Mikhail Vavich (vocals)
Abaza, Erast Ageevitch -
`Utro tumannoe` (Misty Morning), a romance (I.Turgenev)
Alyakrinsky, Sergey -
Among the woods and fields
Anonymous, -
Russian Folk Music
Borisov, Boris -
I remember the day
Feldman, Yakov Lazarevich -
Yamshchik, ne goni loshadei (`Coachman, do not whip the horses`), romance
Perrote, Maria -
Romance `It is so quiet`
Radomsky-Kolchak, V.Y. -
Fetters of Love
Schmidthof, Anatoly -
I Can Not Stop To Grieve
Shilovskaya, Maria -
We Parted, poem by M. Lermontov
Vilinsky, Alexandr -
No, No, Do not Speak, romance