Janet Baker

Janet Baker (contralto)
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Bach, Johann Sebastian - Aria `Bist du bei mir`, BWV 508
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Arias
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens`, BWV 148
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott`, BWV 80
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort`, BWV 126
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Geist und Seele wird verwirret`, BWV 35
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Gott soll allein mein Herze haben`, BWV 169
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn und Schild` (1725), BWV 79
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben`, BWV 102
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben`, BWV 147
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Ich habe genug` (1727), BWV 82
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Man singet mit Freuden vom Sieg`, BWV 149
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem`, BWV 159
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust`, BWV 170
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 1 [The Birth], BWV 248 (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 2 [The Annunciation to the Shepherds], BWV 248 (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 3 [The Adoration of the Shepherds], BWV 248 (3)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 5 [The Journey of the Magi], BWV 248 (5)
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Magnificat in D-dur (1732/1735), BWV 243
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Màss in h-moll, BWV 232
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Concert Aria `Ah, perfido` for Soprano and Orchestra, op. 65
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Mass in C major, op. 86
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Missa Solemnis for 4 Soloists, Choir, Orchestra and Organ in D-dur (1819-23), op.123
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Symphony No. 9 in d-moll for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra `Ode an die Freude` (1822-24), op.125
Bellini, Vincenzo - Opera `I Capuleti ed i Montecchi` (1830), B I. 6
Berkeley, Lennox Randal Francis - Five Poems of W. H. Auden, op. 53
Berlioz, Hector - Cantata `Herminie` for soprano and orchestra (1828), H 29
Berlioz, Hector - Cléopâtre, scène lyrique for soprano and orchestra (1829), H 36
Berlioz, Hector - Opera dilogy `Les Troyens` (1856-58), H133
Berlioz, Hector - Opera dilogy `Les Troyens` (arias, fragments)
Berlioz, Hector - Opera `Béatrice et Bénédict` (1862), H138
Berlioz, Hector - Sacred Trilogy `The Childhood of Christ` (1853-54), op. 25
Berlioz, Hector - Song Cycle `Feuillets d`album` (1850), op. 19 (H 121)
Berlioz, Hector - Song Cycle `Les Nuits d`été` (1841), op. 7 (H 81)
Berlioz, Hector - Song `La Captive` for voice and piano (or orchestra), op. 12 (H 60)
Berlioz, Hector - `Ireland` (nine Irish songs, 1829), H 38 (op. 2b)
Berlioz, Hector - `La Damnation de Faust` - Dramatic Legend for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra (1846), op. 24
Bononcini, Giovanni Battista - Aria `Deh più a me non v`ascondete`
Brahms, Johannes - 2 Gesänge for Voice, Viola and Piano (1863/1884), Op. 91
Brahms, Johannes - 4 Gesänge (1860–66), Op. 43
Brahms, Johannes - 6 Lieder (1884–85), Op. 97
Brahms, Johannes - Rhapsody (the text by Goethe) for Contralto, Male Chorus and Orchestra (1869), Op. 53
Brahms, Johannes - Romanzen und Lieder, Op. 84
Brahms, Johannes - `Liebeslieder` - 18 Waltzes for 4 soloists and piano 4 hands (1869), Op. 52
Britten, Benjamin - Cantata `Phaedra` for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1976), op. 93
Britten, Benjamin - Canticle ¹2 `Abraham and Isaac` for alto and tenor voices and piano (1952), op. 51
Britten, Benjamin - Folk Songs (volume I): British Isles - ¹ 1 `The Salley Gardens` (1941)
Britten, Benjamin - Folk Songs (volume I): British Isles - ¹ 4 `O can ye sew cushions?` (1941)
Britten, Benjamin - Folk Songs (volume III): British Isles - ¹ 6 `O Waly, Waly` (1945/46)
Britten, Benjamin - Folk Songs (volume III): British Isles - ¹ 7 `Come You Not From Newcastle?`
Britten, Benjamin - Opera `Owen Wingrave` (1971), op. 85
Britten, Benjamin - Opera `The Rape of Lucretia` (1946), op. 37
Caccini, Giulio - Le nuove musiche: Madrigale `Amarilli, mia bella`
Caldara, Antonio - Aria `Come raggio di sol`
Caldara, Antonio - Opera `La costanza in amor vince l`inganno` (arias)
Cavalli, Pietro Francesco - Opera `La Calisto` (1651)
Cesti, Pietro Antonio - Opera `Orontea` (arias)
Chausson, Ernest - `Chanson perpétuelle` (1898), op. 37
Chausson, Ernest - `Poème de l`amour et de la mer` for Voice and Orchestra(1882-90; 1893), op. 19
Delage, Maurice - Quatre poèmes hindous (1912)
Dunhill, Thomas - Song `Cloths of Heaven` for Voice & Piano, op. 30, ¹ 3
Dunhill, Thomas - Song `To the Queen of Heaven`
Durante, Francesco - Canzona `Danza, danza, fanciulla gentile`
Elgar, Edward - Ode `The Music Makers` for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra (1912), op. 69
Elgar, Edward - Oratorio `The Dream of Gerontius`, op. 38
Elgar, Edward - `Sea Pictures` - Song Cycle for Contralto & Orchestra (or Piano), op. 37
Faure, Gabriel - Cinq melodies `de Venise`, based on poems by Paul Verlaine (1891), op. 58
Faure, Gabriel - Four Songs, op. 39
Faure, Gabriel - Messe de Requiem, op. 48
Faure, Gabriel - Two Songs, op. 83
Finzi, Gerald - Song cycle for Voice & Piano `Let Us Garlands Bring` (Words by Shakespeare), op.18
Gibbs, Armstrong - Song `By a Bier–side` (1924)
Gibbs, Armstrong - Two Elizabethan Songs (1922): ¹ 1 `Love is a sickness`, op. 44, ¹ 1
Giordani, Giuseppe - Song `Caro mio ben` (1785)
Gluck, Christoph Willibald - Opera `Alceste` (arias)
Gluck, Christoph Willibald - Opera `Orfeo ed Euridice` (arias)
Gluck, Christoph Willibald - Opera `Paride ed Elena` (overture, arias, fragments)
Gounod, Charles - Serenade (Victor Hugo, 1855-57)
Gurney, Ivor - Song `I will go with my father a-ploughing` for Voice & Piano in e-moll (1921)
Gurney, Ivor - `Elizas` - Elizabethan Songs for Voice & Pianî
Handel, George Frideric - Cantata `Ah! crudel, nel pianto mio`, HWV 78
Handel, George Frideric - Cantata `Armida abandonata`, HWV 105
Handel, George Frideric - Cantata `La Lucrezia` (`O Numi eterni`), HWV 145
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Admeto, Re di Tessaglia` (1727), HWV 22
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Ariodante` (1735), HWV 33
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Ariodante` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Atalanta` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Orlando` (1733), HWV 31
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Rodelinda` (1725), HWV 19
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Rodelinda` (arias), HWV 19
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Xerxes` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Hercules` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Joshua` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Psalm `Dixit Dominus` for soloists, choir and orchestra g-moll, HWV 232
Haydn, Joseph - Scena di Berenice, Hob XXIVa:10
Haydn, Joseph - `Ariadne auf Naxos`, cantata for soprano and orchestra (1789), Hob XXIVa: Anh.
Head, Michael - Song `The Piper`
Holst, Gustav Theodore - A Choral Fantasia, op.51
Howells, Herbert - Song `Come Sing and Dance` for Voice & Piano (1927)
Howells, Herbert - Song `King David` for Voice & Piano (1919)
Ireland, John - Five Sixteenth Century Poems (1938)
Ireland, John - Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy (1925)
Liszt, Franz - Song `Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh` for voice and piano, S.306
Liszt, Franz - Song `Der du von dem Himmel bist` for voice and piano, S.279
Liszt, Franz - Song `Die Loreley` for voice and piano (1854-56), S.273
Liszt, Franz - `Bouquet to the Virgin in May`, 2 songs: ¹1 `Das Veilchen` (Violet) (1857), S.316/1
Lotti, Antonio - Arietta `Pur dicesti, o bocca bella`
Mahler, Gustav - 5 Rückert Songs
Mahler, Gustav - Song Cycle `Des Knaben Wunderhorn` (1887-90)
Mahler, Gustav - Song Cycle `Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen`
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 2 `Auferstehung` in c-moll for Soprano, Contralto, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony-cantata `Das Lied von der Erde` a for tenor, alto/baritone and orchestra (1910)
Mahler, Gustav - `Kindertotenlieder`, a song cycle (1901-04)
Marcello, Benedetto - Arias
Martini, Jean Paul Egide - Romance `Plaisir d’Amour` (1784)
Mendelssohn, Felix - 6 songs (1834-36), op. 34
Mendelssohn, Felix - Lied `Der Blumenkranz`, MWV K 44
Mendelssohn, Felix - Lied `Ich hoer` ein Voeglein`, MWV K 107
Mendelssohn, Felix - Oratorio `Elijah` (1846), op. 70
Mendelssohn, Felix - Psalm 42 `Wie der Hirsch schreit`, op. 42
Mendelssohn, Felix - Six Songs (1830/34), op. 19a
Mendelssohn, Felix - Six Songs (1839), op. 47
Mendelssohn, Felix - Six Songs (1841/45), op. 99
Mendelssohn, Felix - Six Songs (1842-47), op. 71
Mendelssohn, Felix - Three Songs, op. 84
Mendelssohn, Felix - Twelve Songs (1824-28), op. 8
Mendelssohn, Felix - Twelve Songs (1829-30), op. 9
Mendelssohn, Felix - `Infelice` - Concert Aria for Soprano and Orchestra (1834/1842), op. 94
Monteverdi, Claudio - Aria `Si dolce è `l tormento`, SV332
Monteverdi, Claudio - Scherzi musicali cioè arie et madrigali (1632): ¹1 Maledetto sia l`aspetto, SV246
Monteverdi, Claudio - Scherzi musicali cioè arie et madrigali: ¹2 `Quel sguardo sdegnosetto`, SV247
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `Cosi fan tutte` (1789), KV588
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `Cosi Fan Tutte` (overtures, arias, fragments), KV588
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `La Clemenza di Tito` (1791), KV621
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Rechitative & Rondo `Chio mi scordi di te - Non temer, amato bene` for soprano, piano and orchestra (1786), KV505
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Requiem in d-moll (1791), KV626
Paisiello, Giovanni - Opera `L`amor contrastato, o sia La molinarella` (arias)
Piccinni, Niccolo - Opera `Le faux Lord` (arias)
Purcell, Henry - Hymn `Lord, what is man?` (published 1693), Z 192
Purcell, Henry - Opera `Dido and Aeneas`, Z 626
Purcell, Henry - Opera `Dido and Aeneas` (arias)
Purcell, Henry - Sleep, Adam, sleep and take thy rest (1688), Z 195
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Tragédie en musique `Hippolyte et Aricle` (1733, rev. 1742), RCT 43
Ravel, Mauãice - Song Cycle `Sheherazade` for Soprano (or Tenor) & Orchestra (1903), M 41
Ravel, Mauãice - `Chansons madåcasses` for Soprano, Flute, Cello and Piano (1925-26), M 78
Ravel, Mauãice - `Ðoems de Stephane Mallarme` (1913), M 64
Respighi, Ottorino - Cantata `La Sensitiva` - poem by P. B. Shelley (1915), P. 104
Respighi, Ottorino - Sunset (Il Tramonto) (1914), poem by P. B. Shelley, P. 101
Respighi, Ottorino - `Aretusa`, poem for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1911), P. 95
Sarro, Domenico Natale - Aria `Sen Corre L`agnelletta`
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Aria `Sento nel core`
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Aria `Spesso vibra per suo gioco`
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Opera `L`honestà negli amori` (arias)
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Gurre Lieder` for soloist, chorus and orchestra (1900, orchestrated 1911)
Schubert, Franz - 7 Lieder `Das Fräulein vom See`: ¹ 1 - Ellens Song I (`Raste, Krieger, Krieg ist aus`), îð. 52, ¹ 1, D 837
Schubert, Franz - 7 Lieder `Das Fräulein vom See`: ¹ 2 - Ellens Song II (`Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!`), îð. 52, ¹ 2, D 838
Schubert, Franz - Chorus `Begrabnisslied`, D 168
Schubert, Franz - Duett `Hermann und Thusnelda`, D 322
Schubert, Franz - Duett `Licht und Liebe` (M. von Collin), D 352
Schubert, Franz - Duett `Selma und Selmar`, D 286b
Schubert, Franz - Mignons Song `Kennst du das Land` (Goethe), D 321
Schubert, Franz - Parts of compositions
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `An die Sonne`, D 439
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Der Tanz`, D 826
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Des tages weihe` (`Schicksalslenker`), D 763
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Die Geselligkeit` (Lebenslust, 1818), D 609
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Gebet`, opus posth. 139, ¹ 1 (1824), D 815
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Gott der Weltschöpfer`, D 986
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Gott im Ungewitter`, D 985
Schubert, Franz - Quartet `Hymne an den Unendlichen`, D 232
Schubert, Franz - Singspiel `Claudine von Villa Bella` (arias, fragments), D 239
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Flüchtling`, D 402
Schubert, Franz - Song `Abendstern` (”Was weilst du einsam an dem Himmel”), D 806
Schubert, Franz - Song `Am Grabe Anselmos` (”Daß ich dich verloren habe”) (Op.6/3), D 504
Schubert, Franz - Song `Am Tage aller Seelen (”Ruh in Frieden alle Seelen”), D 343
Schubert, Franz - Song `Amalia`, D 195
Schubert, Franz - Song `An den Fruehling`, D 587
Schubert, Franz - Song `An den Mond`, D 296
Schubert, Franz - Song `An die Nachtigall` (Claudius), D 497
Schubert, Franz - Song `An die untergehende Sonne` (”Sonne, du sinkst”), Op.44, D 457
Schubert, Franz - Song `An Herrn Josef von Spaun, Assessor in Linz (Epistel)`, D 749
Schubert, Franz - Song `Antigone und Oedip`, D 542
Schubert, Franz - Song `Atys` (”Der Knabe seufzt”), D 585
Schubert, Franz - Song `Auf dem See` (”Und frische Nahrung”) (Op.92/2), D 543
Schubert, Franz - Song `Auflösung` (”Verbirg dich, Sonne”), D 807
Schubert, Franz - Song `Augenlied`, D 297
Schubert, Franz - Song `Berthas Lied in der Nacht` (Grillparzer), D 653
Schubert, Franz - Song `Blumenlied` (”Es ist ein halbes Himmelriech”), D 431
Schubert, Franz - Song `Cronnan`, D 282
Schubert, Franz - Song `Das Geheimnis`, D 250
Schubert, Franz - Song `Das Mädchen` from cycle `Abendröte`, D 652
Schubert, Franz - Song `Das Rosenband`, D 280
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Alpenjäger` (”Willst du nicht das Lämmlein hüten?”) (Op.37/2), D 588
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Fischer`, D 225
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Jüngling am Bache` I, D 30
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Jüngling und der Tod` (”Die Sonne sinkt”) (2 version), D 545
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Musensohn` (”Durch Feld und Wald zu schweifen”) (Op.92/1), D 764
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Pilgrim` (”Noch in meines Lebens Lenze”) (Op.37/1), D 794
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Sieg` (”O unbewölktes Leben!”), D 805
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Tod und das Mädchen` (”Vorüber, ach vorüber”) (Op.7/3), D 531
Schubert, Franz - Song `Die Erwartung`, D 159
Schubert, Franz - Song `Die junge Nonne` op. 43 No. 1, D 828
Schubert, Franz - Song `Die Manner sind mechant`, D 866/3 (op.95)
Schubert, Franz - Song `Entzückung an Laura`, D 390
Schubert, Franz - Song `Erster Verlust`, D 226
Schubert, Franz - Song `Frühlingsglaube` (”Die Linden Lüfte”) op.20/2, D 686
Schubert, Franz - Song `Gondelfahrer` I (”Es tanzen Mond und Sterne”), D 808
Schubert, Franz - Song `Gretchen am Spinnrade`, D 118
Schubert, Franz - Song `Heidenröslein`, Op.3/3, D 257
Schubert, Franz - Song `Heimliches Lieben`, op. 106/1, D 922
Schubert, Franz - Song `Hektors Abschied`, D 312b
Schubert, Franz - Song `Iphigenia`, D 573
Schubert, Franz - Song `Lied`, D 284
Schubert, Franz - Song `Meeres Stille`, D 216
Schubert, Franz - Song `Memnon` (”Den Tag hindurch nur einmal”) (Op.6/1), D 541
Schubert, Franz - Song `Minnelied` (”Holder klingt der Vogelsang”), D 429
Schubert, Franz - Song `Misero pargoletto`, D 42
Schubert, Franz - Song `Nähe des Geliebten`, D 162
Schubert, Franz - Song `Rastlose Liebe`, Op.5/1, D 138
Schubert, Franz - Song `Schäfers Klagelied`, D 121à
Schubert, Franz - Song `Schlaflied` (”Es mahnt der Wald”) (”Schlummerlied”) (Op.24/2), D 527
Schubert, Franz - Song `Schwestergruss` (Im Mondenschein wall ich auf und ab), D 762
Schubert, Franz - Song `Sehnsucht`, D 636
Schubert, Franz - Song `Sehnsucht` (”Ach, aus dieses Tales Gründen”) (2nd version) (Op.39), D 636
Schubert, Franz - Song `Ständchen` (`Zögernd leise`) 1 version, D 920
Schubert, Franz - Song `Suleika II`, D 717
Schubert, Franz - Song `Suleika I` (Was bedeutet die Bewegung) (Willemer), D 720
Schubert, Franz - Song `Szene aus Faust`, D 126/2
Schubert, Franz - Song `Thekla` (Eine Geisterstimme) (Schiller), D 73
Schubert, Franz - Song `Wanderers Nachtlied I` op. 4/3, by Goethe, D 224
Schubert, Franz - Song `Wiegenlied` (”Wie sich der Äuglein kindlicher Himmel”), D 867 (op.105/2)
Schubert, Franz - Song `Wonne der Wehmut`, D 260
Schubert, Franz - Songs `Die Götter Griechenlands (”Schöne Welt, wo bist du”) (2 versions), D 677
Schubert, Franz - Stimmübungen, D 619
Schubert, Franz - Vier Gesänge aus `Wilhelm Meister` von Goethe: ¹ 1 `Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt`, D 877/1 (op.62/1)
Schubert, Franz - Vier Gesänge aus `Wilhelm Meister` von Goethe: ¹ 2 `Heiß mich nicht reden`, D 877/2 (op.62/2)
Schubert, Franz - Vier Gesänge aus `Wilhelm Meister` von Goethe: ¹ 4 `Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt `, D 877/4 (op.62/4)
Schubert, Franz - Vier Gesänge aus `Wilhelm Meister` von Goethe: ¹3 `So lasst mich scheinen`, D 877/3 (op.62/3)
Schubert, Franz - Zwei Szenen aus dem Schauspiel `Lacrimas`: ¹ 1 Lied der Delphine (`Ach, was soll ich beginnen`), D 857/1
Schumann, Robert - Liederkreis. Zwoelf Gesaenge for voice and piano by J. von Eichendorff, Op. 39
Stradella, Alessandro - Aria `Ragion sempre addita`
Strauss, Richard - Opera `Ariadne auf Naxos` (1911-1912; 1915-1916), op. 60
Strauss, Richard - Opera `Der Rosenkavalier` (1909-1910), op. 59
Tippett, Michael - Oratorio `A Child Of Our Time` (1939—1941)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Five Mystical Songs - for baritone, chorus and orchestra (1911)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Four Last Songs (1954-58): ¹ 2 - `Tired`
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Song Cycle `The House of Life` (1904)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Song `Linden Lea` (1901)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Songs of Travel
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - `Hodie` - Christmas cantata for soloists, choir and orchestra (1954)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Four Religious Pieces
Verdi, Giuseppe - Requiem (1874)
Vivaldi, Antonio - Gloria in D-dur for Soli, Choir, Orchestra and basso continuo, RV589
Wagner, Richard - 5 songs on poems by Mathilde Vezendonk (1857-58), WWV 91
Walton, William - Opera «Troilus and Cressida» (1954)
Warlock, Peter - (Scottish) Balulalow (`I come from hevin to tell`, 1919 ?)
Warlock, Peter - Song `Pretty ring-time` (1925)
Warlock, Peter - Song `Rest sweet nymphs` (1922)
Warlock, Peter - Song `Sleep` (1922)
Warlock, Peter - Song `The Jolly Shepherd` (1927)
Warlock, Peter - `Seven Songs of Summer ` (1928)


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