Andres Mustonen

Andres Mustonen (conductor)
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Amiens, Guillaume of - Rondeau `Prendes i garde`
Amiens, Guillaume of - Virelai `C`est la fin quoi que nus die, j`amerai`
Anonymous, - 10th-12th centuries. Sacred Music of Croatia
Anonymous, - 12th century. `Ludus Danielis`
Anonymous, - 13th century)
Anonymous, - 13th-14th centuries. Gregorian Chants
Anonymous, - 14th century
Anonymous, - 14th century Lamento di Tristano / La rotta (Italy)
Anonymous, - 14th century. Estampie
Anonymous, - Early music: 12th-century - Ad superni regis decus
Anonymous, - Liturgical Music: Early polyphony
Arras, Moniot - Ce fut en mai
Attaingnant, Pierre - Basse dance
Attaingnant, Pierre - Basse dance `La brosse`
Attaingnant, Pierre - Basse dance `La gatta en italien`
Attaingnant, Pierre - Basse dance `La scarpa my faict mal`
Attaingnant, Pierre - Branle
Attaingnant, Pierre - Chanson
Attaingnant, Pierre - Gaillarde I
Attaingnant, Pierre - Gaillarde II
Attaingnant, Pierre - Gaillarde III
Attaingnant, Pierre - Gaillarde IV
Attaingnant, Pierre - Pavane I
Attaingnant, Pierre - Pavane II
Attaingnant, Pierre - Pavane III
Attaingnant, Pierre - Pavane IV
Attaingnant, Pierre - Pavane V
Attaingnant, Pierre - Pavane VI
Attaingnant, Pierre - Tourdion
Bertrand, Antoine de - Beaute qui, sans pareille, as des hautz cieux
Bertrand, Antoine de - Cest humeur vient de mon oeil
Bertrand, Antoine de - Hastez vous, petite folle
Bertrand, Antoine de - Jamais on n`a que tristesses
Bertrand, Antoine de - Sommeillez vous, ma belle Aurore
Bertrand, Antoine de - Vivons, mignarde, en nos amours
Bologna, Jacopo da - Aquila altera
Bologna, Jacopo da - Di novo e giunt
Bologna, Jacopo da - Lucida petra
Cluny, Odon de - Nos qui vivimus benedicimus dominum, Organum
Encina, Juan del - Todos los bienes del mundo
Firenze, Andrea da - Ballata `Presuntion da ignoranza`
Firenze, Andrea da - Ballata `Sotto candido vel`
Firenze, Lorenzo da - Dolgomi a voi maestri del mie canto
Fournival, Richard de - Onques n`amai tant que jou fui amee
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzon I `la spiritata`, C.186
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzon II a 4 del duodecimo tono, C.187
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzone a 4 (II)
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzone a 4 (III)
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzone a 5
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzone a 6 (I)
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzone a 6 (II)
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzone a 7 (I)
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Canzone a 7 (II)
Gherardello da Firenze, - I` vo` vene a chi vol bene a me, ballata
Gherardello da Firenze, - Tosto che l`alba, cacca
Guami, Gioseffo - Canzonetta a 4 (I)
Guami, Gioseffo - Canzonetta a 4 (II)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No.3 `Dialog: Ich und Du` (2018)
Guiot de Dijon, - Chanson `Chanterai por mon coraige`
Halle, Adam de la - Amours et ma dame aussi (Rondeau)
Halle, Adam de la - Fines amouretes ai Dieu
Halle, Adam de la - Or est baiars en la pasture (Rondeau)
Haydn, Michael - Requiem in c-moll (1771), MH 154
Kancheli, Giya - Helesa (2005)
Landini, Francesco - Adyou, adyou, douse dame jolie
Landini, Francesco - Angelica biltà venut`è in terra
Landini, Francesco - Che pena e questa al cor
Landini, Francesco - Duolsi la vita e l`anima
Landini, Francesco - Ecco la primavera
Landini, Francesco - Muorti oramai, deh misero dolente
Machaut, Guillaume de - Virelai V10 `De bonte, de valuor`
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Concerto for 2 Pianos and Orchestra ¹10 in Es-dur (1779/1782), KV365 (316a)
Padova, Bartolino da - La douce cere (madrigal)
Padova, Bartolino da - Per un verde boschetto
Perugia, Niccolo da - Da poi ch`el sole (cacca)
Perugia, Niccolo da - O sommo specchio (madrigal)
Podgaiskaja, Olga - The Fog, for orchestra and organ, 2014
Raskatov, Alexander - Missa Byzantina for mixed choir and large orchestra (2013)
Rimini, Vincenzo da - In forma quasi tra `l veghiar (caccia)
Vahi, Peeter - `Concerto of Light and Shadow ` for violin and orchestra (2016)
Vinier, Guillaume le - La flor d`iver sous la branche
Vivaldi, Antonio - Gloria in D-dur for Soli, Choir, Orchestra and basso continuo, RV589

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