Paphos was a city in Cyprus sacred to Venus the goddess of love. `Reunited on the island of Paphos Venus Bacchus and Cupid decide to enliven their leisure in such a pleasant location by celebrating their first loves and this gives rise to the following three acts and the title Les fêtes de Paphos.`

Act One Vénus et Adonis
Librettist Jean-Baptiste Collet de Messine
Source the myth of Venus and Adonis

Act Two Bacchus et Érigone
Librettist Charles-Antoine le Clerc de la Bruère
Source the myth of Bacchus and Erigone

Act Three L`Amour et Psyché
Librettist Claude-Henri de Fusée de Voisenon
Source the myth of Cupid and Psyche

Îpera-ballet `Les Fetes de Paphos` (1758),  (Mondonville)
Sandrine Piau (Aglae, Erigone, L`Amour), Véronique Gens (Venus), Jean-Paul Fouchécourt (Adonis, Mercure), Olivier Lallouette (Mars, Bacchus), Peter Harvey (Comus, Tisiphone), Agnès Mellon (Psyche) // CD 1997

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