,  (Figner (Mei))
Medea Figner (Mei) (mezzo-soprano)

Medea and Nikolai Figners, recording 1901

Lisa`s aria from the opera `The Queen of Spades`. Sings 1st performer. Year record - 1901.

1903 Petersburg, `Pathe`, Item 24081.

From the opera `Harold` - Act 5. Lullaby of Adélie. Record in 1902.

Gypsy song from the opera `Carmen`. A record from 1901 or 1902. I don`t know who`s at the piano, but someone wonderful.

Recitative and romance of Masha. Recorded in 1903.

From the opera `Werther` - Act 3. Aria of Charlotte (with piano). Record in 1901.

`Among the noisy ball`, poems of A. K. Tolstoy. Record in 1929(?).

Record in 1901.

Tosca`s aria from the opera `Tosca`. Record in 1901.

St. Petersburg, 1901.


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