,  (Weisberg)
Arthur Weisberg (conductor)

Jan DeGAETANI (mezzo-soprano), Michael Dash (boy soprano). The Contemporary Chamber Ensemble: George Haas (oboe and harmonica), Stephen Bell (mandolin), Susan Jolles (harp), Gilbert Kalish (electric piano and toy piano), Raymond DesRoches, Richard Fitz, Howard Van Hyning (percussion), Jacob Glick (musical saw). Recording in January 1971, New York.
The Contemporary Chamber Ensemble: Gilbert Kalish - piano, Thomas Nyfenger - flute/piccolo flute, Arthur Bloom, - clarinet/bass clarinet, Jeanne Benjamin - violin/viola, Michael Rudiakov - cello. Recorded: May 1970, New York.
The Contemporary Chamber Players. Recorded at Rutgers Presbyterian Church, New York City (USA), 1980é


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