Jean-Yves Thibaudet (piano)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Concerto for three harpsichords and strings in d-moll, BWV 1063
Beethoven, Ludwig van -
Concerto for Violin, Cello, Piano & Orchestra in C-dur (1803-04), op. 56
Bellini, Vincenzo -
Sei ariette (1829), B II. 5
Berlioz, Hector -
Song Cycle `Feuillets d`album` (1850), op. 19 (H 121)
Bernstein, Leonard -
Symphony ¹ 2 for piano and orchestra `The Age of Anxiety` (1947-1949)
Bizet, Georges -
Opera `Carmen` (overtures, arias, fragments), WD 31
Caccini, Giulio -
Le nuove musiche: Madrigale `Amarilli, mia bella`
Caccini, Giulio -
Nuove musiche e nuova maniera di scriverle: Aria `Al fonte, al prato`
Caccini, Giulio -
Nuove musiche e nuova maniera di scriverle: Aria `Tu ch`hai le penne, amore`
Chopin, Frederic -
Ballade No. 1 in g-moll (1831-35), Op. 23
Chopin, Frederic -
Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9/2
Debussy, Claude -
Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1889-91), L 73
Desplat, Alexandre -
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, soundtrack (2011)
Donizetti, Gaetano -
Songs and Romances
d`Indy, Vincent -
Symphonie sur un chant montagnard francais for piano and orchestra (1886), op. 25
Faure, Gabriel -
Sonata for Violin and Piano ¹1 in A-dur, op. 13
Gershwin, George -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in F-dur (1925)
Giordani, Tommaso -
Arietta `Caro mio ben`
Grieg, Edvard -
Cello Sonata in a-moll, op.36
Grieg, Edvard -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in a-moll, op.16
Grieg, Edvard -
Intermezzo in A minor for Cello and Piano (1866?), EG 115
Honegger, Arthur -
Concertino for Piano and Orchestra (1924), H 55
Khachaturian, Aram -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in Des-dur (1936), op. 38
Liszt, Franz -
(Gounod) Piano transcription of Waltz from `Faust` (1861), S.407
Liszt, Franz -
(Mozart) Fantasie über Themen aus `Figaro` und `Don Giovanni` for piano (1842), S.697
Liszt, Franz -
(Tchaikovsky) Piano transcription of Polonaise from `Eugene Onegin` (1879), S.429
Liszt, Franz -
(Verdi) Paraphrase de concert on a Theme from the opera `Rigoletto` for piano (1855-59?), S.434
Liszt, Franz -
(Wagner) 3 fragments from `Lohengrin` for piano (1854), S.446
Liszt, Franz -
(Wagner) Piano transcription of the `Spinnerlied` from `The Flying Dutchman` (1860), S.440
Liszt, Franz -
(Wagner) Piano transcription of `Isolda`s Liebestod` from `Tristan and Isolda` (1867), S.447
Liszt, Franz -
(Wagner) Piano transcription of `Î, du mein holder Abendstern` from `Tannhauser` (1849), S.444
Liszt, Franz -
3 Caprices-Valses for piano: No. 3 - Valse de concert on themes from `Lucia di Lammermoor` and `Parisina` by G. Donizetti (1850-52), S.214/3
Liszt, Franz -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1830-56), S.124
Liszt, Franz -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in A-dur (1839, 1848-61), S.125
Liszt, Franz -
Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes for piano and orchestra (1852-55), S.123
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh` for voice and piano, S.306
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Blume und Duft` for voice and piano, S.324
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Der du von dem Himmel bist` for voice and piano, S.279
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Die drei Zigeuner` for voice and piano, S.320
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Du bist wie eine Blume` for voice and piano, S.287
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Einst` (Happened) for voice and piano (1878), S.332
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Es war ein König in Thule` for voice and piano (1842), S.278
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Freudvoll und leidvoll` for voice and piano (1849), S.280
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Hohe Liebe` for voice and piano, S.307
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Ich möchte hingehn` for voice and piano, S.296
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Ihr Auge` for voice and piano (1843-49), S.310
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Im Rhein, im schönen Strome` for voice and piano, S.272
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Lasst mich ruhen` for voice and piano, S.317
Liszt, Franz -
Song `O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst` for voice and piano, S.298
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Und wir dachten der Toten` (We Thought of the Dead) for voice and piano (1871?), S.338
Liszt, Franz -
Song `Wieder möcht` ich dir begegnen` for voice and piano, S.322
Liszt, Franz -
`Mignons Lied`: `Kennst du das Land` for voice and piano (1860), S.275
Liszt, Franz -
`Totentanz` - Paraphrase über Dies irae for piano and orchestra, 2nd version (1852-59), S.126ii
Mendelssohn, Felix -
17 Variations sérieuses for piano (1841), op. 54 (MWV U 156)
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Andante and Rondo Capriccioso for piano (1830), op. 14
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in g-moll (1831), op. 25
Mendelssohn, Felix -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in d-moll (1837), op. 40
Messiaen, Olivier -
Turangalîla-Symphonie (1946-48, rev. 1990)
Messiaen, Olivier -
`Oiseaux exotiques` for Piano and Ensemble (1955-56)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Arietta `Oiseaux, si tous les ans` for voice and piano (1777), KV307 (284d)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Opera `Le Nozze di Figaro` (overtures, arias, fragments), KV492
Myaskovsky, Nikolay -
Sonata for Cello and Piano No.1 (1911, 1931), op.12
Ogerman, Claus -
Duo lirico
Ogerman, Claus -
Ogerman, Claus -
Preludio and Chant
Ogerman, Claus -
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Sonata for Cello and Piano (1901), op.19
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Two pieces for cello and piano. Dedicated to AA Brandukov. 1892., op. 2
Ravel, Mauãice -
Pavane pour une infante dåfunte (for Piano (1899); Orchestra (1910)), M 19
Ravel, Mauãice -
Piano Concerto ¹ 1 in G-dur (1929-31), M 83
Ravel, Mauãice -
Prelude for Piano (1913), M 65
Ravel, Mauãice -
Serenade grotesque for piano (1893), M 5
Ravel, Mauãice -
Sonatina for Piano in fis-moll (1903-05), M 40
Ravel, Mauãice -
`A la maniere...` for piano (1912-13), M 63
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Gaspard de la nuit` three poems by Aloysius Bertrand (1908), M 55
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Jeux d eau` for piano (1901), M 30
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Le Tombeau de Couperin` Suite for Piano (1914-17), M 68
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Miroirs`, cycle of pieces for piano (1904-05), M 43
Ravel, Mauãice -
`Valses nobles et sentimentales` for piano (1911), orchestra (1912), M 61
Rossini, Gioachino -
Canzonetta spagnuola «En medio a mis colores» (1821), GR IV.15
Rossini, Gioachino -
Canzonetta `Mi lagnerò tacendo`, GR IV.33
Rossini, Gioachino -
Opera `Zelmira` (1822) (arias), EC 33
Rossini, Gioachino -
`Sins of old age` (1857-68): Vol 2, ¹11 - Ballad-elegy` L`orphéline du Tyrol `(Orphan from Tyrol), QR 21
Saint-Saens, Camille -
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.5 `Egyptian` in F-dur (1896), op.103
Satie, Erik -
Allegro for piano (1884), ES 1
Satie, Erik -
Arriere-Propos (1912), ES 127
Satie, Erik -
Chapitres tournes en tous sens (1913), ES 133
Satie, Erik -
Cinema (1924), ES 204
Satie, Erik -
Cinq grimaces pour Le songe d’une nuit d’ete (1915), ES 161
Satie, Erik -
Danses Gothiques (1893), ES 31
Satie, Erik -
Desespoir Agreable, Counterpoint Excercise (1908), ES 102
Satie, Erik -
Deux Choses (1909), ES 107
Satie, Erik -
Douze petits chorals (1906-1909), ES 103
Satie, Erik -
Enfantillages pittoresques (1913), ES 140
Satie, Erik -
Fantasie-valse for piano (1885), ES 3
Satie, Erik -
Fete donnee par des chevaliers normands en l`honneur d`une jeune demoiselle (1892), ES 25
Satie, Erik -
Fugue-Valse for piano (1906), ES 90
Satie, Erik -
Gnossienne ¹ 6 for piano (1897), ES 46
Satie, Erik -
Gnossienne ¹ 7 (1891), ES 20B
Satie, Erik -
Gnossiennes (1889-1897), ES posth. R
Satie, Erik -
Heures seculaires et instantanees (1914), ES 152
Satie, Erik -
Je te veux (1897), ES 51
Satie, Erik -
La Diva de Empire for piano (1904), ES 76b
Satie, Erik -
Le Fils des etoiles (Preludes) (1891/1896), ES 20A
Satie, Erik -
Le Grand Singe (1909), ES 114
Satie, Erik -
Le Piccadilly, marsh for piano (ca. 1900), ES 78A
Satie, Erik -
Le Poisson Reveur, ES 63
Satie, Erik -
Le prisonnier maussade (1909), ES 113
Satie, Erik -
Legende Californienne (1905), ES 82
Satie, Erik -
Leit-Motiv Du Panthee for piano (1891), ES 18
Satie, Erik -
L`enfance de Ko-Quo (1913), ES 137
Satie, Erik -
Modere for piano (1893), ES 40
Satie, Erik -
Monkey dances [7] for Le Piège de Méduse (`lyric comedy`), for piano (1913), ES 128A
Satie, Erik -
Nocturne No. 6 for piano (1919), ES 179
Satie, Erik -
Nocturnes (1919), ES 175
Satie, Erik -
Nouvelles Pieces Froides (New Cold Pieces) (1907), ES 94
Satie, Erik -
Ogives (1886-88), ES 9
Satie, Erik -
Passacalle for piano (1906), ES 92
Satie, Erik -
Petite Ouverture a Danser (1897), ES 47
Satie, Erik -
Pieces Froides (Cold Pieces), six pieces for piano (1897), ES 49
Satie, Erik -
Poudre d`or, valse for piano (1901), ES 66
Satie, Erik -
Pousse l`amour (chanson Andalouse) (1905), ES 87A
Satie, Erik -
Préludes flasques (pour un chien) (1912), ES 125
Satie, Erik -
Prelude canin (1912), ES 124
Satie, Erik -
Prelude du La mort de Monsieur Mouche (1900), ES 60A
Satie, Erik -
Prelude du Nazareen for piano (1892), ES 26
Satie, Erik -
Prelude d`Eginhard for piano (1893), ES 30
Satie, Erik -
Prelude en tapisserie for piano (1906), ES 93
Satie, Erik -
Premiere pensee Rose + Croix (1891), ES 15
Satie, Erik -
Profondeur (1909), ES 108
Satie, Erik -
Rag-time Parade (1917), ES 166A
Satie, Erik -
Reverie de l`enfance de Pantagruel (1919), ES 178A
Satie, Erik -
Sonatine Bureaucratique (1917), ES 170
Satie, Erik -
Songe-Creux (1909), ES 112
Satie, Erik -
Sonneries De La Rose + Croix (1892), ES 21
Satie, Erik -
Sports et divertissements (1914), ES 145
Satie, Erik -
Tendrement, piece for piano (1902), ES 69c
Satie, Erik -
The Angora Ox (1902), ES 68
Satie, Erik -
Trois Gnossiennes for piano (1889-90, ¹2 - 1893?), ES 13
Satie, Erik -
Trois Gymnopedies for piano (1888), ES 10
Satie, Erik -
Trois Nouvelles Enfantines (1913), ES 138
Satie, Erik -
Trois Sarabandes for piano (1887), ES 7
Satie, Erik -
Trois Véritables préludes flasques (pour un chien) (1912), ES 126
Satie, Erik -
Uspud (ballet chretien) (1892), ES 28
Satie, Erik -
Verset laique et somptueux (1900), ES 62
Satie, Erik -
Vexations for piano (1893), ES 33
Satie, Erik -
Waltz - Ballet for piano (1885), ES 2
Schubert, Franz -
Song `La pastorella al prato`, D 528
Sibelius, Jean -
2 pieces for violin (cello) and piano (1914-15), op. 77
Sibelius, Jean -
4 pieces for violin (or cello) and piano (1915-17), op. 78
Sibelius, Jean -
Duo `Malinconia` for cello and piano, op. 20
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Variations on the theme of the `Caro suono lusinghiero` from Morlacchi`s opera `Thebaldo and Izolina` for piano and orchestra (1832)
Viardot, Pauline -
Hai luli!, song
Viardot, Pauline -
Six Ìélodies et une Havanaise variée à 2 voix
Vivaldi, Antonio -
L`Adelaide, opera (fragments) (1735), RV695
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft II): ¹ 13 (1) `Im Frühling`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft II): ¹ 15 (3) `Auf einer Wanderung`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft II): ¹ 17 (5) `Der Gärtner`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft II): ¹ 23 (11) `Auf ein altes Bild`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft II): ¹ 24 (12) `In der Frühe`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 25 (1) `Schlafendes Jesuskind`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 27 (3) `Zum neuen Jahr`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 28 (4) `Gebet`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 29 (5) `An den Schlaf`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 33 (9) `Peregrina I`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 34 (10) `Peregrina II`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 36 (12) `Lebe wohl`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 39 (15) `Denk` es, o Seele!`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft IV): ¹ 46 (7) `Gesang Weylas`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft IV): ¹ 44 (5) `Der Feuerreiter`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft IV): ¹ 48 (9) `Storchenbotschaft`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft IV): ¹ 51 (12) `Bei einer Trauung`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike Lieder (Heft IV): ¹ 52 (13) `Selbstgeständnis`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike-Lieder (Heft I): ¹ 2 `Der Knabe und das Immlein`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike-Lieder (Heft I): ¹ 4 `Jägerlied`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike-Lieder (Heft I): ¹ 7 `Das verlassene Mägdlein`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike-Lieder (Heft I): ¹ 9 `Nimmersatte Liebe`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike-Lieder (Heft I): ¹12 `Verborgenheit`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike-Lieder: (Heft I): ¹ 8 `Begegnung`
Wolf, Hugo -
Mörike-Lieder: (Heft I): ¹10 `Fußreise`