First movement reappeared 2 years later in the Utrecht Jubilate HWV 279 as `Be ye sure that Lord he is God.`. Slow middle section formed the basis for the final chorus of `Alcina` HWV 34 in 1735

1. A mirarvi io son intento
2. Ma l`amor per mio tormento
3. E vibrando in un baleno

1. A mirarvi io son intento
occhi cari del mio ben
perch`in voi ride il contento
e in voi splende ogni seren.

2. Ma l`amor per mio tormento
si nasconde in quelle luce.

3. E vibrando in un baleno
del suo stral l`ardente face
mi consuma e mi disface.

Italian Duet `A mirarvi io son intento`, HWV 178 (Handel)
Recorded: May 2002, Paris.

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