Vladimir Minin (conductor)
Anonymous, -
Liturgical music Orthodox: Kheruvimskaya Pesn
Anonymous, -
Russian anonymous music of the time of Peter I
Anonymous, -
Russian Folk Music
Anonymous, -
Russian Orthodox sacred music
Anonymous, -
Russian Orthodox sacred music: Canticle
Artemiev, Eduard -
Sibiriada, music from the film
Bortniansky, Dmitriy -
Vskuyu priskorbna esi dushe moya, Russian sacred music
Butsko, Yuri -
Cantata No. 3 `Wedding Songs` (1964)
Butsko, Yuri -
Parts of compositions
Chesnokov, Pavel -
An Evening Victim, op.24¹6
Christov, DobrI -
Nyne otpushchaeshi (Requiem)
Christov, DobrI -
Praise the God`s Name
Dashkevich, Vladimir -
The Liturgy of the `Seven Lightning Flashes of the Apocalypse` for a capella choir (2006)
Diletsky, Nikolay -
Resurrection Canon
Dinev, Petr K. -
The Thief on the Cross
Dunayevsky, Isaac -
Song `March of enthusiasts` (AD `Aktil)
Gavrilin, Valeriy -
`Chimes` (After reading by V. M. Shukshin), choral symphony-performance for soloists, mixed choir, oboe, percussion and reciter (1978-1982)
Grechaninov, Alexander -
Liturgia Domestica, op. 79
Honoroff, Richard -
Symphony No. 2 [From Ashes Reborn] 1994-95
Kalistratov, Valeriy -
Kancheli, Giya -
Little Imber, for tenor, mixed choir and chamber ensemble, poem (2003)
Kancheli, Giya -
`Amao Omi`, for mixed choir and saxophone quartet (2005)
Lassus, Orlando de -
Beati quorum
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
`Vesperae solennes de confessore` for soloisten, choir and orchestra (1780), KV339
Murov, Askold -
From Siberian Folk Poetry, 1963
Murov, Askold -
`Russian portraits`, cantata for choir a cappella in 6 parts
Nikolaev-Strumsky, Apostol -
Great Doxology (Velikoe slavoslovie)
Orff, Carl -
Cantata `Carmina Burana` (1937)
Pahmutova, Alexandra -
Ode to Setting Fire
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
All-Night Vigil for mixed choir (1915), op.37
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Cantata `Spring` for baritone solo, chorus and orchestra, op.20
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for mixed choir (1910), op.31
Rachmaninov, Sergei -
Six choruses for women`s or children`s voices and piano (1895-96), op.15
Rossini, Gioachino -
Petite messe solennelle per solisti, coro misto, harmonium e 2 pianoforti (1863; 1866-1867), GR IIIa. 7
Rubin, Vladimir -
Concerto for soloist, chorus, harp and flute ( Star of Christmas)
Rubin, Vladimir -
Legend about a woman Katherine and her son George, oratorio
Schubert, Franz -
Cantata `Mirjams Siegesgesang` for soloists, chorus and piano, op.36 (1828), D 942
Schubert, Franz -
Mass No.2 in G-dur for soloists, mixed chorus, orchestra and organ, D 167
Shchedrin, Rodion -
`The Sealed Angel`, russian liturgy for chorus a cappella and pipe (flute) by Nikolai Leskov (1988), op. 75
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
Ten poems for chorus to the verses of revolutionary poets of the late XIX and early XX, op. 88
Shostakovich, Dmitriy -
`Counterplan` (1932), op. 33
Slonimsky, Sergey -
2 Russian songs for unaccompanied choir (1967) (folk words)
Stravinsky, Igor -
4 Russian peasant songs for women`s choir and 4 horns (1914-17/1954), K028
Taneyev, Sergey -
12 choirs a cappella on the poems of Polonsky (1909), op. 27
Taneyev, Sergey -
Three Tercets, Poems by F. Tyutchev (1907), op. 23
Titov, Vasiliy -
Beznevestnaya Devo
Titov, Vasiliy -
Many Years
Titov, Vasiliy -
Today the Christ
Titov, Vasiliy -
World Glory
Vecchi, Oracio -
Tick, Tack, Tock, Madrigal
Verdi, Giuseppe -
Te Deum (1896)
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Gloria in D-dur for Soli, Choir, Orchestra and basso continuo, RV589
Volkov, Kirill -
Matvei`s Joy (1985)
Zheludkov, Sergey -
Praise the Lord, O My Soul