Harry van der Kamp (bass)
Mrs. Hertz, singer - Magda Nador (soprano)
Countertenor - Terry Wey. Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam. Recorded: June 20-23, 2012, Glauchau, Saxony, Germany.
Harry van der Kamp, bass; Gustav Leonhardt, organ.
Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam: Nele Gramß - soprano, Marnix de Cat - countertenor, Harry van Berne - tenor. Alsfelder Vokalensemble. Hannoversche Hofkapelle. Recorded: 2009, Blankensee, Germany.
recorded in 2009 at the Netherlands
Concert from the XIX International Summer Academy of Early Music - 12.07.2012.
Goliath - Harry van der Kamp, David - Constanze Backes // recorded in 2003 in Cologne, Deutschlandfunk Sendesaal
bass [Assuerus] – Harry van der Kamp; soprano [Aman] – Monika Mauch; soprano [Hester] – Constanze Backes //
recorded between 2006-2009 at the Netherlands
recorded in 2009. in the Netherlands
recorded between 2006-2009 at the Netherlands
recorded between 2006-2009 at the Netherlands
recorded between 2006-2009 at the Netherlands
recorded between 2006-2009 in the Netherlands
Noah - Harry van der Kamp, God - Wilfried Jochens // recorded in 2003 in Cologne, Deutschlandfunk Sendesaal
recorded in 2009 at the Netherlands