - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 D flat major (1911-12), op. 10
Prokofiev, Sergey - Concerto for piano and orchestra No.2 in G minor (1923), op. 16
Prokofiev, Sergey - Concerto for piano and orchestra No.3 in C major (1917-21), op. 26
Prokofiev, Sergey - Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 4 in B-flat major (for left hand) (1931), op. 53
Prokofiev, Sergey - Concerto for piano and orchestra ¹ 5 in G major (1932), op. 55
Prokofiev, Sergey - `Fugitive`, the twenty pieces for piano (1915-17), op. 22
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Suite ¹ 2 for Two Pianos, op.17
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Symphonic dances for 2 pianos, op.45
Schubert, Franz - 4 Impromptus for Piano, Op. 90, D 899
Schubert, Franz - 4 Impromptus for Piano, Op.142, D 935
Schubert, Franz - Drei Klavierstucke (`Drei Impromptus aus dem Nachlass`), D 946
Schubert, Franz - Fantasia `Wanderer-Fantasie` in C-dur, Op.15, D 760
Schumann, Robert - Humoresque for piano in B-dur (1839), Op. 20
Schumann, Robert - Piano Sonata No.1 in fis-moll (1833-35, 1844), Op. 11
Schumann, Robert - Piano Sonata No.3 in f-moll (1836, 1853), Op. 14
Scriabin, Alexander - 4 plays, Op. 51
Scriabin, Alexander - Parts of works
Scriabin, Alexander - Piano Sonata ¹ 2 (Sonata-fantasy) in G sharp minor (1892-1897), Op. 19
Scriabin, Alexander - Piano Sonata ¹ 9 (1911-13), Op. 68
Scriabin, Alexander - Poem `To the Flame` for piano (1914), Op. 72
Weber, Carl Maria von - Konzertstuck for Piano and Orchestra in f-moll (1821), op. 79
Weber, Carl Maria von - Piano Concerto No.1 in C-dur (1810), op. 11
Weber, Carl Maria von - Piano Concerto No.2 in Es-dur (1812), op. 32

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