Skip Sempé

Skip Sempé (harpsichord, conductor)
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Bach, Johann Sebastian - Partita for keyboard No.4 in D-dur, BWV 828
Chambonnieres, Jacques Champion de - Suite for Harpsichord in A-dur
Couperin, François - Divertissement I: Zphire modere
Couperin, François - Divertissment II: La Carte du Tendre
Couperin, François - Divertissment III: Les Amours badins
Couperin, François - Divertissment IV: Au Temple de l`Amour
Couperin, François - Divertissment V: Les Plaisirs de l`Ile Enchantee
Couperin, François - Livre 4 ordre 24 in A major
Couperin, Louis - Pavane in F-sharp minor (M 120)
Couperin, François - Prologue: L`Embarquement pour Cythere
Couperin, Louis - Suite for harpsichord A minor
Couperin, Louis - Suite for Harpsichord in d-moll
Couperin, Louis - Suite for Harpsichord in F major (II)
Dieupart, Charles - 6 suites for harpsichord, and violin (flute) and continuo ad libitum: Suite No.1 in A-dur
Dieupart, Charles - 6 suites for harpsichord, and violin (flute) and continuo ad libitum: Suite No.2 in D-dur
Dieupart, Charles - 6 suites for harpsichord, and violin (flute) and continuo ad libitum: Suite No.3 in h-moll
d`Anglebert, Jean-Henri - Tombeau de mr. de Chambonnieres
Gagliano, Marco da - Daphne, opera (1608)
Gilles, Jean - Requiem (1701)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Divertimento ¹ 1, LWV deest
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Divertimento ¹ 2, LWV deest
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Divertimento ¹ 3, LWV deest
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - George Dandin, comedie-ballet (1668), LWV 38
Marais, Marin - 32 variations on a theme of Spanish `Folia`, II, 20
Marais, Marin - L`arabesque, IV, 80
Purcell, Henry - Arias
Purcell, Henry - Chaconne g moll, Z 730
Purcell, Henry - Ground G-dur, ZD221
Purcell, Henry - Hymn `Now that the Sun hath veil`d his Light` (1688), Z 193, Z 193
Purcell, Henry - Overture g-moll, Z 772
Purcell, Henry - Pavan B-dur, Z 750
Purcell, Henry - Round-O from Abdelazer, ZT684
Purcell, Henry - Verse Anthem `My heart is inditing` (1685), Z 30
Purcell, Henry - Verse Anthem `Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me` (c. 1682–85), Z 47
Purcell, Henry - Verse Anthem `Rejoice in the Lord alway` (c. 1682–85), Z 49
Royer, Pancrace - Premier livre de pièces de clavecin: 14.La marche des scythes
Schenck, Johannes - L`écho du Danube, sonatas for viola da gamba: No. 2 in a-moll
Schenck, Johannes - Scherzi Musicali op.6. Fantasia in F-dur
Schenck, Johannes - Scherzi Musicali op.6. Suite in g-moll
Schenck, Johannes - The Nymphs of the Rhine, Sonatas for two Violas da gamba: No. 4 in A-dur

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