Johann Sebastian Bach
Cantata `Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden` (1725), BWV 6
Michael Costello (conductor)
Soprano - ñhoir, mezzo-soprano - Amanda Koopman, tenor - Ryan Townsend Strand, baritone - Douglas Anderson. Kapelle of Concordia University Chicago (Director - Dr. Charles P. Brown). Bach Cantata Vespers Orchestra of Grace. Recorded: April 25, 2011, Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois, USA.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Cantata `Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig“, BWV 26
Michael Costello (conductor)
Soprano - Maura Janton Cock, mezzo-soprano - Amanda Koopman, tenor - Ace Gangoso, baritone - Douglas Anderson. Grace Parish Choir. Grace School 5-8 Grade. Bach Cantata Vespers Orchestra. Recorded: February 26, 2023, River Forest, Illinois, USA, in the frame of Grace Lutheran Church: Bach Cantata Vespers.