Kadzuchito Yamashita (guitar)
Abaza, Erast Ageevitch -
`Utro tumannoe` (Misty Morning), a romance (I.Turgenev)
Aguado, Dionisio -
Anonymous, -
20th century
Asencio, Vicente -
Collectici intim
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Aria `Gib dich zufrieden und sei stille`, BWV 511
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Aria `Komm, susser Tod`, BWV 478
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Chorale prelude `Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten`, BWV 691
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Chorale Preludes: I. `Orgelbuchlein` (exerpts), BWV 599-644
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Lute Suite in c-moll, BWV 997
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Lute Suite in e-moll, BWV 996
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Minuet - Doubtful Works, BWV Anh. 121
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Minuet in a-moll, BWV Anh. 120
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Minuet in G-dur, BWV Anh. 116
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Musett in D-dur, BWV Anh. 126
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Partita for Flute Solo in a-moll, BWV 1013
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Partita for Violin Solo No.1 in h-moll, BWV 1002
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Partita for Violin Solo No.2 in d-moll, BWV 1004
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Partita for Violin Solo No.3 in E-dur, BWV 1006
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Parts of compositions
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Polonaise in d-moll, BWV Anh. 128
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Polonaise in g-moll, BWV Anh. 119
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Prelude for lute in c-moll, BWV 999
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Prelude, Fugue, and Allegro for Lute Es-dur, BWV 998
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Sonata for Violin Solo No.1 in g-moll, BWV 1001
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Sonata for Violin Solo No.2 in a-moll, BWV 1003
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Sonata for Violin Solo No.3 in C-dur, BWV 1005
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Suite for Cello solo No.1 in G-dur (1720), BWV 1007
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Suite for Cello solo No.2 in d-moll (1720), BWV 1008
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Suite for Cello solo No.3 in C-dur (1720), BWV 1009
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Suite for Cello solo No.4 in Es-dur (1720), BWV 1010
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Suite for Cello solo No.5 in c-moll (1720), BWV 1011
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Suite for Cello solo No.6 in D-dur (1720), BWV 1012
Barrios, Agustin -
Cathedral (La Catedral)
Bazzini, Antonio -
The Dance of the Goblins (La ronde des lutins), Scherzo fantastique for violin and piano (1852), op. 25
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Piano Concerto in D-dur (1807), op. 61a
Boccherini, Luigi -
Quintet for Guitar and Strings No.4 in D-dur `Fandango`, G.448
Boccherini, Luigi -
Quintet for Guitar and Strings No.6 in G-dur, G.450
Borodin, Alexander -
The musical painting `In Central Asia` (1880), AB 32
Britten, Benjamin -
Nocturnal (after John Dowland) for Guitar (1963), op. 70
Carey, Ross -
A Wish, for Guitar
Carey, Ross -
Carulli, Ferdinando -
Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra in A-dur, op. 8a
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
24 Caprichos de Goya, op.195
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra No. 2 in C major, op.160
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra ¹ 1 in D-dur, op. 99
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Concerto for Two Guitars and Orchestra, op.201
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Escarraman, suite of Spanish dances from the 16th century, op.177
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Quintet for Guitar and String Quartet, op.143
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Rondo for guitar, op.129
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Sonata for Guitar `Omaggio a Boccherini`, op. 77
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Tarantella, op. 87b
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Variations a travers les siecles (1932), op. 71
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
Variations plaisantes sur un petit air populaire, op. 95
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario -
`Capriccio Diabolico` (Omaggio a Paganini) for guitar, op. 85a
Cimarosa, Domenico -
Serenade for Flute & Guitar
Debussy, Claude -
La Petite Suite (1886), L 65
Debussy, Claude -
Parts of compositions
Dvorak, Antonin -
Symphony No.9 e-moll `From The New World` (1893), op. 95
Fortea, Daniel -
Fortea, Daniel -
Fossa, Francois de -
Fantasia for Guitar No. 1, Op. 5
Fossa, Francois de -
Four Divertimentod for Guitar Op. 8
Fossa, Francois de -
Tyrolean Variations Op. 1
Francaix, Jean -
Fujiie, Keiko -
Fujiie, Keiko -
Cold Waves. Red Blood
Fujiie, Keiko -
Three Poems
Giuliani, Mauro -
Concert for Guitar and Orchestra No.1 in A-dur, op. 30
Giuliani, Mauro -
Gran Duo Concertante for Flute and Guitar, op. 85
Giuliani, Mauro -
Grand Concert Duet for flute and guitar, op. 52
Giuliani, Mauro -
Grande ouvertura, op. 61
Haug, Hans -
Ivanov-Kramskoy, Alexander -
Liszt, Franz -
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 2 in cis-moll, S.244/2
Manen, Juan -
Fantasia-Sonata, op. A-22
Martin, Frank -
Quatre pieces breves
McCartney, Paul -
A Taste Of Honey
McCartney, Paul -
P.S. I Love You
Milhaud, Darius -
`Segoviana` for guitar (1957), op.366
Mompou, Federico -
Suite compostelana for Guitar
Mussorgsky, Modest -
Pictures at an Exhibition, cycle of pieces for piano (1874), MM 59
Paganini, Niccolo -
Concert Sonata for Violin and Guitar in A-dur (1803), MS 2 (op.61)
Ponce, Manuel -
Fragments and Parts of Works
Ponce, Manuel -
Sonata for Guitar No.1 `Classical` (Dedication by F. Sor)
Ponce, Manuel -
Sonata for Guitar ¹ 3 (1927)
Ponce, Manuel -
Sonata for Guitar ¹2 `Romantic` (1929)
Ponce, Manuel -
Sonata for Guitar ¹4 `Mexican` (1923)
Poulenc, Francis -
Sarabande for Guitar, FP179
Pujol, Emilio -
El abejorro Estudio (Bumblebee, etude)
Ravel, Mauãice -
Pavane pour une infante dåfunte (for Piano (1899); Orchestra (1910)), M 19
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay -
`Scheherazade`, symphonic suite (1888), op. 35
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
`Concierto de Aranjuez` for Guitar and Orchestra (1939)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
`Fantasia para un gentilhombre` for guitar and orchestra (1954)
Rodrigo, Joaquin -
`Invocación y danza` (Hommage a Manuel de Falla, 1961) for guitar
Rossini, Gioachino -
Andante and Variations on a theme from the opera `Tancredi» `Di tanti palpiti` for Flute and Harp in F-dur (1820), GR V.11
Ruiz-Pipo, Antonio -
Cancion y Danza No. 1
Sagreras, Julio Salvador -
El Colibri
Sagreras, Julio Salvador -
Santorsola, Guido -
Preludio No.1
Savio, Isaias -
Cajita de musica
Sibelius, Jean -
Music for the play by Adolf Paul `King Christian II` (1898), op. 27
Sor, Fernando -
24 Exercices très faciles, op.35
Sor, Fernando -
24 Pezzi progressivi, op.44a
Sor, Fernando -
24 Progressive Lessons for Beginners, op.31
Sor, Fernando -
25 Progressive Etudes, op.60
Sor, Fernando -
3 Easy Duets, op.55/1
Sor, Fernando -
3 Easy Duets, op.55/2
Sor, Fernando -
3 Easy Duets, op.55/3
Sor, Fernando -
6 Petites Pièces for Guitar (1828), op.32
Sor, Fernando -
6 Waltzes, op.39
Sor, Fernando -
6 Waltzes, op.44b
Sor, Fernando -
6 Waltzes for guitar op.18, op.18
Sor, Fernando -
6 Waltzes for guitar, Op. 17, op.17
Sor, Fernando -
8 small pieces for guitar, op.24
Sor, Fernando -
A la Bonne Heure, Six Waltzes, op.51
Sor, Fernando -
Caprice, op.50
Sor, Fernando -
Divertimento, op.62
Sor, Fernando -
Divertimento, op.61/2
Sor, Fernando -
Divertimento for two guitars, op.38
Sor, Fernando -
Divertimento, Op. 61 ¹ 1, op.61/1
Sor, Fernando -
Divertimento, Op. 61 ¹ 3, op.61/3
Sor, Fernando -
Elegiac fantasy, op.59
Sor, Fernando -
Est-ce bien qa Six Pieces, op.48
Sor, Fernando -
Fantaisie for guitar No. 6 ”Les adieux”, op.21
Sor, Fernando -
Fantaisie for guitar No. 7 (1828), op.30
Sor, Fernando -
Fantaisie for guitar No. 8 on Scottish air Ye Banks and Braes o` Bonnie Doon, op.40
Sor, Fernando -
Fantaisie for guitar No. 9 `Souvenir d`amitie`, op.46
Sor, Fernando -
Fantaisie for guitar No.10 Villageouise, op.52
Sor, Fernando -
Fantaisie for guitar No.11 `Souvenirs d`une soiree a Berlin`, op.56
Sor, Fernando -
Fantasia for 2 guitars, op.54b
Sor, Fernando -
Fantasia for Guitar No. 1, op. 4
Sor, Fernando -
Fantasia for Guitar No. 2 (1814), op. 7
Sor, Fernando -
Fantasia for Guitar No. 3, op.10
Sor, Fernando -
Fantasia for Guitar No. 4, op.12
Sor, Fernando -
Fantasia for Guitar No. 5, op.16
Sor, Fernando -
Fantasy op.58, op.58
Sor, Fernando -
Folia (theme and four variations), op.15a
Sor, Fernando -
Grand Sonata for Guitar No.1, op.22
Sor, Fernando -
Grand Sonata for Guitar No.2 in c-moll, op.25
Sor, Fernando -
Great solo, op.14
Sor, Fernando -
Introduction and V. on -Gentil Housard, op.27
Sor, Fernando -
Introduction and V. on -Que ne suis-je la fourgere, op.26
Sor, Fernando -
Introduction and Variations on `Malborough s`tn va-t-en guerre`, op.28
Sor, Fernando -
Introduction, Theme and Variations, op.20
Sor, Fernando -
Les deux amis, Fantasie for 2 guitars, op.41
Sor, Fernando -
Military Divertimento, op.49
Sor, Fernando -
Morceau de Concert, op.54a
Sor, Fernando -
Pieces de Societe, op.36
Sor, Fernando -
Serenade for Guitar, op.37
Sor, Fernando -
Six Bagatelles, Mes Ennuis, op.43
Sor, Fernando -
Six Divertimentos for Guitar, op. 1
Sor, Fernando -
Six Divertimentos for Guitar, op. 2
Sor, Fernando -
Six Divertimentos for Guitar, op.13
Sor, Fernando -
Six Petites Pieces, op. 5
Sor, Fernando -
Six Petites Pieces, op.47
Sor, Fernando -
Six Pieces,Voyons si c`est ca, op.45
Sor, Fernando -
Six small pieces for guitar, op.42
Sor, Fernando -
Six Waltzes and Gallop, op.57
Sor, Fernando -
Sonata C-dur, op.15b
Sor, Fernando -
Ten Divertimentos, op.23
Sor, Fernando -
Trois Pieces de Societe, op.33
Sor, Fernando -
Variations on a six arias from operas by Mozart`s `The Magic Flute`,, op.19
Sor, Fernando -
Variations on a Theme from `The Magic Flute` by Mozart (1821), op. 9
Sor, Fernando -
`Le premier pas vers moi` - Duet, op.53
Sor, Fernando -
`L`Encouragement` - Duet, op.34
Sor, Fernando -
`Souvenir de Russie`, Fantasie for 2 guitars, op.63
Stravinsky, Igor -
Ballet `L’oiseau de feu` (1910), K010
Takemitsu, Toru -
Tarrega, Francesco -
16 Preludes for guitar, TF. 73
Tarrega, Francesco -
Recuerdos de la Alhambra (1899), TF.102
Terzi, Benvenuto -
Ninna Nanna
Tippett, Michael -
The Blue Guitar - Sonata for Solo Guitar
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No. 1 in e-moll (1929), W235 / 1
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No. 2 in A-dur, W235 / 2
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No. 3 in D-dur, W235 / 3
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No. 4 in G-dur, W235 / 4
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No. 5 in C-dur, W235 / 5
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No. 7 in E-dur, W235 / 7
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No. 8 in cis-moll, W235 / 8
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No.10 in h-moll, W235 /10
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar No.11 in e-moll, W235 /11
Villa-Lobos, Heitor -
Etude for Guitar ¹12 in a-moll, W235 /12
Vinao, Alejandro -
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto for lute, 2 violins and basso continuo in D-dur, RV 93
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.1 `Spring` for violin, strings and continuo in E-dur, RV269 (op.8/1)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.2 `Summer` for violin, strings and basso continuo in g-moll, RV315 (op.8/2)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.3 `Autumn` for violin, strings and basso continuo in F-dur, RV293 (op.8/3)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Concerto `Four seasons` No.4 `Winter` for violin, strings and basso continuo in f-moll, RV297 (op.8/4)
Yamada, Koscak -
Yoshimatsu, Takashi -
2 small pieces for guitar
Yoshimatsu, Takashi -
Sonata for Guitar `Sky color Tensor`, op. 52
Yoshimatsu, Takashi -
Wind color Vector for Guitar (1991), op. 48
Yoshimatsu, Takashi -
`Litmus Distance` for Guitar (1980), op. 10
Yoshimatsu, Takashi -
`Water color Scalar` for Guitar (1993), op. 57