William Lincoln Christie

William Lincoln Christie (conductor)
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Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Ich armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht`, BWV 55
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel - Israel in the Desert, oratorio (1775), Wq 238
Campra, Andre - Exaudiat te Dominus, grand motet
Campra, Andre - Idomeneo, opera (1712)
Campra, Andre - Opera-ballet `Gallant Europe` (1697)
Cesti, Pietro Antonio - Lacrime mie, cantata for soprano, viola and continuo
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Acteon, pastorale (1684), H.481
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Countess d`Eskarbanya, comedy-ballet H.494, 1672, H.494
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - David et Jonathas, opera (1688), H.490
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Descent of Orpheus to hell, (1686) H.488, H.488
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Dies irae, motet (1671-72), H. 12
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - En vain, rivaux assidus, aria (1678) H.452, H.452
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Filius prodigus, H.399
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Les Antiennes “O” de l’Avent, H. 36-43
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Les arts florissants, opera (1685-86), H.487
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Litanies de la Vierge (1683-84), H. 83
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Messe de minuit pour noel (1690), H. 9
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Missa `Assumpta est Maria` for 6 voices, chorus, orchestra & continuo, H. 11
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Motet `In nativitatem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Canticum` (1684), H.414
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Motet `Te Deum`, H.146
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Noels pour les instruments H531-.534, H.531-534
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Pastorale for birth of our Lord Jesus Christ (1684), H.483
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Pastoraletta `Amor vince ogni cosa`, H.492
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - `Le malade imaginaire`, music to comedy by Jean-Baptiste Moliere (1673), H.495
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - `Les plaisirs de Versailles`, divertissement for 4 voices & orchestra (1682), H.480
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Оpera `Medea` (1693), H.491
Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo - Arias
deLalande, Michel-Richard - Cantique sur le bonheur des justes, motet, S.127
deLalande, Michel-Richard - Confitebor tibi Domine, motet (1699, 1720), S. 56
deLalande, Michel-Richard - Motet `Miserere mei Deus` (1687, 1699, 1720), S. 87
deLalande, Michel-Richard - Super flumina Babilonis (1683, 1687), S.13
deLalande, Michel-Richard - Te Deum (1684), S. 32
deLalande, Michel-Richard - Vanum est vobis ante lucem, S.101
Desmarest, Henry - Grand motet `Domine, ne in furore`
Desmarest, Henry - Grand motet `Lauda Jerusalem Dominum`
Desmarest, Henry - Grand motet `Usquequo Domine`
d`India, Sigismondo - 1st book of madrigals: 4. Crud`Amarilli, che col nom`ancora (Guarini)
d`India, Sigismondo - Madrigal Se tu, Silvio crudel
d`India, Sigismondo - Madrigal `Dorinda, ah! Diro mia`
d`India, Sigismondo - Madrigal `Ferir quel petto, Silvio?`
d`India, Sigismondo - Madrigal `Ma se con la pieta`
d`India, Sigismondo - Madrigal `Silvio, come son lassa`
d`India, Sigismondo - Terzo libro de madrigali: 2. Merce, grido piangendo
d`India, Sigismondo - Terzo libro de madrigali: 3. Quell augelin che canta
d`India, Sigismondo - Terzo libro de madrigali: 5. Lasso, dicea Fileno
Gesualdo, Carlo - Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro III. 3. Ahi, disperata vita
Gesualdo, Carlo - Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro III. 8. Sospirava il mio core
Gesualdo, Carlo - Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro III. 9. O malnati messaggi
Gesualdo, Carlo - Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro III. 11. Non t`amo, o voce ingrata
Handel, George Frideric - Concerto Grosso op.6 No. 2 F-dur, HWV 320
Handel, George Frideric - Concerto Grosso Op.6 No. 6 g-moll, HWV 324
Handel, George Frideric - Concerto Grosso Op.6 No. 7 B-dur, HWV 325
Handel, George Frideric - Concerto Grosso op.6 No.1 in G-dur, HWV 319
Handel, George Frideric - Concerto Grosso Op.6 No.10 in d-moll, HWV 328
Handel, George Frideric - Coronation Anthem III `The King shall rejoice`, HWV 260
Handel, George Frideric - Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline (1737), HWV 264
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Alcina` (1735), HWV 34
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Orlando` (1733), HWV 31
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Xerxes` (1738), HWV 40
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Belshazzar`, HWV 61
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Israel in Egypt`, HWV 54
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `L`Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato` (1740), HWV 55
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Messiah` (1741), HWV 56
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Semele` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Theodore` (1750), HWV 68
Handel, George Frideric - Te Deum ре мажор (`Queen Caroline`) (1714), HWV 280
Hasse, Johann Adolf - Cleofide, opera (1731)
Haydn, Joseph - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra C-dur (1765), Hob VIIa: 1
Haydn, Joseph - Oratorio `Die Schöpfung` (1796-98), Hob XXI: 2
Haydn, Joseph - Symphony № 84 Es-dur, Hob I: 84
Herold, Ferdinand - Opera «Zampa ou La Fiancée de Marbre» (1831)
Landi, Stefano - St. Aleksy, opera (1631)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Armida, opera (1685-86), LWV 71, LWV 71
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Atis, opera (1676), LWV 53, LWV 53
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Grand motet `Te Deum` (1677), LWV 55, LWV 55
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `Anima Christi sanctifica nos`, LWV 77/1, LWV 77/1
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `Ave coeli munus supernum`, LWV 77/2
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `Dixit Dominus, Domino meo`, LWV 77/3, LWV 77/3
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `Domine salvum fac regem`, LWV 77/4
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `Exaudi Deus`, LWV 77/5
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `Laudate Pueri Dominum`, LWV 77/7
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `O dulcissime Domine`, LWV 77/9, LWV 77/9
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Petit motet `Omnes gentes plaudite manibus`, LWV 77/10, LWV 77/10
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Theseus, opera (1675), LWV 51, LWV 51
Mehul, Etienne - Opera `Stratonica` (1792)
Mondonville, Jean Joseph - Grand Motet `De profundis` (Psalm 129) (1748)
Mondonville, Jean Joseph - Grand Motet `Dominus regnavit decorum` (Psalm 92) (1734)
Mondonville, Jean Joseph - Grand Motet `In exitu Israel` (Psalm 113) (1753)
Monteclair, Michel Pignolet de - Jephthah, opera, 1732
Monteverdi, Claudio - 6th book of madrigals (1614): № 10 Presso un fiume tranquillo, SV116
Monteverdi, Claudio - 7th book of madrigals (1619): №29 `Tirsi e Clori`, SV145
Monteverdi, Claudio - 7th book of madrigals (1619): № 4 `O come sei gentile`, SV120
Monteverdi, Claudio - 7th book of madrigals (1619): №21 `Tu dormi? Ah crudo`, SV137
Monteverdi, Claudio - 7th book of madrigals (1619): №27 `Chiome d`oro`, SV143
Monteverdi, Claudio - 7th book of madrigals: №23 `Con che soavità`, SV139
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: № 2 `Hor che`l ciel e la terra`, SV147
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: № 8 `Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo, ardo: accorrete`, SV152
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: № 9 Operatic scena `Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda` (1624), SV153
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: №13 `Mentre vaga angioletta`, SV157
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: №20 `Perche t`en fuggi, o Fillide?`, SV164
Monteverdi, Claudio - Scherzi musicali cioè arie et madrigali: №2 `Quel sguardo sdegnosetto`, SV247
Monteverdi, Claudio - Scherzi musicali cioè arie et madrigali: №3 Eri gia tutta mia, madrigal, SV248
Monteverdi, Claudio - Scherzi musicali cioè arie et madrigali: №7 `Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti`, SV251
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Mass c-moll (`Große Messe` (1782-83), KV427 (417a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Motet `Ave verum corpus` for chorus, orchestra and organ (1791), KV618
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `Die Entfuehrung aus dem Serail` (1782), KV384
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `Die Zauberflöte` (1791), KV620
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Requiem in d-moll (1791), KV626
Purcell, Henry - Opera `Dido and Aeneas`, Z 626
Purcell, Henry - Semi-opera `The Fairy Queen`, Z 629
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Ballet `La guirlande, ou Les fleurs enchantées` (1751), RCT 42
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Grand Motet `Deus noster refugium` для солистов, хора и оркестра (c 1713-15), RCT 13
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Grand Motet `In convertendo` для солистов, хора и оркестра (c1718), RCT 14
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Grand Motet `Quam dilecta` для солистов, хора и оркестра (c 1713-15), RCT 15
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera `Castor and Pollux`: drama with prologue, in five acts (1737), RCT 32
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera `Zoroastre` (1749/1756), RCT 62
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Anacreon` (1757), RCT 58
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Les fêtes d`Hébé, ou Les talents lyriques` (1739), RCT 41
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Les Indes galantes`, RCT 44
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Les Paladins` (1760), RCT 51
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Nélée et Myrthis`, RCT 50
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Pigmalion` (1748), RCT 52
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Zephyr`, RCT 61
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Tragédie en musique `Hippolyte et Aricle` (1733, rev. 1742), RCT 43
Rossi, Luigi - Oratorio per la Settimana Santa
Rossi, Luigi - Orpheus, the opera (1647)
Rossi, Luigi - Un Peccator Pentito
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon - De profundis clamavi ad te Domine, motet, SwWV 170
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon - Ecce prandium
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon - Gaude et laetare, Jerusalem, motet, SwWV 168
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon - Psalm 98: Chantez à Dieu nouveau cantique, SwWV 98


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