I. Salbung in Bethanien
II. Abendmahl
III. Am Ölberg
IV. Falsches Zeugnis
V. Verhör von Kaiphas und Pilatus
VI. Überantwortung und Geißelung
VII. Kreuzigung
VIII. Grablegung
I. Salbung in Bethanien
II. Abendmahl III. Am Ölberg IV. Falsches Zeugnis V. Verhör von Kaiphas und Pilatus VI. Überantwortung und Geißelung VII. Kreuzigung VIII. Grablegung
John Elliot Gardiner
Barbara Bonney
Anne-Sofie von Otter
Andreas Schmidt
English Baroque Soloists,
Monteverdi Choir
Anthony Rolfe Johnson (Evangelist), Andreas Schmidt (Jesus), Barbara Bonney, Ann Monoyios (sopranos), Annie Sofie von Otter (alto), Michael Chance (countertenor), Howard Crook (tenor), Olaf Bar (baritone), Cornelius Hauptmann (bass).
The Monteverdi Choir. The English Baroque Soloists. Conductor John Eliot Gardiner. Archive Production. 1988.
John Elliot Gardiner
Hannah Morrison
James Gilchrist
Stephan Loges
English Baroque Soloists,
Monteverdi Choir
James Gichrist - Evangelista, Stephan Loges - Jesus. Hannah Morrison, Zoe Broolshaw, Charlotte Ashley - soprano. Reginald Mobley, Eleanor Minney - contralto. Hugo Hymas - tenor. Ashley Riches, Alex Ashworth, Jonathan Sells - bass. Trinity Boys Choir. Recorded live in Pisa Cathedral on 22 September 2016 during the Anima Mundi Festival.