Anonymous, -
16th Century
Anonymous, -
17th century
Anonymous, -
17th century Music from the collections of John Playford (England)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Lute Suite in E-dur, BWV 1006a
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Lute Suite in g-moll, BWV 995
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Sonata for Violin Solo No.1 in g-moll, BWV 1001
Bacheler, Daniel -
A Galliard upon a galliard by John Dowland (App.2)
Bacheler, Daniel -
A Gallyard `To Plead my faith` (25)
Bacheler, Daniel -
A Pavin (18)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Almaine (35)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Courante (36)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Courante (37)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Danielles Jigger
Bacheler, Daniel -
En me revenant (43)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Fantaisie (1)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Fin de galliarde (42)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Bacheler, Daniel -
Galliard (13b)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Galliard (21)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Galliard (23)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Galliard (27)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Galliard (32)
Bacheler, Daniel -
La jeune fillette (41)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Mounsiers Almaine
Bacheler, Daniel -
Bacheler, Daniel -
Pavan (10)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Pavan (13a)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Pavan (2)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Pavan (6)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Prelude (47)
Bacheler, Daniel -
Prelude (48)
Bacheler, Daniel -
To plead my faith, song
Bacheler, Daniel -
Volta (38)
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
De mon triste displaisir
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasia XL
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasia XXVIII
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasia XXXVI
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 16
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 20
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 21
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 3
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 31
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 33
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 38
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 39
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 41
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 56
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 58
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 63
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 64
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 66
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy for solo Lute ¹ 83
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy III
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Fantasy VI
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Las je my plains
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Mon pere si ma marie
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
O bone Jesu
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Pourquoy allez vous seullette
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Quand`io penso al martire
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Que voulez vous dire de moi
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Reveillez moy
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar for solo Lute ¹ 10
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar for solo Lute ¹ 13
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar for solo Lute ¹ 4
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar for solo Lute ¹ 8
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar LI
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar V
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar XXX
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Ricercar XXXIV
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Tu discois que je mourroye
Canova da Milano, Francesco -
Vignon vignetta
Conradi, Johann Georg -
Opera `Ariadne` (1691)
Dalla-Gostena, Giovanni Battista -
Fantasia Duodecima
Dalla-Gostena, Giovanni Battista -
Lute fantasia III
Dalla-Gostena, Giovanni Battista -
Lute fantasia VIII
Dalla-Gostena, Giovanni Battista -
Lute fantasia XXV
Dalla-Gostena, Giovanni Battista -
`Susane un jour...` [Orlando di Lasso]
Danyel, John -
Passing Measures Galliard
deLalande, Michel-Richard -
Concert d`Esculape (1683), S.134
deLalande, Michel-Richard -
Divertissement `Fountains of Versailles` (1683), S.133
deLalande, Michel-Richard -
Suite No. 5 in B Flat Major from the `Symphonies pour les Soupers du Roy`, S.159
Dowland, John -
A Coye Gigge
Dowland, John -
A Coye Joye, P. 80
Dowland, John -
A Dream, P. 75
Dowland, John -
A Fancy, P. 72
Dowland, John -
A Fancy (Fantasie No.5), P. 5
Dowland, John -
A Fancy (Fantasie No.6), P. 6
Dowland, John -
A Fancy (Fantasie No.7), P. 7
Dowland, John -
A Fantasia, P. 71
Dowland, John -
A Fantasie, P. 1a
Dowland, John -
A Fantasie (Fantasie No.1), P. 1
Dowland, John -
A Galliard, P. 82
Dowland, John -
A Galliard on Walsingham, P. 31
Dowland, John -
A Jig, P. 38
Dowland, John -
A Varietie of Lute Lessons: Lady Clifton`s Spirit, P. 45
Dowland, John -
Adew for Master Oliver Cromwell, P. 13
Dowland, John -
Almain, P. 51
Dowland, John -
Almain, P. 49
Dowland, John -
Dowland, John -
Aloe, P. 68
Dowland, John -
An Almand, P. 96
Dowland, John -
As I went to Walsingham
Dowland, John -
Book IV. Love, those beams that breed (1612)
Dowland, John -
Book IV. To ask for all thy love
Dowland, John -
Book IV. Were every thought an eye (1612)
Dowland, John -
Capitain Candishe his Galyard, P. 21
Dowland, John -
Captain Digorie Piper`s Galliard, P. 19
Dowland, John -
Captayne Pipers Galliard, P. 88
Dowland, John -
Come away, P. 60
Dowland, John -
Complaint, P. 63
Dowland, John -
Coranto, P.100
Dowland, John -
Doulands rounde battell galyarde, P. 39
Dowland, John -
Dowland`s First Galliard, P. 22
Dowland, John -
Dowland`s Galliard, P. 20
Dowland, John -
Dr. Cases pavan, P. 12
Dowland, John -
Farewell (Fantasie No.3), P. 3
Dowland, John -
Forlorn Hope Fancy (Fantasie No.2), P. 2
Dowland, John -
Fortune my foe, P. 62
Dowland, John -
Gagliarda, P.103
Dowland, John -
Galliard, P. 35
Dowland, John -
Galliard, P. 27
Dowland, John -
Galliard, P.104
Dowland, John -
Galliard, P. 30
Dowland, John -
Galliard, P. 76
Dowland, John -
Galliard to Lachrimae, P. 46
Dowland, John -
Galliard Upon A Galliard Of Daniel Bachelar, P. 28
Dowland, John -
Galliard [on `Awake sweet love`, set by Fr. Cutting], P. 93
Dowland, John -
Go from my Window, P. 64
Dowland, John -
Hasellwoods Galliard (Anthony Holborne), P. 84
Dowland, John -
Lachrimae Pavan, P. 15
Dowland, John -
Lady Hunsdon`s Puffe, P. 54
Dowland, John -
Lord Strange`s March, P. 65
Dowland, John -
Lord Willoughby’s welcome home
Dowland, John -
Loth to Depart, P. 69
Dowland, John -
M. Giles Hobies galiard, P. 29
Dowland, John -
Mayster Pypers Pavyn, P. 8
Dowland, John -
Melancholy galliard, P. 25
Dowland, John -
Mignarda, P. 34
Dowland, John -
Mistris Norrishis Delight, P. 77
Dowland, John -
Mistris Whittes thinge, P. 50
Dowland, John -
Mounsieur`s Almaine
Dowland, John -
Mr. Dowland`s Midnight, P. 99
Dowland, John -
Mr. Knights Galliard, P. 36
Dowland, John -
Mr. Langton`s Galliard, P. 33
Dowland, John -
Mrs Brigide fleetwoods paven, P. 11
Dowland, John -
Mrs Cliftons Allmaine, P. 53
Dowland, John -
Mrs. Nichols Almain, P. 52
Dowland, John -
Mrs. Vaux`s Galliarde, P. 32
Dowland, John -
Mrs. Whites nothing, P. 56
Dowland, John -
Mrs. Winters jump, P. 55
Dowland, John -
My Ladie Riches, His Galliard, P. 43a
Dowland, John -
My Lord Chamberlain, His Galliard
Dowland, John -
My Lord Willobies wellcome home, P. 66
Dowland, John -
My Lord Willobies wellcome home, P. 66a
Dowland, John -
Orlando sleepeth, P. 61
Dowland, John -
Pavan, P. 18
Dowland, John -
Pavan, P. 16
Dowland, John -
Pavan La mia Barbara, P. 95
Dowland, John -
Pavana, P. 94
Dowland, John -
Pavana (Johann Daniel Mylius)
Dowland, John -
Pavana Dowlandi Angli (Johann Daniel Mylius)
Dowland, John -
Pavin (Moritz, Landgrave of Hesse; arr. Dowland)
Dowland, John -
Prelude, P. 98
Dowland, John -
Queene Elizabeth, her Galliard, P. 97
Dowland, John -
Robin is to the Greenwood Gone, P. 70
Dowland, John -
Semper Dowland, Semper Dolens, P. 9
Dowland, John -
Sir Henry Guilforde, his Almaine
Dowland, John -
Sir Henry Umptons Funerall
Dowland, John -
Sir John Langton`s Pavan, P. 14
Dowland, John -
Sir John Smith`s almain, P. 47
Dowland, John -
Sir John Souche`s Galliard, P. 26
Dowland, John -
Sir Thomas Monson, his Galliard (Robert Dowland)
Dowland, John -
Sir Thomas Monson, his Pavana (Robert Dowland)
Dowland, John -
Solus cum sola, P. 10
Dowland, John -
Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No. 2, Sweet, stay awhile, why will you rise?
Dowland, John -
Songs from the collection `A Pilgrimes Solace` (1612): No. 5, Shall I strive with words to move
Dowland, John -
Squires Galliard
Dowland, John -
Suzanna Galliard, P. 91
Dowland, John -
Tarletons Willy, P. 81
Dowland, John -
Tarleton`s Riserrectione, P. 59
Dowland, John -
The Earl of Derbies Galliard, P. 44
Dowland, John -
The Earl of Derby, His Galliard, P. 44a
Dowland, John -
The Earl of Essex Galliard (set by Daniel Bachelar), P. 89
Dowland, John -
The Earl of Essex, His Galliard `Can She Excuse`, P. 42
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹ 4 `If my complaints`
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹11 `Come away, come sweet love`
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹15 `Wilt thou unkind thus reave me`
Dowland, John -
The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹19 `Awake, sweet love`
Dowland, John -
The Frog Galliard, P. 23
Dowland, John -
The Lady Laiton`s almain, P. 48
Dowland, John -
The Lady Russells Paven, P. 17
Dowland, John -
The most hight and mightie Christianus, the fourth King of Denmark, his Gaillard, P. 40
Dowland, John -
The most sacred Queene Elizabeth, her Gaillard, P. 41
Dowland, John -
The Right Honourable Robert, Earl of Essex, his Galliard, P. 42a
Dowland, John -
The Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Lisle, his Galliard, P. 38
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 1 `I saw my Lady weep`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 2 `Flow my tears`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 3 `Sorrow, sorrow, stay`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹12 `Fine knacks for ladies`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹19 `Shall I sue`
Dowland, John -
The Shoemaker`s Wife (A Toy), P. 58
Dowland, John -
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 6. `When Phoebus first did Daphne love`
Dowland, John -
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 7. `Say, Love, if ever thou didst find`
Dowland, John -
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹15. `Weep you no more, sad fountains`
Dowland, John -
The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹16. `Fie on this faining!`
Dowland, John -
Une Jeune Fillette, P. 93
Dowland, John -
Wallsingham, P. 67
Dowland, John -
What if a day, P. 79
Dowland, John -
`Tremolo` Fancy, P. 73
Dowland, Robert -
“A Musicall Banquet” (1610). 17. Song `Vuestros ojos tienen d`Amor` (Your eyes have Love, but I don`t know)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso -
Spanish Pavane, The
Handel, George Frideric -
Cantata `Clori, Tirsi e Fileno`, HWV 96
Handel, George Frideric -
Cantata `Sarei troppo felice` (1707), HWV 157
Henry VIII, Tudor -
Pastyme with good Companie
Jenkins, John -
Consort in G-dur
Jenkins, John -
Consort Six Bells in C-dur
Jenkins, John -
Suite-Fantasy ¹ 2 in a-moll
Jenkins, John -
Suite-Fantasy ¹ 6/1 ib F-dur
Jenkins, John -
Suite-Fantasy ¹ 6/2 in F-dur
Jenkins, John -
Suite-Fantasy ¹ 8 in C-dur
Jenkins, John -
Suite-Fantasy ¹ 8 in D-dur
Jenkins, John -
Suite-Fantasy ¹10 in e-moll
Johnson, John -
A Dump
Johnson, John -
Johnson, John -
Lavecheo Galliard
Johnson, John -
Lavecheo pavin
Johnson, John -
Sellengers Rounde
Johnson, John -
The Flatt pavion
Johnson, John -
The Galyard to the flatt pavion
Johnson, John -
The New Hunt is Up
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo -
Bergamasca (Libro quarto d`intavolatura di chitarrone, 1640), Libro I di chitarrone
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo -
Canario (Libro primo d`intavolatura di lauto, 1611), Libro I di lauto
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo -
Colascion (Libro quarto d`intavolatura di chitarrone, 1640), Libro IV di chitarrone
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo -
Galliard I (Libro primo d`intavolatura di lauto, 1611), Libro I di lauto
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo -
Toccata I (Libro primo d`intavolatura di lauto, 1611), Libro I di lauto
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo -
Toccata-arpegiatta (Libro IV d`intavolatura di chitarrone), Libro IV di chitarrone
Lawes, William -
The Royall Consort No. 1 in d-moll
Lully, Jean-Baptiste -
Theseus, opera (1675), LWV 51, LWV 51
Lully, Jean-Baptiste -
`Psyche`, opera (1678), LWV 56, LWV 56
Molinaro, Simone -
Ballo detto il Conte Orlando
Molinaro, Simone -
Canzone a quattro di Gioseppe Guami
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia I (prima)
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia III (terza)
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia IX (nona)
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia V (quinta)
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia VIII (ottava)
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia XIV (decima quarta)
Molinaro, Simone -
Fantasia XV (decima quinta)
Molinaro, Simone -
Frais e Gaillard [Canzone francese di Clemens non Papa]
Molinaro, Simone -
Gagliarda in tre modi
Molinaro, Simone -
Pass`e mezo in sei modi
Molinaro, Simone -
Pass`e mezo in tre modi
Molinaro, Simone -
Saltarello del predetto ballo
Molinaro, Simone -
Saltarello I (primo)
Molinaro, Simone -
Saltarello II (secondo)
Molinaro, Simone -
Saltarello IV (quarto)
Molinaro, Simone -
Saltarello VI (sesto)
Molinaro, Simone -
Saltarello VII (settimo)
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Folias Italianas
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Jakaras por la E
Mursia, Santiago de -
La Cadena
Mursia, Santiago de -
La Jota
Mursia, Santiago de -
Las Penas
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mariones por la B
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Otros canarios
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Preludio Grabe (Corelli)
Mursia, Santiago de -
Mursia, Santiago de -
Una Giga de Corelli
Mursia, Santiago de -
Neusidler, Melchior -
Ancor che col partire (Cipriano De Rore)
Neusidler, Melchior -
Beschaffens gluck ist unversammpt
Neusidler, Melchior -
Cara mia dolce stella (Hans Leo Hassler)
Neusidler, Melchior -
Chi passa per sta strada
Neusidler, Melchior -
Der Dorisanen Dantz mit Hupffauff
Neusidler, Melchior -
Der Fuggerin Dantz
Neusidler, Melchior -
Fantasia super Ancor che col partire
Neusidler, Melchior -
Fantasia XXI
Neusidler, Melchior -
Neusidler, Melchior -
Herr Gott nun sey gepreyset
Neusidler, Melchior -
Ich gieng einmal spatzieren
Neusidler, Melchior -
Joseph, lieber Joseph mein
Neusidler, Melchior -
Nun lob mein Seel den Herrn (Psalm 103)
Neusidler, Melchior -
O felici occhi miei (Arcadelt)
Neusidler, Melchior -
O s`io potessi donna (Jacquet de Berchem)
Neusidler, Melchior -
Pass`e mezzo antico con il suo saltarello
Neusidler, Melchior -
Pass`e mezzo e Saltarello
Neusidler, Melchior -
Ricercar secondo
Neusidler, Melchior -
Ricercar Terzo
Neusidler, Melchior -
Ung gai bergier (Thomas Crequillon)
Neusidler, Melchior -
Wann ich des Morgens fruh auffsteh
Neusidler, Melchior -
Wie mocht ich frohlich werden
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Achas & Buelta del Hacha, dance with torches for the ceremony
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Bacas, the dance of the shepherds
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Chaconas y Marionas, Argentine and Spanish dances
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Espanoletta, the dance of the 16th century
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Folias, the dance in Italian style
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Gallardas, gallant Spanish dance
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Pabanas, the dance of the 16th century
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Paradetas, the dance with the stop-time paradas
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Pasacalles, Baile dance in the improvisation style
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Rugero, Dance of the Knights
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Villanos, peasant dance
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Xacaras por primer tono, the urban dance of Baile
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Zarabandas, South American dance
Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de -
Zarambeques, Mexican dance of Negro slaves
Rippe, Alberto de -
Fantasie IX
Rippe, Alberto de -
Fantasie VIII
Rippe, Alberto de -
Fantasie XXII
Rippe, Alberto de -
l`Eccho (Gentian)
Rippe, Alberto de -
O passi sparsi (Costanza Festa)
Rippe, Alberto de -
`Or vien ça vien mamie Perrette`
Robinson, Thomas -
A Toy
Robinson, Thomas -
Fantasy for Two Lutes
Robinson, Thomas -
The Queen`s Good Night
Robinson, Thomas -
Twenty Waies Upon the Bells
Severino, Giulio -
Fantasia sopra Susane un jour
Steffani, Agostino -
Opera `Niobe, Regina di Tebe` (1688)
Stradella, Alessandro -
Ferma il corso e torna al lido, cantata
Stradella, Alessandro -
Frena, o Filli, il fiero orgoglio, cantata
Stradella, Alessandro -
Fuor della Stigia sponda, Cantata from Orfeo
Stradella, Alessandro -
Non havea il sole ancora, cantata
Stradella, Alessandro -
Si salvi chi puo, cantata
Stradella, Alessandro -
Sinfonia ¹ 12
Stradella, Alessandro -
Sinfonia ¹ 22
Vallet, Nicolas -
Allemande Fortune Helas Pourquoy
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Bouree d`Avignon
Vallet, Nicolas -
Carillon de village
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Courante De Mars
Vallet, Nicolas -
Courante La Vallette
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Fantasie la Mendiante
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Gaillarde Du Comte Essex
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
La Chacona
Vallet, Nicolas -
La Princesse
Vallet, Nicolas -
La Sarabande Espagnolle
Vallet, Nicolas -
Les Pantalons
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Onder de Lindegrone
Vallet, Nicolas -
Onse Vader In Hemelryck
Vallet, Nicolas -
Passemeze En B Mol
Vallet, Nicolas -
Pavanne en forme de complainte
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Vallet, Nicolas -
Slaep Soete Slaep
Vallet, Nicolas -
Soet Robbert
Vallet, Nicolas -
Une Jeune Fillette