Threni id est Lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae

1. De Elegia Prima
`Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae Prophetae` here begins the lamentation of the prophet Jeremiah.
Chapter 1 verses 1 2 first part 5 first part 11 last part and 20.
A Hebrew letter precedes each verse used.

2. De Elegia Tertia
Chapter 3. Hebrew letter preceding each block of three verses.
2.1 Querimonia complaint verses 16 and 1621.
2.2 Sensus spei sense of hope verses 2227 3436 4045 and 4957.
2.3 Solacium solace verses 5864.

3. De Elegia Quinta
`Oratio Jeremiae Prophetae` prayer of the prophet Jeremiah
Chapter 5 verses 1 19 and 21.
No Hebrew letters are associated with this text.

`Lamentations of Jeremiah`, oratorio for soloists, mixed chorus and orchestra to the Latin text of the Old Testament (1957-58), K089 (Stravinsky)
David Soar - bass, Magnus Staveland - tenor, Ewa Wolak - alto, Christina Landshamer - soprano, Maximilian Schmitt - tenor, Florian Boesch - bass. Collegium Vocale Gent. Rec. 2014.

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