,  (Baras)
Karina Baras (Born 1971)
On words by D. Kharms

Cheliste part A.Barakin

18 miniatures

Semenduev Igor,Nikitin Denis


Sonata in four movements. 1.Intensivo. 2.Meditamente. 3.Mobile. 4. Nervoso. 2007,Nizhny Novgorod



1997ã. Moscow

Romance on verses by O. Mandelstam

Unsere Einsamkeit. Our loneliness. Cycle on poems by Austrian poets for soprano, violin, viola and cello (1993)

NGK named after M.I.Glinka 22.03.2018

For violin, flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, cello and xylophone.

Polyphonic cycle for large, small and alto flutes. 1993 Performed by Andrey Malykh.

In Memory of the Victims of Political Repression. 11.10.2019. NNGK named after M. I. Glinka

`At first I was still trying to understand what this sacrament meant, but soon a dull indifference fell on me, and I felt a heaviness that these people did not feel when dragging their Chimeras on their backs.`Olga Bestuzheva (harpsichord), Olga Popova (saxophone), Sergey Ozerov (accordion)04 24 2021. NNGK named after M. I. Glinka

Anastasia Shmyga (violin)2021

For accordion and organ. (2017). Olga Bestuzheva (organ)NNGK named after M.I.Glinka. 10.04.2018


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