Joel Cohen

Joel Cohen (conductor)
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Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 119 `Como somos per conssello do démo perdudos` (CSM 119)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 370 `Loemos muit` a Virgen Santa María` (CSM 370)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 417 `Nóbre don e mui preçado foi Santa María dar a Déus` (CSM 417)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 52 `Mui gran dereit` é d` as bestias obedecer` (CSM 52)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 56 Gran dereit` é de seer (CSM 56)
Alfonso-X-eSabio, - Cantiga 90 `Sóla fústi, senlleira` (CSM 90)
Anonymous, - 12 cent. Tristan & Iseult (modern compilation)
Anonymous, - 13th century `Carmina Burana`. Medieval songs from the Benediktbeuren manuscript
Bethune, Conon de - Se raige et derverie
Bodel, Jean - Les un pin verdoyant
Born, Bertran de - Bel m`es quan vei chamjar lo senhoratge
Bornelh, Giraut de - Reis glorios
Brunet, Uc - Per melhs cobrir lo mal pes (text of Bernart de Ventadorn)
Cambrai, Rogeret de - `Nouvele amor qui si m`agrée`
Certon, Pierre - C`est grand pitye, chanson
Certon, Pierre - Sus le pont d`Avignon, Mass
Chatillon, Gautier de - Omni pene curie, Conduct
Chatillon, Gautier de - Song `Fas et nefas ambulant` (from Codex Buranus)
France, Marie de - Lai du chèvrefeuille
Juif, Mahieu le - Par grand franchise
Padilla, Juan Gutierrez de - Exsultate iusti in Domino, motet à 8
Peire, Vidal - Pos tornatz sui en Proenca
Pesstain, Chaillou de - A touz jours sanz remanoir, Rondo, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Ay, amours, tant ne dure, Ballad, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Deus roes out, Refrain, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Douce dame debonaire! Ballad, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - En ce dous temps d’este, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Fauvel est mal assegne, Rondo, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Je qui poair seule, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Plebs fidelis Francie, Conduct, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Porchier mieus estre ameroie, Rondo, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Seigneurs et dames, Refren, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Pesstain, Chaillou de - Tele gent de jour en jour viennent, Refrain, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Philippe Chancelier, - Fauvel, cogita, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Philippe Chancelier, - Inter membra singula, A novel about Fovele, c. 1316-18
Proselyte, Obadiah - Mi al har Horeb, Jewish Chant
Riquier, Guiraut - `Jesu Crist`
Rossi, Salomone - Les Cantiques de Salomon, Shir ha-Shirim
Saladin, Louis - Ñanticum hebraicum
Ventadorn, Bernart de - Can l`herba fresch`e
Ventadorn, Bernart de - Non es meravelha s`eu chan

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